Report | Wages, Incomes, and Wealth

Child care workers aren’t paid enough to make ends meet

Issue Brief #405

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Introduction and key findings

Child care workers play an important role in the U.S. economy by allowing parents of young children to pursue employment outside the home and providing children a stimulating and nurturing environment in which to learn and grow.

In recent decades families have increasingly had to rely on child care because spending more time at work has become an economic necessity for many. Over the last 35 years, most American workers have endured stagnant wages—a reality that has led many two-parent households to work significantly longer hours to cover their rising expenses (Mishel et al. 2012).

Despite the crucial nature of their work, child care workers’ job quality does not seem to be valued in today’s economy. They are among the country’s lowest-paid workers, and seldom receive job-based benefits such as health insurance and pensions. As with any other industry or occupation, paying decent wages and providing necessary benefits is essential to attract and retain the best workers.

This paper directly examines child care workers’ job quality, including how much they earn, whether they receive benefits on the job, and whether they and their families are able to make ends meet. Key findings include:

  • Child care workers are 95.6 percent female, and are disproportionately workers of color.
  • Child care workers receive very low pay.
    • The median hourly wage for child care workers is $10.31, 39.3 percent below the $17.00 median hourly wage of workers in other occupations. After accounting for demographic differences between child care workers and other workers, child care workers have hourly wages 23.0 percent lower than those of similar workers in other occupations.
  • Child care workers rarely receive job-based benefits.
    • Only 15.0 percent of child care workers receive health insurance from their job, compared with 49.9 percent of workers in other occupations. After accounting for demographic differences between child care workers and other workers, child care workers are 27.0 percentage points less likely to receive health insurance than similar workers in other occupations.
    • Only 9.6 percent of child care workers are covered by a pension plan at their job, compared with 39.0 percent of workers in other occupations. After accounting for demographic differences between child care workers and other workers, child care workers are 24.1 percentage points less likely to receive employer-provided pensions than similar workers in other occupations.
  • Child care workers have a harder time making ends meet than workers in other occupations.
    • One in seven child care workers (14.7 percent) live in families with income below the official poverty line, compared with 6.7 percent of workers in other occupations. After accounting for demographic differences between child care workers and other workers, child care workers are 5.9 percentage points more likely to be in poverty than similar workers in other occupations.
    • Over one-third (36.7 percent) of child care workers live in families with income below twice the poverty line, compared with 21.1 percent of workers in other occupations. After accounting for demographic differences between child care workers and other workers, child care workers are 10.8 percentage points more likely than similar workers in other occupations to have family income less than twice the federal poverty line.
    • The typical earnings of child care workers (excluding preschool workers) only cover between 39 percent (in Honolulu) and 104 percent (in parts of rural Nevada) of the basic family budget for one person—the amount required for one person to achieve a modest yet adequate standard of living in her community.
    • Preschool workers’ typical earnings cover between 56 percent (in the North Carolina suburbs of Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News) and 202 percent (in Owensboro, Kentucky) of their respective one-person budgets.
    • In the majority of metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas across the country, more than 90 percent of child care workers (excluding preschool workers) cannot meet their local one-person budget.
  • Many preschool and child care workers cannot afford child care for their own children.
    • In 32 states and the District of Columbia, center-based infant care costs are equal to more than one-third of typical preschool worker earnings. In other words, a preschool worker’s entire pay in those states from January through at least April would be consumed by infant care costs.
    • In 21 states and the District of Columbia, non-preschool child care workers would have to spend over half of their annual earnings to pay for center-based infant care.

Who are child care workers?

Child care workers make up a small but significant share of the overall workforce. This workforce is difficult to count. A study based on data from the National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE 2013) finds that there are approximately 2 million teachers and caregivers providing child care in center-based and home settings (not counting the estimated 2.7 million unpaid home-based teachers and caregivers).

According to our analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group data, there are 1.2 million child care workers in the economy today, including workers caring for children in day care centers, in preschools, as nannies, through religious organizations, and in numerous other facilities.1 While together they only constitute about 1.1 percent of all workers, they comprise a much larger share of certain groups of workers. For example, 2.3 percent of all female workers are child care workers.

Table 1 displays the demographic characteristics of child care workers compared with all other workers. Child care workers are largely female; 95.6 percent are women, whereas slightly less than half (46.3 percent) of workers in other occupations are women. Child care workers are predominantly U.S.-born, but as compared with other workers are slightly more likely to be foreign-born. In addition, child care workers are more likely than other workers to be younger.

Table 1

Demographic characteristics of child care workers, 2014

Demographic Child care workers All other workers
Men 4.4% 53.7%
Women 95.6% 46.3%
Citizenship status
U.S. born 81.2% 83.5%
Naturalized U.S. citizen 8.3% 7.8%
Non-naturalized immigrant 10.5% 8.7%
White 60.1% 66.1%
Black 14.1% 10.6%
Hispanic 19.8% 15.7%
Asian 3.9% 5.8%
Other 2.1% 1.9%
Less than high school 8.6% 8.0%
High school 30.5% 27.2%
Some college 39.4% 29.7%
Bachelor’s degree 17.7% 22.8%
Advanced degree 3.8% 12.4%
18–22 15.4% 7.3%
23–49 55.7% 59.1%
50+ 29.0% 33.7%

* Race/ethnicity categories are mutually exclusive (i.e., white non-Hispanic, black non-Hispanic, and Hispanic any race).

Note: To ensure sufficient sample sizes, this table draws from pooled 2012–2014 microdata.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

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Most child care workers are non-Hispanic white, but are more likely to be non-white or Hispanic than workers in other occupations. Nearly one-fifth (19.8 percent) of child care workers are Hispanic (compared with 15.7 percent of workers in other occupations), and 14.1 percent of child care workers are black, non-Hispanic (compared with 10.6 percent of workers in other occupations).

Most child care workers have at least some college education, but are less likely than workers in other occupations to have at least a college degree. About one-third (35.2 percent) of other workers have at least a college degree, versus only about one in five child care workers (21.5 percent).

Child care workers receive very low hourly pay

We turn now to an examination of hourly wages for child care workers. Table 2 shows median hourly wages of child care workers and other workers, both overall and for various demographic groups. In 2014, the median hourly wage of child care workers was $10.31, which was 39.3 percent below the $17.00 median hourly wage of other workers.

Table 2

Real median hourly wage, child care workers versus other workers, by demographic (2014 dollars)

Demographic Child care workers All other workers Percent difference Child care hourly wage penaltya
Total $10.31 $17.00 -39.3% 23.0%***
Men $10.16 $18.46 -44.9% 32.0%***
Women $10.31 $15.40 -33.0% 23.1%***
U.S. born $10.31 $17.35 -40.6% 23.8%***
Naturalized U.S. citizen $11.86 $17.86 -33.6% 17.1%***
Non-naturalized immigrant $10.16 $12.37 -17.9% 18.5%***
White $10.31 $18.60 -44.6% 25.9%***
Black $10.31 $14.21 -27.4% 16.8%***
Hispanic $10.16 $12.96 -21.6% 17.3%***
Asian $11.18 $20.00 -44.1% 26.4%***
Other $10.31 $15.00 -31.3% 25.1%***
Less than high school $8.89 $10.31 -13.8% 12.2%***
High school $10.08 $14.00 -28.0% 15.5%***
Some college $10.16 $15.04 -32.4% 20.0%***
Bachelor’s degree $13.26 $24.04 -44.8% 39.8%***
Advanced degree $15.64 $31.43 -50.2% 48.9%***
18–22 $9.00 $9.28 -3.0% 0.5%
23–49 $11.00 $17.28 -36.3% 27.3%***
50+ $11.31 $19.55 -42.1% 29.5%***

a. Percent difference between the hourly wages earned by a child care worker and those earned by a demographically similar worker in another occupation

b. Race/ethnicity categories are mutually exclusive (i.e., white non-Hispanic, black non-Hispanic, and Hispanic any race).

*** indicates significance at the .01 level; ** indicates significance at the .05 level; * indicates significance at the 0.1 level.

Note: OLS regressions control for gender, nativity, citizenship, race/ethnicity, educational attainment, age, marital status, urbanicity, region of the country, and year. Complete regression results available from the author upon request. To ensure sufficient sample sizes, this table draws from pooled 2012–2014 microdata.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

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It should be noted that our analysis is likely to overestimate child care worker wages because data are not available for a sizable and particularly low-wage subset of this workforce. Specifically, Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group data are not available for self-employed workers, which in this context includes those who provide child care in their own home. They are a substantial portion (24 percent) of child care workers and are likely to have lower wages than other child care workers. For instance, using a different survey,2 Shierholz (2013) finds that self-employed child care workers who provide care in their own home have 18 percent lower median hourly earnings than nannies ($7.53 versus $9.23). Thus, the omission of these self-employed child care workers leads us to find a smaller wage differential than would be found if these lower-paid workers were included.

Table 2 displays key wage differences by demographic group. Among child care workers, the demographic groups with the lowest hourly wages are workers age 18–22 and those with less than a high school education. Young workers also have the lowest hourly wage among non-child-care workers, so the disparity between the wages of young child care workers and young non-child-care workers is quite low. Pay increases with educational attainment among child care and non-child-care workers alike; however, the pay disparities increase as well. Wages of child care workers with a high school degree are 28.0 percent lower than those of similarly educated non-child-care workers, while child care workers with a bachelor’s degree have wages 44.8 percent lower than those of similarly educated non-child-care workers.

The first three columns of Table 2 demonstrate that child care workers have lower hourly wages than other workers. However, as shown in Table 1, child care workers are more likely to fall into demographic groups that have lower wages on average (e.g., women, immigrants, those with less than a college degree, and racial and ethnic minorities). In order to ascertain the true “penalty” of holding a job in child care—the difference between the wages a child care worker receives and what she would get if she worked in another occupation—it is important to account for the fact that child care workers have a different demographic profile than workers in other jobs. We thus turn to a regression analysis that controls for the differences in demographics between child care workers and other workers (in particular, it controls for gender, nativity, citizenship, race and ethnicity, educational attainment, age, marital status, urbanicity, and region of the country). In other words, the results of this analysis demonstrate not the raw difference in hourly wages between child care workers and other workers, but the difference between the hourly wages earned by a child care worker and those earned by a similar worker in another occupation. This is the “wage penalty” of child care work.

The last column in Table 2 presents the results. The top row in column 4 shows that child care workers make 23.0 percent less than similar workers in other occupations. The remainder of the table shows how the wage penalty of child care work differs for various demographic groups. The difference between what a child care worker makes and what that worker would make if he or she were in another occupation is somewhat higher for men (32.0 percent) than for women (23.1 percent). At 18.5 percent, the child care wage penalty for immigrants who are not naturalized U.S. citizens is very large, but is smaller than for U.S.-born citizens. Similarly, at 17.3 percent, the child care wage penalty for Hispanic workers is large, but is smaller than for most other racial and ethnic groups.

The more education credentials a worker has, the greater the wage penalty of child care work, since workers with higher levels of educational attainment are more able to secure higher wages in other occupations. However, while workers without a high school degree face the lowest child care work wage penalty of any education category, they still make 12.2 percent less than similar workers in other occupations. Similarly, the older a worker is, the greater the wage penalty of child care work, since older workers are typically able to secure higher wages in other occupations.

In short, Table 2 shows that the wages of child care jobs are low. With the sole exception of workers age 18–22, child care workers make significantly less than similar workers in other occupations.

Very few child care workers receive job-based benefits

We now turn to a comparison of the fringe benefits received by child care workers and those received by other workers. Table 3 examines the share of workers covered by employer-sponsored health insurance plans—i.e., the share covered by their own employer and not a spouse’s employer—and the share of workers covered by employer-provided pension plans. Just 15.0 percent of child care workers have employer-sponsored health insurance through their own job, compared with 49.9 percent of workers in other occupations.

Table 3

Employer-provided benefits, child care workers versus other workers, 2014

All child care All others Difference Child care benefit penaltya
Health insurance coverage 15.0% 49.9% -34.9 ppt. 27.0 ppt.***
Pension coverage 9.6% 39.0% -29.4 ppt. 24.1 ppt.***

a. Percentage-point difference between the coverage rate of child care workers and that of demographically similar workers in other occupations

*** indicates significance at the .01 level; ** indicates significance at the .05 level; * indicates significance at the 0.1 level.

Note: OLS regressions control for gender, nativity, citizenship, race/ethnicity, educational attainment, age, marital status, urbanicity, region of the country, and year. Complete regression results available from the author upon request. To ensure sufficient sample sizes, this table draws from pooled 2012–2014 microdata.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement microdata

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However, to ascertain the true “penalty” of working in a child care job—a child care worker’s likelihood of receiving employer-sponsored health insurance as compared with the likelihood she would receive this benefit if employed in another occupation—it is important to account for the fact that child care workers have a different demographic profile than other workers. As before, we turn to a regression analysis that controls for these demographic differences. The analysis demonstrates that the employer-sponsored health insurance coverage rate is 27.0 percentage points lower for child care workers than for similar workers in other occupations.

Table 3 also shows that just 9.6 percent of child care workers are covered by an employer-provided pension plan, compared with 39.0 percent of workers in other occupations. And as is true with other measures, even after controlling for the demographic differences between child care workers and other workers, the discrepancies in employer-provided pension plan coverage are stark: Coverage is 24.1 percentage points lower for child care workers than for similar workers in other occupations. The key message of Table 3 is that child care workers are much less likely to receive fringe benefits from their employers than are similar workers in other jobs.

Most child care workers do not have incomes high enough to make ends meet

We next examine how the earnings of child care workers compare with a variety of benchmarks. Table 4 shows that child care workers are much more likely than workers in other occupations to live in families with incomes below the poverty line. Nearly 15 percent of child care workers live in poverty, compared with 6.7 percent of workers in other occupations, a 7.9 percentage-point difference. Even after controlling for demographic differences between child care workers and other workers, the poverty rate among child care workers is still 5.9 percentage points higher than among similar workers in other occupations.

Table 4

Poverty rates, child care workers versus other workers, 2014

All child care All others Difference Child care poverty penaltya
Poverty rate 14.7% 6.7% 7.9 ppt. 5.9 ppt.***
200% poverty rate 36.7% 21.1% 15.6 ppt. 10.8 ppt.***

a. Percentage-point difference between poverty/"twice poverty" rates of child care workers and those of demographically similar workers in other occupations

*** indicates significance at the .01 level; ** indicates significance at the .05 level; * indicates significance at the 0.1 level.

Note: Poverty rates refer to the share of workers whose family income places them below the indicated poverty line. OLS regressions control for gender, nativity, citizenship, race/ethnicity, educational attainment, age, marital status, urbanicity, region of the country, and year. Complete regression results available from the author upon request. To ensure sufficient sample sizes, this table draws from pooled 2012–2014 data.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement data

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Table 4 also shows the “twice-poverty rate,” the share of child care and other workers whose family income is below twice the official poverty line. Poverty researchers generally do not consider the poverty rate to be a sufficient measure of the share of families who cannot make ends meet, in part because the poverty thresholds were set in the 1960s and have not evolved to reflect changing shares of spending on various necessities by low-income families. Instead, “twice poverty” is often used as a better cutoff for whether or not a family is able to make ends meet. For reference, in 2014, the poverty threshold for a family of four (with two adults and two children) was $24,008; therefore, the “twice poverty” threshold was $48,016.

More than one-third of child care workers (36.7 percent) live in families with income below twice the poverty threshold, compared with 21.1 percent of other workers, a 15.6 percentage-point difference. Even after controlling for demographic differences between child care workers and other workers, the share of child care workers living below twice the poverty line is still 10.8 percentage points higher than that of similar workers in other occupations.

Child care worker earnings and EPI’s family budget thresholds

The official poverty threshold (or even twice this threshold) is only one measure of earnings adequacy, and arguably a low bar. Furthermore, there are substantial differences across states and metro areas that are masked by focusing on national-level data. Thus, perhaps the best way to evaluate the adequacy of child care worker earnings is to determine whether these workers earn enough to attain a modest yet adequate standard of living in their community.

To make this comparison, this paper relies upon the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics (OES),3 which produces wage estimates by occupation for 625 metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas, and EPI’s Family Budget Calculator (Gould, Cooke, and Kimball 2015), which measures the income families need in order to attain a modest yet adequate living standard where they live by estimating community-specific costs of housing, food, child care, transportation, health care, other necessities, and taxes, for 10 family types living in all 618 U.S. metropolitan and rural areas.

EPI’s basic family budget thresholds differ by location, since certain costs, such as housing, vary significantly depending on where one resides. Geographical cost-of-living differences are built into the budget calculations by incorporating regional, state, or local variations in prices (depending on item). Basic family budget measurements are also adjustable by family type because expenses vary considerably depending on the number of children in a family (if any), and whether a family is headed by a single parent or two parents. (For more on the methodology used to construct the budgets, see Gould et al. 2015.)

It is important to note that the OES calculates annual wages by multiplying the hourly mean wage by year-round, full-time hours, or 2,080 hours. To the extent that child care workers work less than 40 hours per week or fewer than 52 weeks throughout the year, the annual earnings figures will overstate their actual annual earnings. Therefore, the results comparing local OES annual earnings with EPI’s family budgets may be biased to find greater family budget affordability—that is, a higher share of workers able to make ends meet than may occur in reality.

It is also important to point out that in the OES data, we cannot obtain an aggregated picture of child care workers as we could with the CPS data in tables 1 through 4. Here, public data are only available by individual occupation; we cannot combine data for the “preschool teacher” occupation and “child care worker” occupation to look at them together. Obviously, this distinction between the two occupations is somewhat arbitrary; as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has pointed out, “The current SOC [Standard Occupational Classification] definitions for the ECCE [Early Childhood Care and Education] workforce are problematic. For example, they make artificial distinctions between child care workers and preschool teachers even though there is substantial overlap in between the nature of work performed in these occupations” (Brandon et al. 2014). We thus report results for both separately. When discussing the results from the OES data, “other child care workers” refers to the subset of childhood educators classified specifically as being in the child care worker occupation, while “preschool workers” are those classified in the preschool worker occupation.

The comparison between the earnings data and EPI’s family budget thresholds makes clear that the income required to get by varies greatly across the country, and that child care and preschool workers have a difficult time making ends meet. Figures A and B compare the pay of typical preschool and other child care workers, respectively, with the one-person budget threshold in each area across the country. The percentages displayed are the share of each one-person local budget threshold that can be met by median earnings in each occupation. For instance, a value of 120 percent in Minneapolis means that annual earnings of the typical preschool worker are actually 1.2 times—or 20 percent higher than—the cost of living for one person in Minneapolis. And in Boston, a typical preschool worker salary only covers 73 percent of a one-person budget.

Figure A

Share of local one-person budget met by local median preschool worker earnings

case_id OES MSA name (with MSA divisions) Annual median wage One-person family budget Share of budget met by earnings
1 Anchorage, AK metro area $35,260 $33,015 106.8%
2 Fairbanks, AK metro area $30,110 $33,042 91.1%
3 Matanuska/Susitna Borough, AK metro area $35,260 $31,222 112.9%
4 Rural Alaska $36,930 $31,712 116.5%
5 Rural Alaska $40,830 $31,712 128.8%
6 Anniston/Oxford, AL metro area $19,650 $26,457 74.3%
7 Auburn/Opelika, AL metro area $18,090 $27,384 66.1%
8 Birmingham/Hoover, AL metro area $24,200 $27,574 87.8%
9 Chilton County, AL metro area $24,200 $26,185 92.4%
10 Russell County $32,010 $27,046 118.4%
11 Decatur, AL metro area $24,653
12 Dothan, AL metro area $29,320 $24,626 119.1%
13 Florence/Muscle Shoals, AL metro area $26,750 $26,256 101.9%
14 Gadsden, AL metro area $23,283
15 Henry County, AL metro area $29,320 $26,330 111.4%
16 Huntsville, AL metro area $24,430 $27,156 90.0%
17 Mobile, AL metro area $29,890 $29,786 100.3%
18 Montgomery, AL metro area $29,000 $28,404 102.1%
19 Rural Alabama $22,970 $26,875 85.5%
20 Rural Alabama $17,890 $26,875 66.6%
21 Rural Alabama $32,990 $26,875 122.8%
22 Rural Alabama $29,400 $26,875 109.4%
23 Rural Alabama $26,875
24 Tuscaloosa, AL metro area $17,890 $26,028 68.7%
25 Tuscaloosa, AL metro area $26,028
26 Walker County, AL metro area $24,200 $25,805 93.8%
27 Fayetteville/Springdale/Rogers, AR metro area $36,630 $26,216 139.7%
28 Fort Smith, AR metro area $32,480 $25,613 126.8%
29 Franklin County, AR metro area $32,480 $26,346 123.3%
30 Grant County, AR metro area $22,660 $26,540 85.4%
31 Hot Springs, AR metro area $23,950 $26,015 92.1%
32 Jonesboro, AR metro area $27,750 $23,835 116.4%
33 Little Rock/North Little Rock/Conway, AR metro area $22,660 $28,134 80.5%
34 Crittenden County $23,540 $28,537 82.5%
35 Pine Bluff, AR metro area $28,100 $25,054 112.2%
36 Poinsett County, AR metro area $27,750 $25,078 110.7%
37 Rural Arkansas $34,870 $26,689 130.7%
38 Rural Arkansas $23,240 $26,689 87.1%
39 Rural Arkansas $29,980 $26,689 112.3%
40 Rural Arkansas $20,800 $26,689 77.9%
41 Texarkana, AR metro area $29,980 $27,397 109.4%
42 Texarkana, AR metro area $40,850 $27,397 149.1%
43 Flagstaff, AZ metro area $27,790 $30,906 89.9%
44 Lake Havasu City/Kingman, AZ metro area $21,910 $25,797 84.9%
45 Phoenix/Mesa/Glendale, AZ metro area $22,430 $28,187 79.6%
46 Prescott, AZ metro area $29,070 $27,396 106.1%
47 Rural Arizona $31,520 $27,604 114.2%
48 Rural Arizona $23,750 $27,604 86.0%
49 Tucson, AZ metro area $22,390 $25,899 86.5%
50 Yuma, AZ metro area $21,170 $28,072 75.4%
51 Bakersfield/Delano, CA metro area $29,660 $29,265 101.4%
52 Chico, CA metro area $22,220 $26,887 82.6%
53 El Centro, CA metro area $29,900 $27,933 107.0%
54 Fresno, CA metro area $26,440 $29,592 89.3%
55 Hanford/Corcoran, CA metro area $30,840 $27,531 112.0%
56 Los Angeles/Long Beach, CA metro area $29,460 $34,886 84.4%
57 Madera/Chowchilla, CA metro area $29,960 $28,009 107.0%
58 Merced, CA metro area $32,420 $27,170 119.3%
59 Modesto, CA metro area $25,090 $28,339 88.5%
60 Napa, CA metro area $28,020 $34,775 80.6%
61 Oakland/Fremont, CA metro area $33,870 $39,603 85.5%
62 Orange County, CA metro area $31,270 $40,684 76.9%
63 Oxnard/Thousand Oaks/Ventura, CA metro area $31,390 $37,015 84.8%
64 Redding, CA metro area $25,540 $31,891 80.1%
65 Riverside/San Bernardino/Ontario, CA metro area $29,280 $32,085 91.3%
66 Rural California $42,620 $31,199 136.6%
67 Rural California $24,530 $31,199 78.6%
68 Rural California $29,030 $31,199 93.0%
69 Rural California $27,700 $31,199 88.8%
70 Rural California $27,680 $31,199 88.7%
71 Sacramento/Arden/Arcade/Roseville, CA metro area $27,770 $32,023 86.7%
72 Salinas, CA metro area $34,530 $36,264 95.2%
73 San Benito County, CA metro area $35,730 $31,942 111.9%
74 San Diego/Carlsbad/San Marcos, CA metro area $33,600 $36,450 92.2%
75 San Francisco, CA metro area $34,970 $43,581 80.2%
76 San Jose/Sunnyvale/Santa Clara, CA metro area $35,730 $41,386 86.3%
77 San Luis Obispo/Paso Robles, CA metro area $27,670 $34,424 80.4%
78 Santa Barbara/Santa Maria/Goleta, CA metro area $34,030 $39,180 86.9%
79 Santa Cruz/Watsonville, CA metro area $28,280 $38,301 73.8%
80 Santa Rosa/Petaluma, CA metro area $31,010 $35,077 88.4%
81 Stockton, CA metro area $25,110 $29,563 84.9%
82 Vallejo/Fairfield, CA metro area $33,910 $32,028 105.9%
83 Visalia/Porterville, CA metro area $27,470 $28,750 95.5%
84 Yolo, CA metro area $27,770 $32,148 86.4%
85 Yuba City, CA metro area $27,770 $26,981 102.9%
86 Boulder, CO metro area $33,040 $33,912 97.4%
87 Colorado Springs, CO metro area $26,560 $26,899 98.7%
88 Denver/Aurora/Broomfield, CO metro area $28,840 $28,829 100.0%
89 Fort Collins/Loveland, CO metro area $25,760 $28,739 89.6%
90 Grand Junction, CO metro area $33,400 $26,865 124.3%
91 Greeley, CO metro area $26,040 $25,766 101.1%
92 Pueblo, CO metro area $28,900 $25,368 113.9%
93 Rural Colorado $26,080 $31,576 82.6%
94 Rural Colorado $28,100 $31,576 89.0%
95 Rural Colorado $33,630 $31,576 106.5%
96 Rural Colorado $27,640 $31,576 87.5%
97 Teller County, CO metro area $26,560 $29,006 91.6%
98 Bridgeport, CT metro area $31,790 $33,324 95.4%
99 Colchester/Lebanon, CT metro area $28,940 $34,535 83.8%
100 Danbury, CT metro area $31,790 $40,035 79.4%
101 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $28,940 $33,080 87.5%
102 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $28,940 $33,080 87.5%
103 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $28,940 $33,080 87.5%
104 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $28,940 $33,080 87.5%
105 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $28,940 $33,080 87.5%
106 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $28,940 $33,080 87.5%
107 Milford/Ansonia/Seymour, CT metro area $30,020 $37,214 80.7%
108 New Haven/Meriden, CT metro area $30,020 $34,861 86.1%
109 New Haven/Meriden, CT metro area $30,020 $34,861 86.1%
110 Norwich/New London, CT metro area $28,940 $31,751 91.1%
111 Norwich/New London, CT metro area $28,940 $31,751 91.1%
112 Rural Connecticut $28,940 $32,612 88.7%
113 Rural Connecticut $28,940 $32,612 88.7%
114 Rural Connecticut $28,940 $32,612 88.7%
115 Rural Connecticut $28,940 $32,612 88.7%
116 Southern Middlesex County, CT metro area $28,940 $39,601 73.1%
117 Stamford/Norwalk, CT metro area $31,790 $46,074 69.0%
118 Waterbury, CT metro area $30,020 $28,926 103.8%
119 Washington, DC $32,710 $42,119 77.7%
120 Dover, DE metro area $23,460 $29,519 79.5%
121 Wilmington, DE metro area $23,620 $34,408 68.6%
122 Rural Delaware $22,280 $31,374 71.0%
123 Baker County, FL metro area $23,490 $28,156 83.4%
124 Cape Coral/Fort Myers, FL metro area $22,860 $31,352 72.9%
125 Crestview/Fort Walton Beach/Destin, FL metro area $28,090 $29,794 94.3%
126 Crestview/Fort Walton Beach/Destin, FL metro area $21,370 $29,794 71.7%
127 Deltona/Daytona Beach/Ormond Beach, FL metro area $18,570 $27,384 67.8%
128 Fort Lauderdale, FL metro area $19,390 $31,059 62.4%
129 Gainesville, FL metro area $20,430 $30,154 67.8%
130 Jacksonville, FL metro area $23,490 $29,781 78.9%
131 Lakeland/Winter Haven, FL metro area $24,380 $29,180 83.6%
132 Miami/Miami Beach/Kendall, FL metro area $23,430 $31,354 74.7%
133 Miami/Miami Beach/Kendall, FL metro area $24,650 $31,354 78.6%
134 Naples/Marco Island, FL metro area $23,950 $30,925 77.4%
135 North Port/Bradenton/Sarasota, FL metro area $26,240 $30,901 84.9%
136 Ocala, FL metro area $21,830 $26,506 82.4%
137 Orlando/Kissimmee/Sanford, FL metro area $24,080 $29,951 80.4%
138 Palm Bay/Melbourne/Titusville, FL metro area $22,230 $27,142 81.9%
139 Palm Coast, FL metro area $22,590 $29,874 75.6%
140 Panama City/Lynn Haven/Panama City Beach, FL metro area $28,090 $29,754 94.4%
141 Panama City/Lynn Haven/Panama City Beach, FL metro area $23,700 $29,754 79.7%
142 Pensacola/Ferry Pass/Brent, FL metro area $21,680 $29,309 74.0%
143 Port St. Lucie, FL metro area $24,870 $30,047 82.8%
144 Punta Gorda, FL metro area $22,030 $26,516 83.1%
145 Rural Florida $19,390 $29,488 65.8%
146 Rural Florida $28,090 $29,488 95.3%
147 Rural Florida $22,530 $29,488 76.4%
148 Sebastian/Vero Beach, FL metro area $25,960 $27,383 94.8%
149 Tallahassee, FL metro area $27,440 $31,524 87.0%
150 Tampa/St. Petersburg/Clearwater, FL metro area $23,600 $28,316 83.3%
151 Wakulla County, FL metro area $27,440 $29,524 92.9%
152 West Palm Beach/Boca Raton, FL metro area $24,400 $31,141 78.4%
153 Albany, GA metro area $27,190 $29,800 91.2%
154 Athens/Clarke County, GA metro area $27,320 $27,787 98.3%
155 Atlanta/Sandy Springs/Marietta, GA metro area $28,370 $31,303 90.6%
156 Atlanta/Sandy Springs/Marietta, GA metro area $34,410 $31,303 109.9%
157 Augusta/Richmond, GA metro area $30,210 $28,372 106.5%
158 Augusta/Richmond, GA metro area $28,130 $28,372 99.1%
159 Brunswick, GA metro area $37,510 $26,664 140.7%
160 Butts County, GA metro area $28,370 $31,289 90.7%
161 Catoos, Dade, and Walker Counties $21,180 $27,027 78.4%
162 Catoos, Dade, and Walker Counties $32,010 $27,027 118.4%
163 Columbus, GA metro area $32,010 $27,193 117.7%
164 Dalton, GA metro area $29,930 $28,528 104.9%
165 Gainesville, GA metro area $38,240 $30,162 126.8%
166 Haralson County, GA metro area $28,370 $27,980 101.4%
167 Hinesville/Fort Stewart, GA metro area $32,290 $28,685 112.6%
168 Lamar County, GA metro area $28,370 $28,553 99.4%
169 Long County, GA metro area $32,290 $28,421 113.6%
170 Macon, GA metro area $23,400 $27,941 83.7%
171 Meriwether County, GA metro area $28,370 $28,553 99.4%
172 Monroe County, GA metro area $23,400 $27,751 84.3%
173 Murray County, GA metro area $29,930 $29,593 101.1%
174 Rome, GA metro area $24,100 $27,064 89.0%
175 Rural Georgia $30,210 $29,863 101.2%
176 Rural Georgia $39,670 $29,863 132.8%
177 Rural Georgia $34,410 $29,863 115.2%
178 Rural Georgia $30,470 $29,863 102.0%
179 Savannah, GA metro area $28,820 $29,368 98.1%
180 Valdosta, GA metro area $28,820 $30,741 93.7%
181 Warner Robins, GA metro area $39,670 $29,912 132.6%
182 Warner Robins, GA metro area $35,370 $29,912 118.2%
183 Honolulu, HI metro area $30,680 $46,308 66.3%
184 Rural Hawaii $35,020 $36,288 96.5%
185 Ames, IA metro area $27,380 $26,574 103.0%
186 Benton County, IA metro area $23,570 $26,506 88.9%
187 Bremer County, IA metro area $22,830 $26,841 85.1%
188 Cedar Rapids, IA metro area $23,570 $24,049 98.0%
189 Davenport/Moline, IA metro area $23,510 $24,498 96.0%
190 Des Moines/West Des Moines, IA metro area $24,030 $26,830 89.6%
191 Dubuque, IA metro area $28,250 $25,628 110.2%
192 Iowa City, IA metro area $28,950 $28,077 103.1%
193 Jones County, IA metro area $23,570 $24,709 95.4%
194 Council Bluffs, IA metro area $32,170 $25,976 123.8%
195 Rural Iowa $24,000 $26,478 90.6%
196 Rural Iowa $28,440 $26,478 107.4%
197 Rural Iowa $21,960 $26,478 82.9%
198 Rural Iowa $23,540 $26,478 88.9%
199 Sioux City, IA metro area $28,440 $24,594 115.6%
200 Sioux City, IA metro area $19,900 $24,594 80.9%
201 Washington County, IA metro area $28,950 $26,825 107.9%
202 Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA metro area $22,830 $26,250 87.0%
203 Boise City/Nampa, ID metro area $24,410 $24,957 97.8%
204 Coeur d’Alene, ID metro area $26,200
205 Gem County, ID metro area $24,410 $25,220 96.8%
206 Idaho Falls, ID metro area $22,400 $24,569 91.2%
207 Idaho Falls, ID metro area $17,730 $24,569 72.2%
208 Lewiston, ID metro area $23,100 $26,183 88.2%
209 Franklin County $23,350 $27,704 84.3%
210 Pocatello, ID metro area $23,497
211 Rural Idaho $22,400 $27,557 81.3%
212 Rural Idaho $27,700 $27,557 100.5%
213 Rural Idaho $31,870 $27,557 115.7%
214 Rural Idaho $18,090 $27,557 65.6%
215 Rural Idaho $27,557
216 Bloomington/Normal, IL metro area $23,770 $29,540 80.5%
217 Bloomington/Normal, IL metro area $32,080 $29,540 108.6%
218 Bond County, IL metro area $23,310 $27,080 86.1%
219 Alexander County $26,874
220 Champaign/Urbana, IL metro area $24,300 $28,634 84.9%
221 Chicago/Joliet/Naperville, IL metro area $27,790 $31,334 88.7%
222 Chicago/Joliet/Naperville, IL metro area $27,790 $31,334 88.7%
223 Danville, IL metro area $23,450 $27,611 84.9%
224 Rock Island, IL metro area $23,510 $24,414 96.3%
225 Decatur, IL metro area $23,220 $25,031 92.8%
226 DeKalb County, IL metro area $27,790 $27,955 99.4%
227 Grundy County, IL metro area $27,790 $27,296 101.8%
228 Kankakee/Bradley, IL metro area $30,150 $25,121 120.0%
229 Kendall County, IL metro area $27,790 $28,455 97.7%
230 Macoupin County, IL metro area $23,310 $26,787 87.0%
231 Peoria, IL metro area $25,090 $25,196 99.6%
232 Rockford, IL metro area $29,920 $26,608 112.4%
233 Rural Illinois $20,150 $27,471 73.3%
234 Rural Illinois $30,640 $27,471 111.5%
235 Rural Illinois $23,390 $27,471 85.1%
236 Rural Illinois $32,080 $27,471 116.8%
237 Springfield, IL metro area $26,750 $26,406 101.3%
238 St. Louis, IL metro area $23,310 $27,622 84.4%
239 Anderson, IN metro area $20,110 $24,073 83.5%
240 Bloomington, IN metro area $26,390 $29,005 91.0%
241 Carroll County, IN metro area $22,860 $29,133 78.5%
242 Indiana suburbs of Cincinnati $29,620 $26,179 113.1%
243 Indiana suburbs of Cincinnati $22,990 $26,179 87.8%
244 Columbus, IN metro area $22,990 $29,928 76.8%
245 Elkhart/Goshen, IN metro area $23,330 $26,563 87.8%
246 Evansville, IN metro area $24,510 $28,631 85.6%
247 Fort Wayne, IN metro area $31,470 $26,782 117.5%
248 Gary, IN metro area $23,490 $26,886 87.4%
249 Gibson County, IN metro area $24,510 $28,175 87.0%
250 Greene County, IN metro area $26,390 $26,196 100.7%
251 Indianapolis, IN metro area $23,280 $27,757 83.9%
252 Jasper County, IN metro area $23,490 $28,878 81.3%
253 Kokomo, IN metro area $43,270 $26,605 162.6%
254 Lafayette, IN metro area $22,860 $28,215 81.0%
255 Indiana suburbs of Louisville $24,910 $26,322 94.6%
256 Indiana suburbs of Louisville $43,240 $26,322 164.3%
257 Michigan City/La Porte, IN metro area $28,880 $25,712 112.3%
258 Muncie, IN metro area $22,480 $25,870 86.9%
259 Owen County, IN metro area $26,390 $28,049 94.1%
260 Putnam County, IN metro area $23,280 $29,200 79.7%
261 Rural Indiana $29,620 $26,906 110.1%
262 Rural Indiana $22,990 $26,906 85.4%
263 Rural Indiana $24,910 $26,906 92.6%
264 Rural Indiana $22,280 $26,906 82.8%
265 South Bend/Mishawaka, IN metro area $23,380 $26,747 87.4%
266 Sullivan County, IN metro area $23,550 $29,049 81.1%
267 Terre Haute, IN metro area $23,550 $25,736 91.5%
268 Washington County, IN metro area $43,240 $26,766 161.5%
269 Franklin County, KS metro area $23,890 $26,759 89.3%
270 Kansas City, KS metro area $23,890 $26,939 88.7%
271 Lawrence, KS metro area $30,330 $25,214 120.3%
272 Manhattan, KS metro area $26,200 $28,277 92.7%
273 Rural Kansas $29,660 $26,279 112.9%
274 St. Joseph, KS metro area $19,200 $28,029 68.5%
275 Sumner County, KS metro area $24,270 $27,211 89.2%
276 Topeka, KS metro area $23,580 $24,052 98.0%
277 Wichita, KS metro area $29,660 $24,876 119.2%
278 Wichita, KS metro area $24,270 $24,876 97.6%
279 Bowling Green, KY metro area $29,630 $25,813 114.8%
280 Bowling Green, KY metro area $40,710 $25,813 157.7%
281 Kentucky suburbs of Cincinnati $22,990 $25,547 90.0%
282 Christian and Trigg County $19,740 $26,700 73.9%
283 Elizabethtown, KY metro area $43,520 $24,906 174.7%
284 Henderson County $24,510 $27,089 90.5%
285 Grant County, KY metro area $22,990 $26,282 87.5%
286 Ashland, KY metro area $26,910 $23,835 112.9%
287 Lexington/Fayette, KY metro area $27,060 $25,856 104.7%
288 Louisville, KY metro area $43,240 $26,280 164.5%
289 Meade County, KY metro area $43,240 $26,596 162.6%
290 Nelson County, KY metro area $43,240 $26,168 165.2%
291 Owensboro, KY metro area $50,550 $25,039 201.9%
292 Rural Kentucky $28,910 $26,338 109.8%
293 Rural Kentucky $40,710 $26,338 154.6%
294 Rural Kentucky $33,120 $26,338 125.7%
295 Rural Kentucky $44,470 $26,338 168.8%
296 Shelby County, KY metro area $43,240 $28,198 153.3%
297 Alexandria, LA metro area $29,980 $27,566 108.8%
298 Baton Rouge, LA metro area $28,540 $27,931 102.2%
299 Houma/Bayou Cane/Thibodaux, LA metro area $43,660 $26,519 164.6%
300 Iberville Parish, LA metro area $28,540 $26,736 106.7%
301 Lafayette, LA metro area $45,280 $27,110 167.0%
302 Lafayette, LA metro area $23,990 $27,110 88.5%
303 Lake Charles, LA metro area $27,919
304 Monroe, LA metro area $44,260 $27,385 161.6%
305 New Orleans/Metairie/Kenner, LA metro area $45,280 $30,152 150.2%
306 New Orleans/Metairie/Kenner, LA metro area $34,890 $30,152 115.7%
307 Rural Louisiana $35,980 $28,558 126.0%
308 Rural Louisiana $42,900 $28,558 150.2%
309 Rural Louisiana $45,280 $28,558 158.6%
310 Rural Louisiana $34,620 $28,558 121.2%
311 Shreveport/Bossier City, LA metro area $34,620 $27,712 124.9%
312 Shreveport/Bossier City, LA metro area $18,950 $27,712 68.4%
313 Barnstable Town, MA metro area $28,160 $33,807 83.3%
314 Barnstable Town, MA metro area $28,160 $33,807 83.3%
315 Berkshire County, MA metro area $26,160 $32,087 81.5%
316 Berkshire County, MA metro area $26,160 $32,087 81.5%
317 Berkshire County, MA metro area $26,160 $32,087 81.5%
318 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $26,690 $39,358 67.8%
319 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $28,700 $39,358 72.9%
320 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $26,690 $39,358 67.8%
321 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $27,640 $39,358 70.2%
322 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $28,700 $39,358 72.9%
323 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $27,640 $39,358 70.2%
324 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $26,690 $39,358 67.8%
325 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $28,700 $39,358 72.9%
326 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $29,420 $39,358 74.7%
327 Brockton, MA metro area $29,420 $35,723 82.4%
328 Eastern Worcester County, MA metro area $29,540 $32,004 92.3%
329 Easton/Raynham, MA metro area $29,420 $38,261 76.9%
330 Fitchburg/Leominster, MA metro area $27,640 $27,523 100.4%
331 Franklin County, MA metro area $29,330 $31,480 93.2%
332 Franklin County, MA metro area $29,330 $31,480 93.2%
333 Franklin County, MA metro area $29,330 $31,480 93.2%
334 Lawrence, MA metro area $28,700 $33,008 86.9%
335 Lowell, MA metro area $27,640 $33,919 81.5%
336 New Bedford, MA metro area $29,420 $30,570 96.2%
337 Pittsfield, MA metro area $26,160 $27,523 95.0%
338 Providence/Fall River, MA metro area $29,420 $30,797 95.5%
339 Providence/Fall River, MA metro area $29,420 $30,797 95.5%
340 Rural Massachusetts $26,690 $37,807 70.6%
341 Springfield, MA metro area $29,330 $30,397 96.5%
342 Springfield, MA metro area $29,540 $30,397 97.2%
343 Springfield, MA metro area $29,540 $30,397 97.2%
344 Taunton/Mansfield/Norton, MA metro area $26,690 $33,235 80.3%
345 Western Worcester County, MA metro area $29,540 $28,504 103.6%
346 Worcester, MA metro area $29,540 $29,922 98.7%
347 Worcester, MA metro area $29,540 $29,922 98.7%
348 Worcester, MA metro area $29,540 $29,922 98.7%
349 Worcester, MA metro area $29,540 $29,922 98.7%
350 Worcester, MA metro area $29,540 $29,922 98.7%
351 Baltimore/Towson, MD metro area $28,600 $33,994 84.1%
352 Columbia city, MD metro area $28,600 $38,288 74.7%
353 Cumberland, MD metro area $23,370 $24,568 95.1%
354 Hagerstown, MD metro area $28,240 $28,274 99.9%
355 Cecil County $23,620 $32,523 72.6%
356 Rural Maryland $25,730 $32,271 79.7%
357 Rural Maryland $32,271
358 Rural Maryland $28,690 $32,271 88.9%
359 Salisbury, MD metro area $25,730 $26,235 98.1%
360 Salisbury, MD metro area $34,990 $26,235 133.4%
361 Somerset County, MD metro area $34,990 $25,469 137.4%
362 Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC $30,900 $41,424 74.6%
363 Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC $32,710 $41,424 79.0%
364 Bangor, ME metro area $27,710 $29,840 92.9%
365 Cumberland County, ME metro area $26,470 $29,369 90.1%
366 Cumberland County, ME metro area $26,470 $29,369 90.1%
367 Lewiston/Auburn, ME metro area $27,700 $27,417 101.0%
368 Lewiston/Auburn, ME metro area $27,700 $27,417 101.0%
369 Penobscot County, ME metro area $27,710 $26,764 103.5%
370 Penobscot County, ME metro area $27,710 $26,764 103.5%
371 Portland, ME metro area $26,470 $31,848 83.1%
372 Rural Maine $27,710 $30,594 90.6%
373 Rural Maine $37,710 $30,594 123.3%
374 Rural Maine $26,470 $30,594 86.5%
375 Rural Maine $27,700 $30,594 90.5%
376 Rural Maine $26,470 $30,594 86.5%
377 Sagadahoc County, ME metro area $27,700 $33,195 83.4%
378 York County, ME metro area $26,470 $29,354 90.2%
379 York County, ME metro area $26,470 $29,354 90.2%
380 York County, ME metro area $26,470 $29,354 90.2%
381 York County, ME metro area $26,470 $29,354 90.2%
382 York/Kittery/South Berwick, ME metro area $26,470 $34,219 77.4%
383 Ann Arbor, MI metro area $27,910 $30,299 92.1%
384 Barry County, MI metro area $27,830 $25,527 109.0%
385 Battle Creek, MI metro area $26,380 $24,706 106.8%
386 Bay City, MI metro area $23,914
387 Cass County, MI metro area $23,380 $26,334 88.8%
388 Detroit/Warren/Livonia, MI metro area $27,240 $26,072 104.5%
389 Detroit/Warren/Livonia, MI metro area $26,690 $26,072 102.4%
390 Flint, MI metro area $29,120 $25,033 116.3%
391 Grand Rapids/Wyoming, MI metro area $36,070 $26,807 134.6%
392 Grand Rapids/Wyoming, MI metro area $27,830 $26,807 103.8%
393 Grand Rapids/Wyoming, MI metro area $18,830 $26,807 70.2%
394 Holland/Grand Haven, MI metro area $36,070 $29,626 121.8%
395 Ionia County, MI metro area $27,830 $26,184 106.3%
396 Jackson, MI metro area $19,160 $26,642 71.9%
397 Kalamazoo/Portage, MI metro area $23,180 $26,077 88.9%
398 Lansing/East Lansing, MI metro area $24,900 $26,285 94.7%
399 Livingston County, MI metro area $26,690 $26,834 99.5%
400 Monroe, MI metro area $26,390
401 Muskegon/Norton Shores, MI metro area $31,760 $23,206 136.9%
402 Newaygo County, MI metro area $27,830 $27,637 100.7%
403 Niles/Benton Harbor, MI metro area $36,180 $26,098 138.6%
404 Rural Michigan $36,070 $27,949 129.1%
405 Rural Michigan $34,740 $27,949 124.3%
406 Rural Michigan $32,340 $27,949 115.7%
407 Rural Michigan $30,170 $27,949 107.9%
408 Saginaw/Saginaw Township North, MI metro area $21,700 $24,658 88.0%
409 Duluth, MN metro area $29,680 $24,143 122.9%
410 Clay County $28,030 $23,801 117.8%
411 Polk County $30,650 $27,256 112.5%
412 Houston County $26,490 $27,542 96.2%
413 Mankato/North Mankato, MN metro area $24,190 $24,999 96.8%
414 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $35,430 $27,224 130.1%
415 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $28,440 $27,224 104.5%
416 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $32,650 $27,224 119.9%
417 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $32,650 $27,224 119.9%
418 Rochester, MN metro area $28,440 $28,857 98.6%
419 Rochester, MN metro area $33,100 $28,857 114.7%
420 Rural Minnesota $35,430 $25,872 136.9%
421 Rural Minnesota $34,850 $25,872 134.7%
422 Rural Minnesota $28,440 $25,872 109.9%
423 Rural Minnesota $31,050 $25,872 120.0%
424 St. Cloud, MN metro area $28,960 $27,278 106.2%
425 Wabasha County, MN metro area $33,100 $27,144 121.9%
426 Bates County, MO metro area $23,890 $25,876 92.3%
427 Calloway County, MO metro area $40,560 $27,750 146.2%
428 Cape Girardeau, MO metro area $24,667
429 Columbia, MO metro area $19,960 $27,620 72.3%
430 Dallas County, MO metro area $18,700 $25,712 72.7%
431 Jefferson City, MO metro area $40,560 $24,330 166.7%
432 Joplin, MO metro area $28,740 $25,464 112.9%
433 Kansas City, MO metro area $23,890 $27,373 87.3%
434 McDonald County, MO metro area $36,630 $26,930 136.0%
435 Moniteau County, MO metro area $40,560 $26,256 154.5%
436 Polk County, MO metro area $18,700 $25,781 72.5%
437 Rural Missouri $21,240 $26,634 79.7%
438 Rural Missouri $35,480 $26,634 133.2%
439 Rural Missouri $25,920 $26,634 97.3%
440 Rural Missouri $27,370 $26,634 102.8%
441 Rural Missouri $19,960 $26,634 74.9%
442 Springfield, MO metro area $18,700 $25,141 74.4%
443 St. Joseph, MO metro area $19,200 $27,572 69.6%
444 St. Louis, MO metro area $23,310 $27,683 84.2%
445 Washington County, MO metro area $23,310 $27,979 83.3%
446 Gulfport/Biloxi, MS metro area $20,860 $32,435 64.3%
447 Gulfport/Biloxi, MS metro area $28,010 $32,435 86.4%
448 Hattiesburg, MS metro area $18,610 $29,078 64.0%
449 Jackson, MS metro area $22,270 $26,877 82.9%
450 Jackson, MS metro area $24,410 $26,877 90.8%
451 Marshall County, MS metro area $23,540 $28,245 83.3%
452 Mississippi suburbs of Memphis $28,340 $29,399 96.4%
453 Mississippi suburbs of Memphis $23,540 $29,399 80.1%
454 Pascagoula, MS metro area $19,380 $31,891 60.8%
455 Pascagoula, MS metro area $28,010 $31,891 87.8%
456 Rural Mississippi $24,230 $28,181 86.0%
457 Rural Mississippi $28,340 $28,181 100.6%
458 Rural Mississippi $19,380 $28,181 68.8%
459 Rural Mississippi $22,270 $28,181 79.0%
460 Simpson County, MS metro area $24,410 $26,077 93.6%
461 Tate County, MS metro area $23,540 $29,850 78.9%
462 Tunica County, MS metro area $23,540 $29,231 80.5%
463 Billings, MT metro area $24,040 $25,823 93.1%
464 Billings, MT metro area $21,440 $25,823 83.0%
465 Billings, MT metro area $21,440 $25,823 83.0%
466 Great Falls, MT metro area $25,300 $25,939 97.5%
467 Missoula, MT metro area $26,670 $29,517 90.4%
468 Rural Montana $24,040 $27,606 87.1%
469 Rural Montana $24,260 $27,606 87.9%
470 Rural Montana $23,520 $27,606 85.2%
471 Rural Montana $24,900 $27,606 90.2%
472 Anson County, NC metro area $23,730 $28,842 82.3%
473 Asheville, NC metro area $26,300 $26,338 99.9%
474 Burlington, NC metro area $21,760 $27,890 78.0%
475 Charlotte/Gastonia, NC metro area $23,730 $30,485 77.8%
476 Charlotte/Gastonia, NC metro area $23,970 $30,485 78.6%
477 Durham/Chapel Hill, NC metro area $26,770 $29,041 92.2%
478 Fayetteville, NC metro area $22,710 $31,393 72.3%
479 Goldsboro, NC metro area $18,980 $27,613 68.7%
480 Greene County, NC metro area $19,850 $28,829 68.9%
481 Greensboro/High Point, NC metro area $19,850 $28,083 70.7%
482 Greenville, NC metro area $19,850 $28,491 69.7%
483 Haywood County, NC metro area $26,300 $28,052 93.8%
484 Hickory/Lenoir/Morganton, NC metro area $19,580 $28,357 69.0%
485 Hoke County, NC metro area $22,710 $30,049 75.6%
486 Jacksonville, NC metro area $30,350
487 Pender County, NC metro area $21,380 $27,456 77.9%
488 Person County, NC metro area $26,770 $27,785 96.3%
489 Raleigh/Cary, NC metro area $26,310 $30,209 87.1%
490 Rockingham County, NC metro area $19,850 $27,431 72.4%
491 Rocky Mount, NC metro area $25,910 $28,686 90.3%
492 Rural North Carolina $28,440 $29,438 96.6%
493 Rural North Carolina $27,000 $29,438 91.7%
494 Rural North Carolina $23,970 $29,438 81.4%
495 Rural North Carolina $23,730 $29,438 80.6%
496 Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Newport News, NC metro area $28,440 $38,355 74.1%
497 Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Newport News, NC metro area $21,620 $38,355 56.4%
498 Wilmington, NC metro area $21,380 $30,785 69.4%
499 Winston/Salem, NC metro area $23,970 $29,144 82.2%
500 Winston/Salem, NC metro area $22,830 $29,144 78.3%
501 Bismarck, ND metro area $24,000 $26,353 91.1%
502 Bismarck, ND metro area $26,353
503 Fargo, ND metro area $28,030 $24,775 113.1%
504 Grand Forks, ND metro area $30,650 $25,176 121.7%
505 Rural North Dakota $39,120 $30,007 130.4%
506 Rural North Dakota $37,970 $30,007 126.5%
507 Rural North Dakota $30,007
508 Rural North Dakota $30,007
509 Lincoln, NE metro area $18,500 $24,765 74.7%
510 Omaha, NE metro area $32,170 $25,988 123.8%
511 Rural Nebraska $32,650 $25,748 126.8%
512 Rural Nebraska $19,330 $25,748 75.1%
513 Rural Nebraska $34,350 $25,748 133.4%
514 Rural Nebraska $30,970 $25,748 120.3%
515 Saunders County, NE metro area $32,170 $26,566 121.1%
516 Seward County, NE metro area $18,500 $24,624 75.1%
517 Sioux City, NE metro area $19,900 $25,904 76.8%
518 Rockingham and Strafford Counties $24,870 $39,711 62.6%
519 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $24,830 $32,439 76.5%
520 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $24,830 $32,439 76.5%
521 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $24,830 $32,439 76.5%
522 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $24,830 $32,439 76.5%
523 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $24,830 $32,439 76.5%
524 New Hampshire suburbs of Lawrence, MA $24,870 $31,526 78.9%
525 Manchester, NH metro area $24,870 $28,961 85.9%
526 Manchester, NH metro area $24,870 $28,961 85.9%
527 Manchester, NH metro area $24,870 $28,961 85.9%
528 Nashua, NH metro area $24,870 $32,974 75.4%
529 Portsmouth/Rochester, NH metro area $24,870 $30,978 80.3%
530 Rural New Hampshire $25,760 $31,558 81.6%
531 Rural New Hampshire $25,760 $31,558 81.6%
532 Rural New Hampshire $24,830 $31,558 78.7%
533 Rural New Hampshire $25,760 $31,558 81.6%
534 Rural New Hampshire $25,760 $31,558 81.6%
535 Western Rockingham County, NH metro area $24,870 $37,676 66.0%
536 Western Rockingham County, NH metro area $24,870 $37,676 66.0%
537 Western Rockingham County, NH metro area $24,870 $37,676 66.0%
538 Atlantic City/Hammonton, NJ metro area $28,410 $34,022 83.5%
539 Bergen/Passaic, NJ metro area $43,420 $40,774 106.5%
540 Bergen/Passaic, NJ metro area $33,600 $40,774 82.4%
541 Jersey City, NJ metro area $43,420 $38,518 112.7%
542 Middlesex/Somerset/Hunterdon, NJ metro area $29,630 $37,012 80.1%
543 Monmouth/Ocean, NJ metro area $29,630 $36,764 80.6%
544 Newark, NJ metro area $33,600 $39,133 85.9%
545 Ocean City, NJ metro area $29,740 $29,662 100.3%
546 Camden, NJ metro area $28,570 $34,109 83.8%
547 Camden, NJ metro area $23,620 $34,109 69.2%
548 Trenton/Ewing, NJ metro area $37,850 $36,450 103.8%
549 Vineland/Millville/Bridgeton, NJ metro area $53,530 $32,847 163.0%
550 Warren County, NJ metro area $30,330 $32,023 94.7%
551 Albuquerque, NM metro area $23,420 $26,287 89.1%
552 Farmington, NM metro area $27,610 $26,387 104.6%
553 Las Cruces, NM metro area $23,530 $26,061 90.3%
554 Rural New Mexico $30,070 $27,182 110.6%
555 Rural New Mexico $29,280 $27,182 107.7%
556 Rural New Mexico $24,490 $27,182 90.1%
557 Rural New Mexico $27,540 $27,182 101.3%
558 Santa Fe, NM metro area $29,940 $31,357 95.5%
559 Carson City, NV metro area $28,521
560 Las Vegas/Paradise, NV metro area $21,980 $29,546 74.4%
561 Reno/Sparks, NV metro area $25,140 $28,667 87.7%
562 Rural Nevada $24,830 $29,034 85.5%
563 Rural Nevada $20,920 $29,034 72.1%
564 Albany/Schenectady/Troy, NY metro area $25,650 $31,547 81.3%
565 Binghamton, NY metro area $22,680 $29,037 78.1%
566 Buffalo/Niagara Falls, NY metro area $23,690 $28,048 84.5%
567 Elmira, NY metro area $32,130 $29,013 110.7%
568 Glens Falls, NY metro area $20,720 $30,767 67.3%
569 Ithaca, NY metro area $27,580 $34,919 79.0%
570 Kingston, NY metro area $27,850 $31,375 88.8%
571 Nassau/Suffolk, NY metro area $28,350 $40,573 69.9%
572 New York, NY metro area $28,350 $43,519 65.1%
573 New York, NY metro area $43,420 $43,519 99.8%
574 Poughkeepsie/Newburgh/Middletown, NY metro area $26,060 $36,952 70.5%
575 Rochester, NY metro area $26,890 $28,774 93.5%
576 Rochester, NY metro area $26,400 $28,774 91.7%
577 Rural New York $33,260 $30,684 108.4%
578 Rural New York $31,540 $30,684 102.8%
579 Rural New York $22,160 $30,684 72.2%
580 Rural New York $26,890 $30,684 87.6%
581 Syracuse, NY metro area $24,860 $28,994 85.7%
582 Utica/Rome, NY metro area $26,890 $30,909 87.0%
583 Utica/Rome, NY metro area $27,930 $30,909 90.4%
584 Westchester County, NY metro area $43,420 $39,515 109.9%
585 Akron, OH metro area $21,220 $25,990 81.6%
586 Brown County, OH metro area $22,990 $25,107 91.6%
587 Canton/Massillon, OH metro area $23,350 $24,511 95.3%
588 Cincinnati/Middleton, OH metro area $22,990 $25,403 90.5%
589 Cleveland/Elyria/Mentor, OH metro area $25,460 $26,106 97.5%
590 Columbus, OH metro area $19,500 $27,193 71.7%
591 Columbus, OH metro area $25,510 $27,193 93.8%
592 Columbus, OH metro area $23,830 $27,193 87.6%
593 Dayton, OH metro area $21,010 $26,777 78.5%
594 Lawrence County $26,910 $24,172 111.3%
595 Lima, OH metro area $21,050 $26,238 80.2%
596 Mansfield, OH metro area $30,680 $25,657 119.6%
597 Marietta, OH metro area $34,210 $25,230 135.6%
598 Preble County, OH metro area $21,010 $26,035 80.7%
599 Rural Ohio $25,510 $26,608 95.9%
600 Rural Ohio $27,000 $26,608 101.5%
601 Rural Ohio $19,500 $26,608 73.3%
602 Rural Ohio $23,320 $26,608 87.6%
603 Sandusky, OH metro area $24,350 $25,927 93.9%
604 Springfield, OH metro area $25,990 $26,495 98.1%
605 Steubenville/Weirton, OH metro area $30,870 $24,749 124.7%
606 Toledo, OH metro area $21,660 $24,324 89.0%
607 Union County, OH metro area $23,830 $26,882 88.6%
608 Wheeling, OH metro area $31,740 $25,545 124.3%
609 Youngstown/Warren/Boardman, OH metro area $24,340 $25,567 95.2%
610 Sequoyah County $26,150 $26,318 99.4%
611 Sequoyah County $30,200 $26,318 114.8%
612 Sequoyah County $32,480 $26,318 123.4%
613 Grady County, OK metro area $23,380 $23,156 101.0%
614 Lawton, OK metro area $32,420 $25,927 125.0%
615 Lawton, OK metro area $30,530 $25,927 117.8%
616 Le Flore County, OK metro area $32,480 $25,013 129.9%
617 Lincoln County, OK metro area $23,380 $25,048 93.3%
618 Oklahoma City, OK metro area $23,380 $25,304 92.4%
619 Okmulgee County, OK metro area $32,040 $24,212 132.3%
620 Pawnee County, OK metro area $32,040 $24,650 130.0%
621 Rural Oklahoma $34,430 $25,618 134.4%
622 Rural Oklahoma $26,150 $25,618 102.1%
623 Rural Oklahoma $30,200 $25,618 117.9%
624 Rural Oklahoma $32,420 $25,618 126.6%
625 Tulsa, OK metro area $32,040 $25,315 126.6%
626 Bend, OR metro area $29,800 $28,053 106.2%
627 Corvallis, OR metro area $22,600 $26,498 85.3%
628 Eugene/Springfield, OR metro area $27,200 $26,958 100.9%
629 Medford, OR metro area $25,050 $29,284 85.5%
630 Portland/Vancouver/Hillsboro, OR metro area $26,980 $30,833 87.5%
631 Rural Oregon $27,240 $27,240 100.0%
632 Rural Oregon $27,280 $27,240 100.1%
633 Rural Oregon $24,210 $27,240 88.9%
634 Rural Oregon $22,820 $27,240 83.8%
635 Salem, OR metro area $24,630 $28,142 87.5%
636 Allentown/Bethlehem/Easton, PA metro area $30,330 $30,315 100.0%
637 Altoona, PA metro area $19,230 $26,709 72.0%
638 Armstrong County, PA metro area $23,790 $23,005 103.4%
639 Erie, PA metro area $24,690 $24,535 100.6%
640 Harrisburg/Carlisle, PA metro area $22,810 $28,511 80.0%
641 Johnstown, PA metro area $18,740 $24,974 75.0%
642 Lancaster, PA metro area $26,440 $29,056 91.0%
643 Lebanon, PA metro area $24,334
644 Philadelphia, PA metro area $24,830 $33,765 73.5%
645 Pike County, PA metro area $33,600 $36,348 92.4%
646 Pittsburgh, PA metro area $23,790 $27,124 87.7%
647 Reading, PA metro area $29,410 $26,925 109.2%
648 Rural Pennsylvania $30,880 $27,357 112.9%
649 Rural Pennsylvania $32,500 $27,357 118.8%
650 Rural Pennsylvania $25,470 $27,357 93.1%
651 Rural Pennsylvania $37,410 $27,357 136.7%
652 Scranton/Wilkes/Barre, PA metro area $23,730 $25,761 92.1%
653 Sharon, PA metro area $24,340 $25,766 94.5%
654 State College, PA metro area $24,000 $30,015 80.0%
655 Williamsport, PA metro area $23,780 $25,209 94.3%
656 York/Hanover, PA metro area $28,980 $26,339 110.0%
657 Newport/Middleton/Portsmouth, RI metro area $29,420 $35,425 83.0%
658 Providence/Fall River, RI metro area $29,420 $30,522 96.4%
659 Westerly/Hopkinton/New Shoreham, RI metro area $29,420 $29,778 98.8%
660 Anderson, SC metro area $18,710 $27,497 68.0%
661 Aiken and Edgefield Counties $28,130 $28,109 100.1%
662 Charleston/North Charleston/Summerville, SC metro area $22,680 $31,920 71.1%
663 Rock Hill, Chester, Lancaster, and York Counties $29,410 $30,109 97.7%
664 Rock Hill, Chester, Lancaster, and York Counties $23,730 $30,109 78.8%
665 Columbia, SC metro area $21,320 $29,676 71.8%
666 Darlington County, SC metro area $18,210 $27,308 66.7%
667 Florence, SC metro area $18,210 $27,190 67.0%
668 Greenville/Mauldin/Easley, SC metro area $19,240 $27,039 71.2%
669 Kershaw County, SC metro area $21,320 $26,527 80.4%
670 Laurens County, SC metro area $19,240 $23,982 80.2%
671 Myrtle Beach/North Myrtle Beach/Conway, SC metro area $23,220 $30,194 76.9%
672 Rural South Carolina $20,730 $28,423 72.9%
673 Rural South Carolina $44,180 $28,423 155.4%
674 Rural South Carolina $22,740 $28,423 80.0%
675 Rural South Carolina $29,410 $28,423 103.5%
676 Spartanburg, SC metro area $29,410 $25,242 116.5%
677 Spartanburg, SC metro area $26,530 $25,242 105.1%
678 Sumter, SC metro area $18,470 $28,625 64.5%
679 Meade County, SD metro area $28,470 $26,142 108.9%
680 Rapid City, SD metro area $27,610 $26,172 105.5%
681 Rapid City, SD metro area $28,470 $26,172 108.8%
682 Rural South Dakota $29,590 $26,554 111.4%
683 Rural South Dakota $28,550 $26,554 107.5%
684 Rural South Dakota $27,610 $26,554 104.0%
685 Sioux City, SD metro area $19,900 $25,429 78.3%
686 Sioux Falls, SD metro area $29,260 $26,677 109.7%
687 Chattanooga, TN metro area $21,180 $24,054 88.1%
688 Clarksville, TN metro area $19,740 $25,258 78.2%
689 Cleveland, TN metro area $18,940 $23,618 80.2%
690 Hickman County, TN metro area $24,150 $25,531 94.6%
691 Jackson, TN metro area $26,350 $23,182 113.7%
692 Jackson, TN metro area $41,530 $23,182 179.1%
693 Johnson City, TN metro area $35,150 $23,634 148.7%
694 Kingsport/Bristol, TN metro area $34,040 $23,612 144.2%
695 Knoxville, TN metro area $19,650 $24,964 78.7%
696 Knoxville, TN metro area $19,470 $24,964 78.0%
697 Knoxville, TN metro area $24,640 $24,964 98.7%
698 Knoxville, TN metro area $34,910 $24,964 139.8%
699 Macon County, TN metro area $24,150 $24,432 98.8%
700 Memphis, TN metro area $23,540 $26,774 87.9%
701 Morristown, TN metro area $34,910 $23,458 148.8%
702 Nashville/Davidson/Murfreesboro/Franklin, TN metro area $32,360 $27,597 117.3%
703 Nashville/Davidson/Murfreesboro/Franklin, TN metro area $24,150 $27,597 87.5%
704 Rural Tennessee $19,650 $24,444 80.4%
705 Rural Tennessee $24,640 $24,444 100.8%
706 Rural Tennessee $32,360 $24,444 132.4%
707 Rural Tennessee $41,530 $24,444 169.9%
708 Smith County, TN metro area $24,150 $24,388 99.0%
709 Stewart County, TN metro area $19,740 $23,887 82.6%
710 Abilene, TX metro area $43,970 $25,480 172.6%
711 Amarillo, TX metro area $24,460 $24,475 99.9%
712 Amarillo, TX metro area $40,140 $24,475 164.0%
713 Aransas County, TX metro area $42,740 $25,452 167.9%
714 Atascosa County, TX metro area $30,860 $24,920 123.8%
715 Austin County, TX metro area $31,110 $26,245 118.5%
716 Austin/Round Rock/San Marcos, TX metro area $26,280 $29,904 87.9%
717 Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX metro area $40,640 $26,206 155.1%
718 Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX metro area $43,790 $26,206 167.1%
719 Brazoria County, TX metro area $31,110 $28,620 108.7%
720 Brownsville/Harlingen, TX metro area $46,160 $24,120 191.4%
721 Calhoun County, TX metro area $37,660 $27,345 137.7%
722 College Station/Bryan, TX metro area $25,730 $29,553 87.1%
723 Corpus Christi, TX metro area $42,740 $26,554 161.0%
724 Dallas, TX metro area $35,240 $27,617 127.6%
725 Dallas, TX metro area $38,250 $27,617 138.5%
726 El Paso, TX metro area $45,910 $26,413 173.8%
727 El Paso, TX metro area $40,720 $26,413 154.2%
728 Fort Worth/Arlington, TX metro area $24,760 $28,388 87.2%
729 Houston/Baytown/Sugar Land, TX metro area $31,110 $27,803 111.9%
730 Kendall County, TX metro area $30,860 $27,622 111.7%
731 Killeen/Temple/Fort Hood, TX metro area $49,840 $26,136 190.7%
732 Lampasas County, TX metro area $49,840 $25,913 192.3%
733 Laredo, TX metro area $26,819
734 Longview, TX metro area $34,600 $28,362 122.0%
735 Lubbock, TX metro area $40,140 $25,657 156.4%
736 Lubbock, TX metro area $36,270 $25,657 141.4%
737 McAllen/Edinburg/Mission, TX metro area $44,400 $23,838 186.3%
738 Medina County, TX metro area $30,860 $26,019 118.6%
739 Midland, TX metro area $40,140 $26,339 152.4%
740 Midland, TX metro area $27,310 $26,339 103.7%
741 Odessa, TX metro area $20,570 $28,596 71.9%
742 Rural Texas $43,960 $26,235 167.6%
743 Rural Texas $40,640 $26,235 154.9%
744 Rural Texas $34,640 $26,235 132.0%
745 Rural Texas $38,250 $26,235 145.8%
746 Rural Texas $40,140 $26,235 153.0%
747 Rural Texas $40,720 $26,235 155.2%
748 Rusk County, TX metro area $34,600 $25,222 137.2%
749 San Angelo, TX metro area $24,576
750 San Antonio/New Braunfels, TX metro area $30,860 $26,416 116.8%
751 Sherman/Denison, TX metro area $45,820 $25,427 180.2%
752 Texarkana, TX metro area $40,850 $23,782 171.8%
753 Tyler, TX metro area $27,720 $27,949 99.2%
754 Victoria, TX metro area $37,660 $26,145 144.0%
755 Waco, TX metro area $43,960 $24,683 178.1%
756 Waco, TX metro area $29,020 $24,683 117.6%
757 Wichita Falls, TX metro area $19,920 $23,882 83.4%
758 Wise County, TX metro area $24,760 $24,923 99.3%
759 Logan, UT metro area $23,350 $27,472 85.0%
760 Ogden/Clearfield, UT metro area $25,986
761 Ogden/Clearfield, UT metro area $24,080 $25,986 92.7%
762 Provo/Orem, UT metro area $19,380 $26,215 73.9%
763 Rural Utah $33,520 $27,816 120.5%
764 Rural Utah $27,816
765 Rural Utah $27,816
766 Rural Utah $27,816
767 Salt Lake City, UT metro area $22,070 $28,544 77.3%
768 St. George, UT metro area $19,160 $26,283 72.9%
769 Summit County, UT metro area $22,070 $30,684 71.9%
770 Tooele County, UT metro area $22,070 $27,273 80.9%
771 Blacksburg/Christiansburg/Radford, VA metro area $33,620 $27,437 122.5%
772 Blacksburg/Christiansburg/Radford, VA metro area $28,310 $27,437 103.2%
773 Charlottesville, VA metro area $27,020 $29,921 90.3%
774 Charlottesville, VA metro area $42,850 $29,921 143.2%
775 Danville, VA metro area $18,210 $24,248 75.1%
776 Franklin County, VA metro area $29,730 $25,314 117.4%
777 Giles County, VA metro area $33,620 $28,168 119.4%
778 Harrisonburg, VA metro area $18,390 $28,353 64.9%
779 Bristol, VA metro area $34,040 $25,317 134.5%
780 Louisa County, VA metro area $36,670 $29,833 122.9%
781 Lynchburg, VA metro area $40,200 $27,056 148.6%
782 Pulaski County, VA metro area $33,620 $28,849 116.5%
783 Richmond, VA metro area $36,670 $33,289 110.2%
784 Roanoke, VA metro area $29,730 $27,273 109.0%
785 Rural Virginia $28,680 $28,610 100.2%
786 Rural Virginia $29,610 $28,610 103.5%
787 Rural Virginia $42,850 $28,610 149.8%
788 Rural Virginia $28,310 $28,610 99.0%
789 Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Newport News, VA metro area $21,620 $36,671 59.0%
790 Warren County, VA metro area $32,710 $32,981 99.2%
791 Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC $29,610 $42,815 69.2%
792 Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC $32,710 $42,815 76.4%
793 Winchester, VA metro area $24,200 $28,478 85.0%
794 Burlington/South Burlington, VT metro area $27,240 $38,039 71.6%
795 Burlington/South Burlington, VT metro area $27,240 $38,039 71.6%
796 Rural Vermont $27,240 $32,574 83.6%
797 Rural Vermont $31,990 $32,574 98.2%
798 Rural Vermont $27,240 $32,574 83.6%
799 Bellingham, WA metro area $28,970 $27,611 104.9%
800 Bremerton/Silverdale, WA metro area $29,110 $27,782 104.8%
801 Kennewick/Pasco/Richland, WA metro area $27,820 $26,558 104.8%
802 Asotin County $23,100 $25,434 90.8%
803 Longview, WA metro area $27,370 $24,404 112.2%
804 Mount Vernon/Anacortes, WA metro area $23,830 $28,379 84.0%
805 Olympia, WA metro area $21,240 $30,854 68.8%
806 Portland/Vancouver/Hillsboro, WA metro area $26,980 $30,141 89.5%
807 Rural Washington $24,680 $26,752 92.3%
808 Rural Washington $27,850 $26,752 104.1%
809 Rural Washington $27,760 $26,752 103.8%
810 Rural Washington $25,310 $26,752 94.6%
811 Seattle/Bellevue, WA metro area $29,350 $32,122 91.4%
812 Spokane, WA metro area $27,850 $24,913 111.8%
813 Spokane, WA metro area $22,560 $24,913 90.6%
814 Tacoma, WA metro area $24,980 $29,224 85.5%
815 Wenatchee/East Wenatchee, WA metro area $28,680 $25,508 112.4%
816 Yakima, WA metro area $26,730 $25,178 106.2%
817 Appleton, WI metro area $22,940 $24,218 94.7%
818 Columbia County, WI metro area $26,830 $26,006 103.2%
819 Douglas County $29,680 $27,854 106.6%
820 Eau Claire, WI metro area $28,240 $27,112 104.2%
821 Fond du Lac, WI metro area $19,020 $24,425 77.9%
822 Green Bay, WI metro area $20,690 $25,024 82.7%
823 Iowa County, WI metro area $26,830 $28,580 93.9%
824 Janesville, WI metro area $22,730 $25,778 88.2%
825 Kenosha County, WI metro area $27,790 $30,930 89.8%
826 La Crosse, WI metro area $26,490 $25,126 105.4%
827 Madison, WI metro area $26,830 $29,422 91.2%
828 Madison, WI metro area $21,000 $29,422 71.4%
829 Milwaukee/Waukesha/West Allis, WI metro area $22,870 $28,099 81.4%
830 Oconto County, WI metro area $20,690 $27,424 75.4%
831 Oshkosh/Neenah, WI metro area $21,160 $25,734 82.2%
832 Racine, WI metro area $27,850 $28,016 99.4%
833 Rural Wisconsin $24,840 $27,645 89.9%
834 Rural Wisconsin $38,310 $27,645 138.6%
835 Rural Wisconsin $21,000 $27,645 76.0%
836 Rural Wisconsin $22,460 $27,645 81.2%
837 Rural Wisconsin $36,160 $27,645 130.8%
838 Sheboygan, WI metro area $21,460 $26,264 81.7%
839 Wausau, WI metro area $22,720 $26,532 85.6%
840 Boone County, WV metro area $37,590 $27,073 138.8%
841 Charleston, WV metro area $37,590 $28,331 132.7%
842 Mineral County $23,370 $27,209 85.9%
843 Huntington, WV metro area $37,590 $23,893 157.3%
844 Huntington, WV metro area $26,910 $23,893 112.6%
845 Jefferson County, WV metro area $32,710 $29,609 110.5%
846 Martinsburg, WV metro area $28,240 $26,282 107.4%
847 Morgantown, WV metro area $22,690 $29,334 77.4%
848 Parkersburg/Vienna, WV metro area $34,210 $25,436 134.5%
849 Rural West Virginia $20,550 $27,774 74.0%
850 Rural West Virginia $34,630 $27,774 124.7%
851 Steubenville/Weirton, WV metro area $30,870 $25,158 122.7%
852 Wheeling, WV metro area $31,740 $25,931 122.4%
853 Winchester, WV metro area $24,200 $29,831 81.1%
854 Casper, WY metro area $31,580 $27,725 113.9%
855 Cheyenne, WY metro area $25,240 $27,945 90.3%
856 Rural Wyoming $37,160 $30,553 121.6%
857 Rural Wyoming $22,650 $30,553 74.1%
858 Rural Wyoming $33,090 $30,553 108.3%
859 Rural Wyoming $32,480 $30,553 106.3%

Note: Budgets are the amount required for one person to secure a modest yet adequate standard of living in his or her community. Gray areas denote locales for which earnings data are unavailable.

Source: EPI analysis of EPI Family Budget Calculator (Gould, Cooke, and Kimball 2015) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics (OES)

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Figure B

Share of local one-person budget met by local median earnings of other child care workers

case_id OES MSA name (with MSA divisions) Annual median wage One-person family budget Share of budget met by earnings
345 N/A 1
328 Worcester, MA metro area  $30,510  $29,922  102.0%
1 Anchorage, AK metro area $23,890 $33,015 72.4%
2 Fairbanks, AK metro area $28,410 $33,042 86.0%
3 Matanuska/Susitna Borough, AK metro area $23,890 $31,222 76.5%
4 Rural Alaska $24,980 $31,712 78.8%
5 Rural Alaska $24,640 $31,712 77.7%
6 Anniston/Oxford, AL metro area $17,740 $26,457 67.1%
7 Auburn/Opelika, AL metro area $17,930 $27,384 65.5%
8 Birmingham/Hoover, AL metro area $18,170 $27,574 65.9%
9 Chilton County, AL metro area $18,170 $26,185 69.4%
10 Russell County $17,790 $27,046 65.8%
11 Decatur, AL metro area $17,450 $24,653 70.8%
12 Dothan, AL metro area $17,910 $24,626 72.7%
13 Florence/Muscle Shoals, AL metro area $17,550 $26,256 66.8%
14 Gadsden, AL metro area $17,650 $23,283 75.8%
15 Henry County, AL metro area $17,910 $26,330 68.0%
16 Huntsville, AL metro area $17,720 $27,156 65.3%
17 Mobile, AL metro area $18,140 $29,786 60.9%
18 Montgomery, AL metro area $18,010 $28,404 63.4%
19 Rural Alabama $18,350 $26,875 68.3%
20 Rural Alabama $17,800 $26,875 66.2%
21 Rural Alabama $17,700 $26,875 65.9%
22 Rural Alabama $18,070 $26,875 67.2%
23 Rural Alabama $18,180 $26,875 67.6%
24 Tuscaloosa, AL metro area $17,800 $26,028 68.4%
25 Tuscaloosa, AL metro area $18,180 $26,028 69.8%
26 Walker County, AL metro area $18,170 $25,805 70.4%
27 Fayetteville/Springdale/Rogers, AR metro area $17,930 $26,216 68.4%
28 Fort Smith, AR metro area $17,600 $25,613 68.7%
29 Franklin County, AR metro area $17,600 $26,346 66.8%
30 Grant County, AR metro area $18,050 $26,540 68.0%
31 Hot Springs, AR metro area $18,330 $26,015 70.5%
32 Jonesboro, AR metro area $17,850 $23,835 74.9%
33 Little Rock/North Little Rock/Conway, AR metro area $18,050 $28,134 64.2%
34 Crittenden County $18,120 $28,537 63.5%
35 Pine Bluff, AR metro area $17,520 $25,054 69.9%
36 Poinsett County, AR metro area $17,850 $25,078 71.2%
37 Rural Arkansas $17,790 $26,689 66.7%
38 Rural Arkansas $17,960 $26,689 67.3%
39 Rural Arkansas $18,030 $26,689 67.6%
40 Rural Arkansas $18,080 $26,689 67.7%
41 Texarkana, AR metro area $18,030 $27,397 65.8%
42 Texarkana, AR metro area $17,950 $27,397 65.5%
43 Flagstaff, AZ metro area $19,230 $30,906 62.2%
44 Lake Havasu City/Kingman, AZ metro area $18,660 $25,797 72.3%
45 Phoenix/Mesa/Glendale, AZ metro area $19,000 $28,187 67.4%
46 Prescott, AZ metro area $20,010 $27,396 73.0%
47 Rural Arizona $19,270 $27,604 69.8%
48 Rural Arizona $21,240 $27,604 76.9%
49 Tucson, AZ metro area $18,830 $25,899 72.7%
50 Yuma, AZ metro area $19,900 $28,072 70.9%
51 Bakersfield/Delano, CA metro area $21,660 $29,265 74.0%
52 Chico, CA metro area $21,960 $26,887 81.7%
53 El Centro, CA metro area $18,430 $27,933 66.0%
54 Fresno, CA metro area $20,440 $29,592 69.1%
55 Hanford/Corcoran, CA metro area $20,310 $27,531 73.8%
56 Los Angeles/Long Beach, CA metro area $21,940 $34,886 62.9%
57 Madera/Chowchilla, CA metro area $22,090 $28,009 78.9%
58 Merced, CA metro area $19,590 $27,170 72.1%
59 Modesto, CA metro area $22,900 $28,339 80.8%
60 Napa, CA metro area $26,060 $34,775 74.9%
61 Oakland/Fremont, CA metro area $22,510 $39,603 56.8%
62 Orange County, CA metro area $25,420 $40,684 62.5%
63 Oxnard/Thousand Oaks/Ventura, CA metro area $22,230 $37,015 60.1%
64 Redding, CA metro area $23,520 $31,891 73.8%
65 Riverside/San Bernardino/Ontario, CA metro area $22,280 $32,085 69.4%
66 Rural California $31,199
67 Rural California $20,130 $31,199 64.5%
68 Rural California $22,720 $31,199 72.8%
69 Rural California $22,540 $31,199 72.2%
70 Rural California $22,580 $31,199 72.4%
71 Sacramento/Arden/Arcade/Roseville, CA metro area $22,250 $32,023 69.5%
72 Salinas, CA metro area $23,630 $36,264 65.2%
73 San Benito County, CA metro area $30,040 $31,942 94.0%
74 San Diego/Carlsbad/San Marcos, CA metro area $24,180 $36,450 66.3%
75 San Francisco, CA metro area $32,810 $43,581 75.3%
76 San Jose/Sunnyvale/Santa Clara, CA metro area $30,040 $41,386 72.6%
77 San Luis Obispo/Paso Robles, CA metro area $22,280 $34,424 64.7%
78 Santa Barbara/Santa Maria/Goleta, CA metro area $26,970 $39,180 68.8%
79 Santa Cruz/Watsonville, CA metro area $25,950 $38,301 67.8%
80 Santa Rosa/Petaluma, CA metro area $26,390 $35,077 75.2%
81 Stockton, CA metro area $24,310 $29,563 82.2%
82 Vallejo/Fairfield, CA metro area $22,890 $32,028 71.5%
83 Visalia/Porterville, CA metro area $26,790 $28,750 93.2%
84 Yolo, CA metro area $22,250 $32,148 69.2%
85 Yuba City, CA metro area $21,660 $26,981 80.3%
86 Boulder, CO metro area $23,300 $33,912 68.7%
87 Colorado Springs, CO metro area $21,170 $26,899 78.7%
88 Denver/Aurora/Broomfield, CO metro area $24,510 $28,829 85.0%
89 Fort Collins/Loveland, CO metro area $20,610 $28,739 71.7%
90 Grand Junction, CO metro area $21,420 $26,865 79.7%
91 Greeley, CO metro area $19,300 $25,766 74.9%
92 Pueblo, CO metro area $18,900 $25,368 74.5%
93 Rural Colorado $18,910 $31,576 59.9%
94 Rural Colorado $20,710 $31,576 65.6%
95 Rural Colorado $24,090 $31,576 76.3%
96 Rural Colorado $21,650 $31,576 68.6%
97 Teller County, CO metro area $21,170 $29,006 73.0%
98 Bridgeport, CT metro area $21,850 $33,324 65.6%
99 Colchester/Lebanon, CT metro area $21,600 $34,535 62.5%
100 Danbury, CT metro area $21,850 $40,035 54.6%
101 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $22,890 $33,080 69.2%
102 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $21,610 $33,080 65.3%
103 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $22,890 $33,080 69.2%
104 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $21,610 $33,080 65.3%
105 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $21,610 $33,080 65.3%
106 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $22,890 $33,080 69.2%
107 Milford/Ansonia/Seymour, CT metro area $22,090 $37,214 59.4%
108 New Haven/Meriden, CT metro area $22,090 $34,861 63.4%
109 New Haven/Meriden, CT metro area $22,090 $34,861 63.4%
110 Norwich/New London, CT metro area $21,600 $31,751 68.0%
111 Norwich/New London, CT metro area $21,600 $31,751 68.0%
112 Rural Connecticut $22,330 $32,612 68.5%
113 Rural Connecticut $22,330 $32,612 68.5%
114 Rural Connecticut $22,330 $32,612 68.5%
115 Rural Connecticut $22,330 $32,612 68.5%
116 Southern Middlesex County, CT metro area $21,610 $39,601 54.6%
117 Stamford/Norwalk, CT metro area $21,850 $46,074 47.4%
118 Waterbury, CT metro area $22,090 $28,926 76.4%
119 Washington, DC $21,520 $42,119 51.1%
120 Dover, DE metro area $20,300 $29,519 68.8%
121 Wilmington, DE metro area $19,930 $34,408 57.9%
122 Rural Delaware $19,000 $31,374 60.6%
123 Baker County, FL metro area $19,440 $28,156 69.0%
124 Cape Coral/Fort Myers, FL metro area $21,030 $31,352 67.1%
125 Crestview/Fort Walton Beach/Destin, FL metro area $21,710 $29,794 72.9%
126 Crestview/Fort Walton Beach/Destin, FL metro area $18,520 $29,794 62.2%
127 Deltona/Daytona Beach/Ormond Beach, FL metro area $19,250 $27,384 70.3%
128 Fort Lauderdale, FL metro area $20,620 $31,059 66.4%
129 Gainesville, FL metro area $18,640 $30,154 61.8%
130 Jacksonville, FL metro area $19,440 $29,781 65.3%
131 Lakeland/Winter Haven, FL metro area $18,470 $29,180 63.3%
132 Miami/Miami Beach/Kendall, FL metro area $18,650 $31,354 59.5%
133 Miami/Miami Beach/Kendall, FL metro area $19,210 $31,354 61.3%
134 Naples/Marco Island, FL metro area $20,840 $30,925 67.4%
135 North Port/Bradenton/Sarasota, FL metro area $21,590 $30,901 69.9%
136 Ocala, FL metro area $20,400 $26,506 77.0%
137 Orlando/Kissimmee/Sanford, FL metro area $19,300 $29,951 64.4%
138 Palm Bay/Melbourne/Titusville, FL metro area $21,790 $27,142 80.3%
139 Palm Coast, FL metro area $21,400 $29,874 71.6%
140 Panama City/Lynn Haven/Panama City Beach, FL metro area $21,710 $29,754 73.0%
141 Panama City/Lynn Haven/Panama City Beach, FL metro area $19,100 $29,754 64.2%
142 Pensacola/Ferry Pass/Brent, FL metro area $18,690 $29,309 63.8%
143 Port St. Lucie, FL metro area $21,110 $30,047 70.3%
144 Punta Gorda, FL metro area $19,250 $26,516 72.6%
145 Rural Florida $20,620 $29,488 69.9%
146 Rural Florida $21,710 $29,488 73.6%
147 Rural Florida $20,900 $29,488 70.9%
148 Sebastian/Vero Beach, FL metro area $18,840 $27,383 68.8%
149 Tallahassee, FL metro area $19,220 $31,524 61.0%
150 Tampa/St. Petersburg/Clearwater, FL metro area $18,840 $28,316 66.5%
151 Wakulla County, FL metro area $19,220 $29,524 65.1%
152 West Palm Beach/Boca Raton, FL metro area $20,850 $31,141 67.0%
153 Albany, GA metro area $18,110 $29,800 60.8%
154 Athens/Clarke County, GA metro area $18,320 $27,787 65.9%
155 Atlanta/Sandy Springs/Marietta, GA metro area $19,960 $31,303 63.8%
156 Atlanta/Sandy Springs/Marietta, GA metro area $19,370 $31,303 61.9%
157 Augusta/Richmond, GA metro area $17,830 $28,372 62.8%
158 Augusta/Richmond, GA metro area $17,820 $28,372 62.8%
159 Brunswick, GA metro area $17,910 $26,664 67.2%
160 Butts County, GA metro area $19,960 $31,289 63.8%
161 Catoos, Dade, and Walker Counties $17,930 $27,027 66.3%
162 Catoos, Dade, and Walker Counties $17,790 $27,027 65.8%
163 Columbus, GA metro area $17,790 $27,193 65.4%
164 Dalton, GA metro area $20,130 $28,528 70.6%
165 Gainesville, GA metro area $18,900 $30,162 62.7%
166 Haralson County, GA metro area $19,960 $27,980 71.3%
167 Hinesville/Fort Stewart, GA metro area $17,530 $28,685 61.1%
168 Lamar County, GA metro area $19,960 $28,553 69.9%
169 Long County, GA metro area $17,530 $28,421 61.7%
170 Macon, GA metro area $17,830 $27,941 63.8%
171 Meriwether County, GA metro area $19,960 $28,553 69.9%
172 Monroe County, GA metro area $17,830 $27,751 64.3%
173 Murray County, GA metro area $20,130 $29,593 68.0%
174 Rome, GA metro area $17,840 $27,064 65.9%
175 Rural Georgia $17,830 $29,863 59.7%
176 Rural Georgia $17,620 $29,863 59.0%
177 Rural Georgia $19,370 $29,863 64.9%
178 Rural Georgia $17,910 $29,863 60.0%
179 Savannah, GA metro area $17,710 $29,368 60.3%
180 Valdosta, GA metro area $17,710 $30,741 57.6%
181 Warner Robins, GA metro area $17,620 $29,912 58.9%
182 Warner Robins, GA metro area $17,580 $29,912 58.8%
183 Honolulu, HI metro area $18,000 $46,308 38.9%
184 Rural Hawaii $18,920 $36,288 52.1%
185 Ames, IA metro area $19,190 $26,574 72.2%
186 Benton County, IA metro area $18,480 $26,506 69.7%
187 Bremer County, IA metro area $17,790 $26,841 66.3%
188 Cedar Rapids, IA metro area $18,480 $24,049 76.8%
189 Davenport/Moline, IA metro area $18,680 $24,498 76.3%
190 Des Moines/West Des Moines, IA metro area $19,660 $26,830 73.3%
191 Dubuque, IA metro area $18,180 $25,628 70.9%
192 Iowa City, IA metro area $18,700 $28,077 66.6%
193 Jones County, IA metro area $18,480 $24,709 74.8%
194 Council Bluffs, IA metro area $19,140 $25,976 73.7%
195 Rural Iowa $17,600 $26,478 66.5%
196 Rural Iowa $17,720 $26,478 66.9%
197 Rural Iowa $17,760 $26,478 67.1%
198 Rural Iowa $17,470 $26,478 66.0%
199 Sioux City, IA metro area $17,720 $24,594 72.1%
200 Sioux City, IA metro area $18,050 $24,594 73.4%
201 Washington County, IA metro area $18,700 $26,825 69.7%
202 Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA metro area $17,790 $26,250 67.8%
203 Boise City/Nampa, ID metro area $17,700 $24,957 70.9%
204 Coeur d’Alene, ID metro area $17,710 $26,200 67.6%
205 Gem County, ID metro area $17,700 $25,220 70.2%
206 Idaho Falls, ID metro area $17,680 $24,569 72.0%
207 Idaho Falls, ID metro area $18,220 $24,569 74.2%
208 Lewiston, ID metro area $19,500 $26,183 74.5%
209 Franklin County $20,600 $27,704 74.4%
210 Pocatello, ID metro area $17,990 $23,497 76.6%
211 Rural Idaho $17,680 $27,557 64.2%
212 Rural Idaho $19,050 $27,557 69.1%
213 Rural Idaho $18,620 $27,557 67.6%
214 Rural Idaho $18,100 $27,557 65.7%
215 Rural Idaho $17,990 $27,557 65.3%
216 Bloomington/Normal, IL metro area $19,050 $29,540 64.5%
217 Bloomington/Normal, IL metro area $20,250 $29,540 68.6%
218 Bond County, IL metro area $19,390 $27,080 71.6%
219 Alexander County $18,220 $26,874 67.8%
220 Champaign/Urbana, IL metro area $19,590 $28,634 68.4%
221 Chicago/Joliet/Naperville, IL metro area $23,680 $31,334 75.6%
222 Chicago/Joliet/Naperville, IL metro area $22,370 $31,334 71.4%
223 Danville, IL metro area $18,880 $27,611 68.4%
224 Rock Island, IL metro area $18,680 $24,414 76.5%
225 Decatur, IL metro area $21,260 $25,031 84.9%
226 DeKalb County, IL metro area $23,680 $27,955 84.7%
227 Grundy County, IL metro area $23,680 $27,296 86.8%
228 Kankakee/Bradley, IL metro area $21,700 $25,121 86.4%
229 Kendall County, IL metro area $23,680 $28,455 83.2%
230 Macoupin County, IL metro area $19,390 $26,787 72.4%
231 Peoria, IL metro area $19,350 $25,196 76.8%
232 Rockford, IL metro area $19,020 $26,608 71.5%
233 Rural Illinois $20,790 $27,471 75.7%
234 Rural Illinois $20,310 $27,471 73.9%
235 Rural Illinois $19,100 $27,471 69.5%
236 Rural Illinois $20,250 $27,471 73.7%
237 Springfield, IL metro area $19,580 $26,406 74.2%
238 St. Louis, IL metro area $19,390 $27,622 70.2%
239 Anderson, IN metro area $18,400 $24,073 76.4%
240 Bloomington, IN metro area $17,820 $29,005 61.4%
241 Carroll County, IN metro area $20,410 $29,133 70.1%
242 Indiana suburbs of Cincinnati $18,490 $26,179 70.6%
243 Indiana suburbs of Cincinnati $20,700 $26,179 79.1%
244 Columbus, IN metro area $24,510 $29,928 81.9%
245 Elkhart/Goshen, IN metro area $18,960 $26,563 71.4%
246 Evansville, IN metro area $18,430 $28,631 64.4%
247 Fort Wayne, IN metro area $19,900 $26,782 74.3%
248 Gary, IN metro area $19,060 $26,886 70.9%
249 Gibson County, IN metro area $18,430 $28,175 65.4%
250 Greene County, IN metro area $17,820 $26,196 68.0%
251 Indianapolis, IN metro area $20,440 $27,757 73.6%
252 Jasper County, IN metro area $19,060 $28,878 66.0%
253 Kokomo, IN metro area $18,210 $26,605 68.4%
254 Lafayette, IN metro area $20,410 $28,215 72.3%
255 Indiana suburbs of Louisville $19,330 $26,322 73.4%
256 Indiana suburbs of Louisville $18,550 $26,322 70.5%
257 Michigan City/La Porte, IN metro area $17,710 $25,712 68.9%
258 Muncie, IN metro area $18,530 $25,870 71.6%
259 Owen County, IN metro area $17,820 $28,049 63.5%
260 Putnam County, IN metro area $20,440 $29,200 70.0%
261 Rural Indiana $18,490 $26,906 68.7%
262 Rural Indiana $20,700 $26,906 76.9%
263 Rural Indiana $19,330 $26,906 71.8%
264 Rural Indiana $17,630 $26,906 65.5%
265 South Bend/Mishawaka, IN metro area $19,340 $26,747 72.3%
266 Sullivan County, IN metro area $17,640 $29,049 60.7%
267 Terre Haute, IN metro area $17,640 $25,736 68.5%
268 Washington County, IN metro area $18,550 $26,766 69.3%
269 Franklin County, KS metro area $18,670 $26,759 69.8%
270 Kansas City, KS metro area $18,670 $26,939 69.3%
271 Lawrence, KS metro area $18,760 $25,214 74.4%
272 Manhattan, KS metro area $17,910 $28,277 63.3%
273 Rural Kansas $18,190 $26,279 69.2%
274 St. Joseph, KS metro area $17,890 $28,029 63.8%
275 Sumner County, KS metro area $18,850 $27,211 69.3%
276 Topeka, KS metro area $20,600 $24,052 85.6%
277 Wichita, KS metro area $18,190 $24,876 73.1%
278 Wichita, KS metro area $18,850 $24,876 75.8%
279 Bowling Green, KY metro area $18,450 $25,813 71.5%
280 Bowling Green, KY metro area $18,860 $25,813 73.1%
281 Kentucky suburbs of Cincinnati $20,700 $25,547 81.0%
282 Christian and Trigg County $17,750 $26,700 66.5%
283 Elizabethtown, KY metro area $17,970 $24,906 72.2%
284 Henderson County $18,430 $27,089 68.0%
285 Grant County, KY metro area $20,700 $26,282 78.8%
286 Ashland, KY metro area $18,250 $23,835 76.6%
287 Lexington/Fayette, KY metro area $18,800 $25,856 72.7%
288 Louisville, KY metro area $18,550 $26,280 70.6%
289 Meade County, KY metro area $18,550 $26,596 69.7%
290 Nelson County, KY metro area $18,550 $26,168 70.9%
291 Owensboro, KY metro area $18,460 $25,039 73.7%
292 Rural Kentucky $18,090 $26,338 68.7%
293 Rural Kentucky $18,860 $26,338 71.6%
294 Rural Kentucky $19,490 $26,338 74.0%
295 Rural Kentucky $18,270 $26,338 69.4%
296 Shelby County, KY metro area $18,550 $28,198 65.8%
297 Alexandria, LA metro area $17,780 $27,566 64.5%
298 Baton Rouge, LA metro area $17,970 $27,931 64.3%
299 Houma/Bayou Cane/Thibodaux, LA metro area $18,090 $26,519 68.2%
300 Iberville Parish, LA metro area $17,970 $26,736 67.2%
301 Lafayette, LA metro area $18,280 $27,110 67.4%
302 Lafayette, LA metro area $18,540 $27,110 68.4%
303 Lake Charles, LA metro area $17,950 $27,919 64.3%
304 Monroe, LA metro area $17,670 $27,385 64.5%
305 New Orleans/Metairie/Kenner, LA metro area $18,280 $30,152 60.6%
306 New Orleans/Metairie/Kenner, LA metro area $19,270 $30,152 63.9%
307 Rural Louisiana $17,690 $28,558 61.9%
308 Rural Louisiana $17,540 $28,558 61.4%
309 Rural Louisiana $18,280 $28,558 64.0%
310 Rural Louisiana $17,790 $28,558 62.3%
311 Shreveport/Bossier City, LA metro area $17,790 $27,712 64.2%
312 Shreveport/Bossier City, LA metro area $18,420 $27,712 66.5%
313 Barnstable Town, MA metro area $26,820 $33,807 79.3%
314 Barnstable Town, MA metro area $26,820 $33,807 79.3%
315 Berkshire County, MA metro area $21,690 $32,087 67.6%
316 Berkshire County, MA metro area $21,690 $32,087 67.6%
317 Berkshire County, MA metro area $21,690 $32,087 67.6%
318 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $26,220 $39,358 66.6%
319 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $21,350 $39,358 54.2%
320 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $26,220 $39,358 66.6%
321 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $25,660 $39,358 65.2%
322 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $21,350 $39,358 54.2%
323 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $25,660 $39,358 65.2%
324 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $26,220 $39,358 66.6%
325 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $21,350 $39,358 54.2%
326 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $20,720 $39,358 52.6%
327 Brockton, MA metro area $20,720 $35,723 58.0%
329 Easton/Raynham, MA metro area $20,720 $38,261 54.2%
330 Fitchburg/Leominster, MA metro area $25,660 $27,523 93.2%
331 Franklin County, MA metro area $26,440 $31,480 84.0%
332 Franklin County, MA metro area $26,440 $31,480 84.0%
333 Franklin County, MA metro area $26,440 $31,480 84.0%
334 Lawrence, MA metro area $21,350 $33,008 64.7%
335 Lowell, MA metro area $25,660 $33,919 75.7%
336 New Bedford, MA metro area $20,720 $30,570 67.8%
337 Pittsfield, MA metro area $21,690 $27,523 78.8%
338 Providence/Fall River, MA metro area $20,720 $30,797 67.3%
339 Providence/Fall River, MA metro area $20,720 $30,797 67.3%
340 Rural Massachusetts $19,960 $37,807 52.8%
341 Springfield, MA metro area $26,440 $30,397 87.0%
342 Springfield, MA metro area $22,330 $30,397 73.5%
343 Springfield, MA metro area $22,330 $30,397 73.5%
344 Taunton/Mansfield/Norton, MA metro area $26,220 $33,235 78.9%
346 Worcester, MA metro area $30,510 $29,922 102.0%
347 Worcester, MA metro area $30,510 $29,922 102.0%
348 Worcester, MA metro area $30,510 $29,922 102.0%
349 Worcester, MA metro area $30,510 $29,922 102.0%
350 Worcester, MA metro area $30,510 $29,922 102.0%
351 Baltimore/Towson, MD metro area $19,830 $33,994 58.3%
352 Columbia city, MD metro area $19,830 $38,288 51.8%
353 Cumberland, MD metro area $18,980 $24,568 77.3%
354 Hagerstown, MD metro area $18,240 $28,274 64.5%
355 Cecil County $19,930 $32,523 61.3%
356 Rural Maryland $20,830 $32,271 64.5%
357 Rural Maryland $32,271
358 Rural Maryland $19,310 $32,271 59.8%
359 Salisbury, MD metro area $20,830 $26,235 79.4%
360 Salisbury, MD metro area $20,170 $26,235 76.9%
361 Somerset County, MD metro area $20,170 $25,469 79.2%
362 Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC $24,120 $41,424 58.2%
363 Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC $21,520 $41,424 52.0%
364 Bangor, ME metro area $21,660 $29,840 72.6%
365 Cumberland County, ME metro area $21,960 $29,369 74.8%
366 Cumberland County, ME metro area $21,960 $29,369 74.8%
367 Lewiston/Auburn, ME metro area $19,240 $27,417 70.2%
368 Lewiston/Auburn, ME metro area $19,240 $27,417 70.2%
369 Penobscot County, ME metro area $21,660 $26,764 80.9%
370 Penobscot County, ME metro area $21,660 $26,764 80.9%
371 Portland, ME metro area $21,960 $31,848 69.0%
372 Rural Maine $22,560 $30,594 73.7%
373 Rural Maine $22,560 $30,594 73.7%
374 Rural Maine $19,240 $30,594 62.9%
375 Rural Maine $19,240 $30,594 62.9%
376 Rural Maine $19,240 $30,594 62.9%
377 Sagadahoc County, ME metro area $19,240 $33,195 58.0%
378 York County, ME metro area $19,240 $29,354 65.5%
379 York County, ME metro area $19,240 $29,354 65.5%
380 York County, ME metro area $19,240 $29,354 65.5%
381 York County, ME metro area $19,240 $29,354 65.5%
382 York/Kittery/South Berwick, ME metro area $21,960 $34,219 64.2%
383 Ann Arbor, MI metro area $19,920 $30,299 65.7%
384 Barry County, MI metro area $20,370 $25,527 79.8%
385 Battle Creek, MI metro area $18,010 $24,706 72.9%
386 Bay City, MI metro area $18,180 $23,914 76.0%
387 Cass County, MI metro area $19,340 $26,334 73.4%
388 Detroit/Warren/Livonia, MI metro area $20,900 $26,072 80.2%
389 Detroit/Warren/Livonia, MI metro area $21,630 $26,072 83.0%
390 Flint, MI metro area $19,060 $25,033 76.1%
391 Grand Rapids/Wyoming, MI metro area $26,807
392 Grand Rapids/Wyoming, MI metro area $20,370 $26,807 76.0%
393 Grand Rapids/Wyoming, MI metro area $20,820 $26,807 77.7%
394 Holland/Grand Haven, MI metro area $29,626
395 Ionia County, MI metro area $20,370 $26,184 77.8%
396 Jackson, MI metro area $20,660 $26,642 77.5%
397 Kalamazoo/Portage, MI metro area $18,060 $26,077 69.3%
398 Lansing/East Lansing, MI metro area $19,560 $26,285 74.4%
399 Livingston County, MI metro area $21,630 $26,834 80.6%
400 Monroe, MI metro area $18,950 $26,390 71.8%
401 Muskegon/Norton Shores, MI metro area $19,240 $23,206 82.9%
402 Newaygo County, MI metro area $20,370 $27,637 73.7%
403 Niles/Benton Harbor, MI metro area $21,040 $26,098 80.6%
404 Rural Michigan $27,949
405 Rural Michigan $18,030 $27,949 64.5%
406 Rural Michigan $19,180 $27,949 68.6%
407 Rural Michigan $19,460 $27,949 69.6%
408 Saginaw/Saginaw Township North, MI metro area $18,520 $24,658 75.1%
409 Duluth, MN metro area $18,740 $24,143 77.6%
410 Clay County $18,350 $23,801 77.1%
411 Polk County $18,940 $27,256 69.5%
412 Houston County $17,930 $27,542 65.1%
413 Mankato/North Mankato, MN metro area $18,690 $24,999 74.8%
414 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $19,200 $27,224 70.5%
415 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $18,690 $27,224 68.7%
416 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $23,090 $27,224 84.8%
417 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $23,090 $27,224 84.8%
418 Rochester, MN metro area $18,690 $28,857 64.8%
419 Rochester, MN metro area $22,620 $28,857 78.4%
420 Rural Minnesota $19,200 $25,872 74.2%
421 Rural Minnesota $20,660 $25,872 79.9%
422 Rural Minnesota $18,690 $25,872 72.2%
423 Rural Minnesota $18,840 $25,872 72.8%
424 St. Cloud, MN metro area $19,270 $27,278 70.6%
425 Wabasha County, MN metro area $22,620 $27,144 83.3%
426 Bates County, MO metro area $18,670 $25,876 72.2%
427 Calloway County, MO metro area $18,490 $27,750 66.6%
428 Cape Girardeau, MO metro area $18,220 $24,667 73.9%
429 Columbia, MO metro area $18,730 $27,620 67.8%
430 Dallas County, MO metro area $18,040 $25,712 70.2%
431 Jefferson City, MO metro area $18,490 $24,330 76.0%
432 Joplin, MO metro area $17,710 $25,464 69.5%
433 Kansas City, MO metro area $18,670 $27,373 68.2%
434 McDonald County, MO metro area $17,930 $26,930 66.6%
435 Moniteau County, MO metro area $18,490 $26,256 70.4%
436 Polk County, MO metro area $18,040 $25,781 70.0%
437 Rural Missouri $18,260 $26,634 68.6%
438 Rural Missouri $18,400 $26,634 69.1%
439 Rural Missouri $18,560 $26,634 69.7%
440 Rural Missouri $18,270 $26,634 68.6%
441 Rural Missouri $18,730 $26,634 70.3%
442 Springfield, MO metro area $18,040 $25,141 71.8%
443 St. Joseph, MO metro area $17,890 $27,572 64.9%
444 St. Louis, MO metro area $19,390 $27,683 70.0%
445 Washington County, MO metro area $19,390 $27,979 69.3%
446 Gulfport/Biloxi, MS metro area $18,190 $32,435 56.1%
447 Gulfport/Biloxi, MS metro area $17,600 $32,435 54.3%
448 Hattiesburg, MS metro area $17,900 $29,078 61.6%
449 Jackson, MS metro area $18,050 $26,877 67.2%
450 Jackson, MS metro area $18,310 $26,877 68.1%
451 Marshall County, MS metro area $18,120 $28,245 64.2%
452 Mississippi suburbs of Memphis $17,690 $29,399 60.2%
453 Mississippi suburbs of Memphis $18,120 $29,399 61.6%
454 Pascagoula, MS metro area $17,800 $31,891 55.8%
455 Pascagoula, MS metro area $17,600 $31,891 55.2%
456 Rural Mississippi $17,670 $28,181 62.7%
457 Rural Mississippi $17,690 $28,181 62.8%
458 Rural Mississippi $17,800 $28,181 63.2%
459 Rural Mississippi $18,050 $28,181 64.1%
460 Simpson County, MS metro area $18,310 $26,077 70.2%
461 Tate County, MS metro area $18,120 $29,850 60.7%
462 Tunica County, MS metro area $18,120 $29,231 62.0%
463 Billings, MT metro area $19,290 $25,823 74.7%
464 Billings, MT metro area $18,980 $25,823 73.5%
465 Billings, MT metro area $19,080 $25,823 73.9%
466 Great Falls, MT metro area $20,060 $25,939 77.3%
467 Missoula, MT metro area $18,650 $29,517 63.2%
468 Rural Montana $19,290 $27,606 69.9%
469 Rural Montana $18,890 $27,606 68.4%
470 Rural Montana $18,980 $27,606 68.8%
471 Rural Montana $19,020 $27,606 68.9%
472 Anson County, NC metro area $20,770 $28,842 72.0%
473 Asheville, NC metro area $22,930 $26,338 87.1%
474 Burlington, NC metro area $17,820 $27,890 63.9%
475 Charlotte/Gastonia, NC metro area $20,770 $30,485 68.1%
476 Charlotte/Gastonia, NC metro area $19,230 $30,485 63.1%
477 Durham/Chapel Hill, NC metro area $21,150 $29,041 72.8%
478 Fayetteville, NC metro area $18,170 $31,393 57.9%
479 Goldsboro, NC metro area $18,450 $27,613 66.8%
480 Greene County, NC metro area $18,820 $28,829 65.3%
481 Greensboro/High Point, NC metro area $18,750 $28,083 66.8%
482 Greenville, NC metro area $18,820 $28,491 66.1%
483 Haywood County, NC metro area $22,930 $28,052 81.7%
484 Hickory/Lenoir/Morganton, NC metro area $18,420 $28,357 65.0%
485 Hoke County, NC metro area $18,170 $30,049 60.5%
486 Jacksonville, NC metro area $18,220 $30,350 60.0%
487 Pender County, NC metro area $19,320 $27,456 70.4%
488 Person County, NC metro area $21,150 $27,785 76.1%
489 Raleigh/Cary, NC metro area $19,760 $30,209 65.4%
490 Rockingham County, NC metro area $18,750 $27,431 68.4%
491 Rocky Mount, NC metro area $17,640 $28,686 61.5%
492 Rural North Carolina $18,200 $29,438 61.8%
493 Rural North Carolina $19,170 $29,438 65.1%
494 Rural North Carolina $19,230 $29,438 65.3%
495 Rural North Carolina $18,400 $29,438 62.5%
496 Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Newport News, NC metro area $18,200 $38,355 47.5%
497 Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Newport News, NC metro area $18,080 $38,355 47.1%
498 Wilmington, NC metro area $19,320 $30,785 62.8%
499 Winston/Salem, NC metro area $19,230 $29,144 66.0%
500 Winston/Salem, NC metro area $18,680 $29,144 64.1%
501 Bismarck, ND metro area $18,890 $26,353 71.7%
502 Bismarck, ND metro area $20,400 $26,353 77.4%
503 Fargo, ND metro area $18,350 $24,775 74.1%
504 Grand Forks, ND metro area $18,940 $25,176 75.2%
505 Rural North Dakota $21,940 $30,007 73.1%
506 Rural North Dakota $18,480 $30,007 61.6%
507 Rural North Dakota $18,150 $30,007 60.5%
508 Rural North Dakota $20,400 $30,007 68.0%
509 Lincoln, NE metro area $18,850 $24,765 76.1%
510 Omaha, NE metro area $19,140 $25,988 73.6%
511 Rural Nebraska $17,640 $25,748 68.5%
512 Rural Nebraska $20,240 $25,748 78.6%
513 Rural Nebraska $17,700 $25,748 68.7%
514 Rural Nebraska $18,570 $25,748 72.1%
515 Saunders County, NE metro area $19,140 $26,566 72.0%
516 Seward County, NE metro area $18,850 $24,624 76.6%
517 Sioux City, NE metro area $18,050 $25,904 69.7%
518 Rockingham and Strafford Counties $21,250 $39,711 53.5%
519 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $18,450 $32,439 56.9%
520 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $18,450 $32,439 56.9%
521 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $18,450 $32,439 56.9%
522 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $18,450 $32,439 56.9%
523 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $18,450 $32,439 56.9%
524 New Hampshire suburbs of Lawrence, MA $21,250 $31,526 67.4%
525 Manchester, NH metro area $19,250 $28,961 66.5%
526 Manchester, NH metro area $19,250 $28,961 66.5%
527 Manchester, NH metro area $19,250 $28,961 66.5%
528 Nashua, NH metro area $21,250 $32,974 64.4%
529 Portsmouth/Rochester, NH metro area $21,250 $30,978 68.6%
530 Rural New Hampshire $21,250 $31,558 67.3%
531 Rural New Hampshire $19,250 $31,558 61.0%
532 Rural New Hampshire $18,450 $31,558 58.5%
533 Rural New Hampshire $19,250 $31,558 61.0%
534 Rural New Hampshire $21,250 $31,558 67.3%
535 Western Rockingham County, NH metro area $21,250 $37,676 56.4%
536 Western Rockingham County, NH metro area $21,250 $37,676 56.4%
537 Western Rockingham County, NH metro area $21,250 $37,676 56.4%
538 Atlantic City/Hammonton, NJ metro area $21,610 $34,022 63.5%
539 Bergen/Passaic, NJ metro area $26,540 $40,774 65.1%
540 Bergen/Passaic, NJ metro area $21,090 $40,774 51.7%
541 Jersey City, NJ metro area $26,540 $38,518 68.9%
542 Middlesex/Somerset/Hunterdon, NJ metro area $22,280 $37,012 60.2%
543 Monmouth/Ocean, NJ metro area $22,280 $36,764 60.6%
544 Newark, NJ metro area $21,090 $39,133 53.9%
545 Ocean City, NJ metro area $23,130 $29,662 78.0%
546 Camden, NJ metro area $22,130 $34,109 64.9%
547 Camden, NJ metro area $19,930 $34,109 58.4%
548 Trenton/Ewing, NJ metro area $20,130 $36,450 55.2%
549 Vineland/Millville/Bridgeton, NJ metro area $20,340 $32,847 61.9%
550 Warren County, NJ metro area $18,870 $32,023 58.9%
551 Albuquerque, NM metro area $18,250 $26,287 69.4%
552 Farmington, NM metro area $18,180 $26,387 68.9%
553 Las Cruces, NM metro area $18,330 $26,061 70.3%
554 Rural New Mexico $17,970 $27,182 66.1%
555 Rural New Mexico $18,870 $27,182 69.4%
556 Rural New Mexico $18,070 $27,182 66.5%
557 Rural New Mexico $27,182
558 Santa Fe, NM metro area $21,630 $31,357 69.0%
559 Carson City, NV metro area $18,120 $28,521 63.5%
560 Las Vegas/Paradise, NV metro area $18,940 $29,546 64.1%
561 Reno/Sparks, NV metro area $22,860 $28,667 79.7%
562 Rural Nevada $20,090 $29,034 69.2%
563 Rural Nevada $30,160 $29,034 103.9%
564 Albany/Schenectady/Troy, NY metro area $20,410 $31,547 64.7%
565 Binghamton, NY metro area $18,740 $29,037 64.5%
566 Buffalo/Niagara Falls, NY metro area $19,170 $28,048 68.3%
567 Elmira, NY metro area $18,890 $29,013 65.1%
568 Glens Falls, NY metro area $19,240 $30,767 62.5%
569 Ithaca, NY metro area $22,630 $34,919 64.8%
570 Kingston, NY metro area $21,130 $31,375 67.3%
571 Nassau/Suffolk, NY metro area $27,010 $40,573 66.6%
572 New York, NY metro area $27,010 $43,519 62.1%
573 New York, NY metro area $26,540 $43,519 61.0%
574 Poughkeepsie/Newburgh/Middletown, NY metro area $23,530 $36,952 63.7%
575 Rochester, NY metro area $18,660 $28,774 64.9%
576 Rochester, NY metro area $19,160 $28,774 66.6%
577 Rural New York $19,100 $30,684 62.2%
578 Rural New York $21,140 $30,684 68.9%
579 Rural New York $29,330 $30,684 95.6%
580 Rural New York $18,660 $30,684 60.8%
581 Syracuse, NY metro area $20,840 $28,994 71.9%
582 Utica/Rome, NY metro area $18,660 $30,909 60.4%
583 Utica/Rome, NY metro area $20,180 $30,909 65.3%
584 Westchester County, NY metro area $26,540 $39,515 67.2%
585 Akron, OH metro area $19,480 $25,990 75.0%
586 Brown County, OH metro area $20,700 $25,107 82.4%
587 Canton/Massillon, OH metro area $18,270 $24,511 74.5%
588 Cincinnati/Middleton, OH metro area $20,700 $25,403 81.5%
589 Cleveland/Elyria/Mentor, OH metro area $19,130 $26,106 73.3%
590 Columbus, OH metro area $18,560 $27,193 68.3%
591 Columbus, OH metro area $18,830 $27,193 69.2%
592 Columbus, OH metro area $20,750 $27,193 76.3%
593 Dayton, OH metro area $18,880 $26,777 70.5%
594 Lawrence County $18,250 $24,172 75.5%
595 Lima, OH metro area $18,820 $26,238 71.7%
596 Mansfield, OH metro area $18,970 $25,657 73.9%
597 Marietta, OH metro area $17,710 $25,230 70.2%
598 Preble County, OH metro area $18,880 $26,035 72.5%
599 Rural Ohio $18,830 $26,608 70.8%
600 Rural Ohio $19,560 $26,608 73.5%
601 Rural Ohio $18,560 $26,608 69.8%
602 Rural Ohio $18,810 $26,608 70.7%
603 Sandusky, OH metro area $19,610 $25,927 75.6%
604 Springfield, OH metro area $21,630 $26,495 81.6%
605 Steubenville/Weirton, OH metro area $17,630 $24,749 71.2%
606 Toledo, OH metro area $19,020 $24,324 78.2%
607 Union County, OH metro area $20,750 $26,882 77.2%
608 Wheeling, OH metro area $18,230 $25,545 71.4%
609 Youngstown/Warren/Boardman, OH metro area $19,150 $25,567 74.9%
610 Sequoyah County $17,680 $26,318 67.2%
611 Sequoyah County $20,400 $26,318 77.5%
612 Sequoyah County $17,600 $26,318 66.9%
613 Grady County, OK metro area $18,500 $23,156 79.9%
614 Lawton, OK metro area $18,150 $25,927 70.0%
615 Lawton, OK metro area $18,870 $25,927 72.8%
616 Le Flore County, OK metro area $17,600 $25,013 70.4%
617 Lincoln County, OK metro area $18,500 $25,048 73.9%
618 Oklahoma City, OK metro area $18,500 $25,304 73.1%
619 Okmulgee County, OK metro area $18,910 $24,212 78.1%
620 Pawnee County, OK metro area $18,910 $24,650 76.7%
621 Rural Oklahoma $18,180 $25,618 71.0%
622 Rural Oklahoma $17,680 $25,618 69.0%
623 Rural Oklahoma $20,400 $25,618 79.6%
624 Rural Oklahoma $18,150 $25,618 70.8%
625 Tulsa, OK metro area $18,910 $25,315 74.7%
626 Bend, OR metro area $20,680 $28,053 73.7%
627 Corvallis, OR metro area $19,300 $26,498 72.8%
628 Eugene/Springfield, OR metro area $21,370 $26,958 79.3%
629 Medford, OR metro area $21,510 $29,284 73.5%
630 Portland/Vancouver/Hillsboro, OR metro area $21,410 $30,833 69.4%
631 Rural Oregon $22,120 $27,240 81.2%
632 Rural Oregon $22,460 $27,240 82.5%
633 Rural Oregon $22,290 $27,240 81.8%
634 Rural Oregon $19,400 $27,240 71.2%
635 Salem, OR metro area $19,470 $28,142 69.2%
636 Allentown/Bethlehem/Easton, PA metro area $18,870 $30,315 62.2%
637 Altoona, PA metro area $17,890 $26,709 67.0%
638 Armstrong County, PA metro area $19,310 $23,005 83.9%
639 Erie, PA metro area $18,460 $24,535 75.2%
640 Harrisburg/Carlisle, PA metro area $20,680 $28,511 72.5%
641 Johnstown, PA metro area $18,090 $24,974 72.4%
642 Lancaster, PA metro area $19,410 $29,056 66.8%
643 Lebanon, PA metro area $18,910 $24,334 77.7%
644 Philadelphia, PA metro area $20,100 $33,765 59.5%
645 Pike County, PA metro area $21,090 $36,348 58.0%
646 Pittsburgh, PA metro area $19,310 $27,124 71.2%
647 Reading, PA metro area $18,680 $26,925 69.4%
648 Rural Pennsylvania $18,240 $27,357 66.7%
649 Rural Pennsylvania $21,490 $27,357 78.6%
650 Rural Pennsylvania $17,770 $27,357 65.0%
651 Rural Pennsylvania $18,480 $27,357 67.6%
652 Scranton/Wilkes/Barre, PA metro area $18,080 $25,761 70.2%
653 Sharon, PA metro area $19,150 $25,766 74.3%
654 State College, PA metro area $18,920 $30,015 63.0%
655 Williamsport, PA metro area $18,160 $25,209 72.0%
656 York/Hanover, PA metro area $18,350 $26,339 69.7%
657 Newport/Middleton/Portsmouth, RI metro area $20,720 $35,425 58.5%
658 Providence/Fall River, RI metro area $20,720 $30,522 67.9%
659 Westerly/Hopkinton/New Shoreham, RI metro area $20,720 $29,778 69.6%
660 Anderson, SC metro area $18,120 $27,497 65.9%
661 Aiken and Edgefield Counties $17,820 $28,109 63.4%
662 Charleston/North Charleston/Summerville, SC metro area $17,800 $31,920 55.8%
663 Rock Hill, Chester, Lancaster, and York Counties $18,100 $30,109 60.1%
664 Rock Hill, Chester, Lancaster, and York Counties $20,770 $30,109 69.0%
665 Columbia, SC metro area $17,970 $29,676 60.6%
666 Darlington County, SC metro area $17,920 $27,308 65.6%
667 Florence, SC metro area $17,920 $27,190 65.9%
668 Greenville/Mauldin/Easley, SC metro area $17,600 $27,039 65.1%
669 Kershaw County, SC metro area $17,970 $26,527 67.7%
670 Laurens County, SC metro area $17,600 $23,982 73.4%
671 Myrtle Beach/North Myrtle Beach/Conway, SC metro area $17,740 $30,194 58.8%
672 Rural South Carolina $18,040 $28,423 63.5%
673 Rural South Carolina $17,840 $28,423 62.8%
674 Rural South Carolina $18,970 $28,423 66.7%
675 Rural South Carolina $18,100 $28,423 63.7%
676 Spartanburg, SC metro area $18,100 $25,242 71.7%
677 Spartanburg, SC metro area $19,710 $25,242 78.1%
678 Sumter, SC metro area $17,580 $28,625 61.4%
679 Meade County, SD metro area $18,580 $26,142 71.1%
680 Rapid City, SD metro area $18,130 $26,172 69.3%
681 Rapid City, SD metro area $18,580 $26,172 71.0%
682 Rural South Dakota $17,890 $26,554 67.4%
683 Rural South Dakota $19,720 $26,554 74.3%
684 Rural South Dakota $18,130 $26,554 68.3%
685 Sioux City, SD metro area $18,050 $25,429 71.0%
686 Sioux Falls, SD metro area $18,420 $26,677 69.0%
687 Chattanooga, TN metro area $17,930 $24,054 74.5%
688 Clarksville, TN metro area $17,750 $25,258 70.3%
689 Cleveland, TN metro area $17,650 $23,618 74.7%
690 Hickman County, TN metro area $20,400 $25,531 79.9%
691 Jackson, TN metro area $18,540 $23,182 80.0%
692 Jackson, TN metro area $17,820 $23,182 76.9%
693 Johnson City, TN metro area $17,560 $23,634 74.3%
694 Kingsport/Bristol, TN metro area $17,970 $23,612 76.1%
695 Knoxville, TN metro area $18,050 $24,964 72.3%
696 Knoxville, TN metro area $18,090 $24,964 72.5%
697 Knoxville, TN metro area $18,160 $24,964 72.7%
698 Knoxville, TN metro area $18,470 $24,964 74.0%
699 Macon County, TN metro area $20,400 $24,432 83.5%
700 Memphis, TN metro area $18,120 $26,774 67.7%
701 Morristown, TN metro area $18,470 $23,458 78.7%
702 Nashville/Davidson/Murfreesboro/Franklin, TN metro area $18,090 $27,597 65.5%
703 Nashville/Davidson/Murfreesboro/Franklin, TN metro area $20,400 $27,597 73.9%
704 Rural Tennessee $18,050 $24,444 73.8%
705 Rural Tennessee $18,160 $24,444 74.3%
706 Rural Tennessee $18,090 $24,444 74.0%
707 Rural Tennessee $17,820 $24,444 72.9%
708 Smith County, TN metro area $20,400 $24,388 83.6%
709 Stewart County, TN metro area $17,750 $23,887 74.3%
710 Abilene, TX metro area $17,900 $25,480 70.3%
711 Amarillo, TX metro area $18,400 $24,475 75.2%
712 Amarillo, TX metro area $18,000 $24,475 73.5%
713 Aransas County, TX metro area $18,240 $25,452 71.7%
714 Atascosa County, TX metro area $18,690 $24,920 75.0%
715 Austin County, TX metro area $18,590 $26,245 70.8%
716 Austin/Round Rock/San Marcos, TX metro area $20,580 $29,904 68.8%
717 Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX metro area $18,420 $26,206 70.3%
718 Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX metro area $17,970 $26,206 68.6%
719 Brazoria County, TX metro area $18,590 $28,620 65.0%
720 Brownsville/Harlingen, TX metro area $18,400 $24,120 76.3%
721 Calhoun County, TX metro area $17,720 $27,345 64.8%
722 College Station/Bryan, TX metro area $18,210 $29,553 61.6%
723 Corpus Christi, TX metro area $18,240 $26,554 68.7%
724 Dallas, TX metro area $19,820 $27,617 71.8%
725 Dallas, TX metro area $17,810 $27,617 64.5%
726 El Paso, TX metro area $18,000 $26,413 68.1%
727 El Paso, TX metro area $18,470 $26,413 69.9%
728 Fort Worth/Arlington, TX metro area $19,140 $28,388 67.4%
729 Houston/Baytown/Sugar Land, TX metro area $18,590 $27,803 66.9%
730 Kendall County, TX metro area $18,690 $27,622 67.7%
731 Killeen/Temple/Fort Hood, TX metro area $17,640 $26,136 67.5%
732 Lampasas County, TX metro area $17,640 $25,913 68.1%
733 Laredo, TX metro area $18,920 $26,819 70.5%
734 Longview, TX metro area $18,410 $28,362 64.9%
735 Lubbock, TX metro area $18,000 $25,657 70.2%
736 Lubbock, TX metro area $18,000 $25,657 70.2%
737 McAllen/Edinburg/Mission, TX metro area $18,070 $23,838 75.8%
738 Medina County, TX metro area $18,690 $26,019 71.8%
739 Midland, TX metro area $18,000 $26,339 68.3%
740 Midland, TX metro area $18,350 $26,339 69.7%
741 Odessa, TX metro area $18,270 $28,596 63.9%
742 Rural Texas $18,110 $26,235 69.0%
743 Rural Texas $18,420 $26,235 70.2%
744 Rural Texas $18,150 $26,235 69.2%
745 Rural Texas $17,810 $26,235 67.9%
746 Rural Texas $18,000 $26,235 68.6%
747 Rural Texas $18,470 $26,235 70.4%
748 Rusk County, TX metro area $18,410 $25,222 73.0%
749 San Angelo, TX metro area $17,590 $24,576 71.6%
750 San Antonio/New Braunfels, TX metro area $18,690 $26,416 70.8%
751 Sherman/Denison, TX metro area $18,000 $25,427 70.8%
752 Texarkana, TX metro area $17,950 $23,782 75.5%
753 Tyler, TX metro area $18,420 $27,949 65.9%
754 Victoria, TX metro area $17,720 $26,145 67.8%
755 Waco, TX metro area $18,110 $24,683 73.4%
756 Waco, TX metro area $18,090 $24,683 73.3%
757 Wichita Falls, TX metro area $18,560 $23,882 77.7%
758 Wise County, TX metro area $19,140 $24,923 76.8%
759 Logan, UT metro area $20,600 $27,472 75.0%
760 Ogden/Clearfield, UT metro area $18,220 $25,986 70.1%
761 Ogden/Clearfield, UT metro area $17,810 $25,986 68.5%
762 Provo/Orem, UT metro area $19,010 $26,215 72.5%
763 Rural Utah $18,930 $27,816 68.1%
764 Rural Utah $18,220 $27,816 65.5%
765 Rural Utah $18,620 $27,816 66.9%
766 Rural Utah $18,450 $27,816 66.3%
767 Salt Lake City, UT metro area $21,770 $28,544 76.3%
768 St. George, UT metro area $18,960 $26,283 72.1%
769 Summit County, UT metro area $21,770 $30,684 70.9%
770 Tooele County, UT metro area $21,770 $27,273 79.8%
771 Blacksburg/Christiansburg/Radford, VA metro area $19,090 $27,437 69.6%
772 Blacksburg/Christiansburg/Radford, VA metro area $18,030 $27,437 65.7%
773 Charlottesville, VA metro area $21,160 $29,921 70.7%
774 Charlottesville, VA metro area $17,950 $29,921 60.0%
775 Danville, VA metro area $17,580 $24,248 72.5%
776 Franklin County, VA metro area $18,140 $25,314 71.7%
777 Giles County, VA metro area $19,090 $28,168 67.8%
778 Harrisonburg, VA metro area $19,100 $28,353 67.4%
779 Bristol, VA metro area $17,970 $25,317 71.0%
780 Louisa County, VA metro area $18,460 $29,833 61.9%
781 Lynchburg, VA metro area $18,040 $27,056 66.7%
782 Pulaski County, VA metro area $19,090 $28,849 66.2%
783 Richmond, VA metro area $18,460 $33,289 55.5%
784 Roanoke, VA metro area $18,140 $27,273 66.5%
785 Rural Virginia $18,300 $28,610 64.0%
786 Rural Virginia $19,540 $28,610 68.3%
787 Rural Virginia $17,950 $28,610 62.7%
788 Rural Virginia $18,030 $28,610 63.0%
789 Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Newport News, VA metro area $18,080 $36,671 49.3%
790 Warren County, VA metro area $21,520 $32,981 65.3%
791 Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC $19,540 $42,815 45.6%
792 Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC $21,520 $42,815 50.3%
793 Winchester, VA metro area $19,550 $28,478 68.6%
794 Burlington/South Burlington, VT metro area $23,240 $38,039 61.1%
795 Burlington/South Burlington, VT metro area $23,240 $38,039 61.1%
796 Rural Vermont $22,520 $32,574 69.1%
797 Rural Vermont $23,350 $32,574 71.7%
798 Rural Vermont $22,520 $32,574 69.1%
799 Bellingham, WA metro area $20,920 $27,611 75.8%
800 Bremerton/Silverdale, WA metro area $21,100 $27,782 75.9%
801 Kennewick/Pasco/Richland, WA metro area $19,700 $26,558 74.2%
802 Asotin County $19,500 $25,434 76.7%
803 Longview, WA metro area $21,610 $24,404 88.6%
804 Mount Vernon/Anacortes, WA metro area $21,850 $28,379 77.0%
805 Olympia, WA metro area $19,660 $30,854 63.7%
806 Portland/Vancouver/Hillsboro, WA metro area $21,410 $30,141 71.0%
807 Rural Washington $26,752
808 Rural Washington $26,752
809 Rural Washington $19,760 $26,752 73.9%
810 Rural Washington $19,950 $26,752 74.6%
811 Seattle/Bellevue, WA metro area $23,300 $32,122 72.5%
812 Spokane, WA metro area $24,913
813 Spokane, WA metro area $21,190 $24,913 85.1%
814 Tacoma, WA metro area $22,590 $29,224 77.3%
815 Wenatchee/East Wenatchee, WA metro area $22,880 $25,508 89.7%
816 Yakima, WA metro area $25,178
817 Appleton, WI metro area $20,600 $24,218 85.1%
818 Columbia County, WI metro area $22,020 $26,006 84.7%
819 Douglas County $18,740 $27,854 67.3%
820 Eau Claire, WI metro area $19,490 $27,112 71.9%
821 Fond du Lac, WI metro area $18,710 $24,425 76.6%
822 Green Bay, WI metro area $21,060 $25,024 84.2%
823 Iowa County, WI metro area $22,020 $28,580 77.0%
824 Janesville, WI metro area $18,250 $25,778 70.8%
825 Kenosha County, WI metro area $22,370 $30,930 72.3%
826 La Crosse, WI metro area $17,930 $25,126 71.4%
827 Madison, WI metro area $22,020 $29,422 74.8%
828 Madison, WI metro area $20,090 $29,422 68.3%
829 Milwaukee/Waukesha/West Allis, WI metro area $20,420 $28,099 72.7%
830 Oconto County, WI metro area $21,060 $27,424 76.8%
831 Oshkosh/Neenah, WI metro area $19,020 $25,734 73.9%
832 Racine, WI metro area $19,870 $28,016 70.9%
833 Rural Wisconsin $19,840 $27,645 71.8%
834 Rural Wisconsin $20,230 $27,645 73.2%
835 Rural Wisconsin $20,090 $27,645 72.7%
836 Rural Wisconsin $19,650 $27,645 71.1%
837 Rural Wisconsin $18,880 $27,645 68.3%
838 Sheboygan, WI metro area $19,520 $26,264 74.3%
839 Wausau, WI metro area $20,030 $26,532 75.5%
840 Boone County, WV metro area $17,990 $27,073 66.4%
841 Charleston, WV metro area $17,990 $28,331 63.5%
842 Mineral County $18,980 $27,209 69.8%
843 Huntington, WV metro area $17,990 $23,893 75.3%
844 Huntington, WV metro area $18,250 $23,893 76.4%
845 Jefferson County, WV metro area $21,520 $29,609 72.7%
846 Martinsburg, WV metro area $18,240 $26,282 69.4%
847 Morgantown, WV metro area $18,310 $29,334 62.4%
848 Parkersburg/Vienna, WV metro area $17,710 $25,436 69.6%
849 Rural West Virginia $17,980 $27,774 64.7%
850 Rural West Virginia $18,280 $27,774 65.8%
851 Steubenville/Weirton, WV metro area $17,630 $25,158 70.1%
852 Wheeling, WV metro area $18,230 $25,931 70.3%
853 Winchester, WV metro area $19,550 $29,831 65.5%
854 Casper, WY metro area $21,850 $27,725 78.8%
855 Cheyenne, WY metro area $18,510 $27,945 66.2%
856 Rural Wyoming $20,100 $30,553 65.8%
857 Rural Wyoming $20,780 $30,553 68.0%
858 Rural Wyoming $18,510 $30,553 60.6%
859 Rural Wyoming $26,650 $30,553 87.2%

Note: Budgets are the amount required for one person to secure a modest yet adequate standard of living in his or her community. Gray areas denote locales for which earnings data are unavailable.

Source: EPI analysis of EPI Family Budget Calculator (Gould, Cooke, and Kimball 2015) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics (OES)

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As depicted in Figure A, preschool workers’ earnings cover between 56 percent (in the North Carolina suburbs of Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News) and 202 percent (in Owensboro, Kentucky) of their local one-person budgets. Other child care workers’ earnings are typically lower, only covering between 39 percent (in Honolulu) and 104 percent (in parts of rural Nevada) of their respective one-person budget thresholds, as depicted in Figure B.

Another way to examine these data is to determine what share of preschool and child care workers can actually meet the one-person budget threshold in the area where they work.4 For instance, in Anchorage, Alaska, 39 percent of preschool workers have annual earnings below their local one-person budget threshold. In other words, nearly two-fifths of preschool workers in Anchorage cannot attain a modest yet adequate standard of living for one person. The share of workers whose earnings fail to meet their local one-person budget thresholds are shown in Figures C and D for preschool and other child care workers, respectively.

Figure C

Share of preschool workers who cannot afford their local one-person budget

case_id OES MSA name (with MSA divisions) Local one-person budget Share who cannot afford their local budget
1 Anchorage, AK metro area $33,015 39.2%
2 Fairbanks, AK metro area $33,042 62.9%
3 Matanuska/Susitna Borough, AK metro area $31,222 30.5%
4 Rural Alaska $31,712 32.5%
5 Rural Alaska $31,712 32.4%
6 Anniston/Oxford, AL metro area $26,457 83.7%
7 Auburn/Opelika, AL metro area $27,384 more than 90 percent
8 Birmingham/Hoover, AL metro area $27,574 65.4%
9 Chilton County, AL metro area $26,185 59.1%
10 Russell County $27,046 39.9%
11 Decatur, AL metro area $24,653
12 Dothan, AL metro area $24,626 less than 10 percent
13 Florence/Muscle Shoals, AL metro area $26,256 47.5%
14 Gadsden, AL metro area $23,283
15 Henry County, AL metro area $26,330 20.3%
16 Huntsville, AL metro area $27,156 57.8%
17 Mobile, AL metro area $29,786 49.8%
18 Montgomery, AL metro area $28,404 46.6%
19 Rural Alabama $26,875 57.7%
20 Rural Alabama $26,875 80.7%
21 Rural Alabama $26,875 31.1%
22 Rural Alabama $26,875 28.4%
23 Rural Alabama $26,875
24 Tuscaloosa, AL metro area $26,028 80.1%
25 Tuscaloosa, AL metro area $26,028
26 Walker County, AL metro area $25,805 57.3%
27 Fayetteville/Springdale/Rogers, AR metro area $26,216 18.2%
28 Fort Smith, AR metro area $25,613 20.3%
29 Franklin County, AR metro area $26,346 23.1%
30 Grant County, AR metro area $26,540 57.4%
31 Hot Springs, AR metro area $26,015 54.3%
32 Jonesboro, AR metro area $23,835 32.8%
33 Little Rock/North Little Rock/Conway, AR metro area $28,134 60.5%
34 Crittenden County $28,537 57.6%
35 Pine Bluff, AR metro area $25,054 33.2%
36 Poinsett County, AR metro area $25,078 38.3%
37 Rural Arkansas $26,689 32.9%
38 Rural Arkansas $26,689 57.5%
39 Rural Arkansas $26,689 33.1%
40 Rural Arkansas $26,689 70.7%
41 Texarkana, AR metro area $27,397 36.8%
42 Texarkana, AR metro area $27,397 less than 10 percent
43 Flagstaff, AZ metro area $30,906 60.9%
44 Lake Havasu City/Kingman, AZ metro area $25,797 70.4%
45 Phoenix/Mesa/Glendale, AZ metro area $28,187 71.5%
46 Prescott, AZ metro area $27,396 43.1%
47 Rural Arizona $27,604 39.4%
48 Rural Arizona $27,604 67.4%
49 Tucson, AZ metro area $25,899 65.0%
50 Yuma, AZ metro area $28,072 68.2%
51 Bakersfield/Delano, CA metro area $29,265 48.3%
52 Chico, CA metro area $26,887 67.2%
53 El Centro, CA metro area $27,933 38.5%
54 Fresno, CA metro area $29,592 61.0%
55 Hanford/Corcoran, CA metro area $27,531 39.0%
56 Los Angeles/Long Beach, CA metro area $34,886 64.1%
57 Madera/Chowchilla, CA metro area $28,009 43.3%
58 Merced, CA metro area $27,170 29.0%
59 Modesto, CA metro area $28,339 54.3%
60 Napa, CA metro area $34,775 78.7%
61 Oakland/Fremont, CA metro area $39,603 76.6%
62 Orange County, CA metro area $40,684 78.2%
63 Oxnard/Thousand Oaks/Ventura, CA metro area $37,015 58.9%
64 Redding, CA metro area $31,891 79.2%
65 Riverside/San Bernardino/Ontario, CA metro area $32,085 59.9%
66 Rural California $31,199 28.9%
67 Rural California $31,199 68.3%
68 Rural California $31,199 59.1%
69 Rural California $31,199 67.4%
70 Rural California $31,199 60.0%
71 Sacramento/Arden/Arcade/Roseville, CA metro area $32,023 75.4%
72 Salinas, CA metro area $36,264 52.8%
73 San Benito County, CA metro area $31,942 32.9%
74 San Diego/Carlsbad/San Marcos, CA metro area $36,450 60.5%
75 San Francisco, CA metro area $43,581 78.0%
76 San Jose/Sunnyvale/Santa Clara, CA metro area $41,386 70.6%
77 San Luis Obispo/Paso Robles, CA metro area $34,424 79.7%
78 Santa Barbara/Santa Maria/Goleta, CA metro area $39,180 67.2%
79 Santa Cruz/Watsonville, CA metro area $38,301 85.8%
80 Santa Rosa/Petaluma, CA metro area $35,077 61.2%
81 Stockton, CA metro area $29,563 68.1%
82 Vallejo/Fairfield, CA metro area $32,028 42.0%
83 Visalia/Porterville, CA metro area $28,750 54.0%
84 Yolo, CA metro area $32,148 75.5%
85 Yuba City, CA metro area $26,981 46.1%
86 Boulder, CO metro area $33,912 54.1%
87 Colorado Springs, CO metro area $26,899 50.9%
88 Denver/Aurora/Broomfield, CO metro area $28,829 49.9%
89 Fort Collins/Loveland, CO metro area $28,739 69.4%
90 Grand Junction, CO metro area $26,865 35.3%
91 Greeley, CO metro area $25,766 48.7%
92 Pueblo, CO metro area $25,368 39.8%
93 Rural Colorado $31,576 77.1%
94 Rural Colorado $31,576 62.7%
95 Rural Colorado $31,576 41.9%
96 Rural Colorado $31,576 57.8%
97 Teller County, CO metro area $29,006 56.7%
98 Bridgeport, CT metro area $33,324 70.6%
99 Colchester/Lebanon, CT metro area $34,535 61.2%
100 Danbury, CT metro area $40,035 70.6%
101 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $33,080 66.6%
102 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $33,080 66.6%
103 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $33,080 66.6%
104 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $33,080 86.6%
105 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $33,080 66.6%
106 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $33,080 66.6%
107 Milford/Ansonia/Seymour, CT metro area $37,214 70.7%
108 New Haven/Meriden, CT metro area $34,861 70.7%
109 New Haven/Meriden, CT metro area $34,861 70.7%
110 Norwich/New London, CT metro area $31,751 61.2%
111 Norwich/New London, CT metro area $31,751 61.2%
112 Rural Connecticut $32,612 64.7%
113 Rural Connecticut $32,612 64.7%
114 Rural Connecticut $32,612 64.7%
115 Rural Connecticut $32,612 64.7%
116 Southern Middlesex County, CT metro area $39,601 86.6%
117 Stamford/Norwalk, CT metro area $46,074 70.6%
118 Waterbury, CT metro area $28,926 70.7%
119 Washington, DC $42,119 76.5%
120 Dover, DE metro area $29,519 76.1%
121 Wilmington, DE metro area $34,408 88.1%
122 Rural Delaware $31,374 more than 90 percent
123 Baker County, FL metro area $28,156 77.4%
124 Cape Coral/Fort Myers, FL metro area $31,352 77.8%
125 Crestview/Fort Walton Beach/Destin, FL metro area $29,794 54.1%
126 Crestview/Fort Walton Beach/Destin, FL metro area $29,794 more than 90 percent
127 Deltona/Daytona Beach/Ormond Beach, FL metro area $27,384 more than 90 percent
128 Fort Lauderdale, FL metro area $31,059 80.1%
129 Gainesville, FL metro area $30,154 87.0%
130 Jacksonville, FL metro area $29,781 85.3%
131 Lakeland/Winter Haven, FL metro area $29,180 57.0%
132 Miami/Miami Beach/Kendall, FL metro area $31,354 78.3%
133 Miami/Miami Beach/Kendall, FL metro area $31,354 75.0%
134 Naples/Marco Island, FL metro area $30,925 76.3%
135 North Port/Bradenton/Sarasota, FL metro area $30,901 75.4%
136 Ocala, FL metro area $26,506 67.4%
137 Orlando/Kissimmee/Sanford, FL metro area $29,951 75.9%
138 Palm Bay/Melbourne/Titusville, FL metro area $27,142 78.1%
139 Palm Coast, FL metro area $29,874 more than 90 percent
140 Panama City/Lynn Haven/Panama City Beach, FL metro area $29,754 54.0%
141 Panama City/Lynn Haven/Panama City Beach, FL metro area $29,754 more than 90 percent
142 Pensacola/Ferry Pass/Brent, FL metro area $29,309 80.3%
143 Port St. Lucie, FL metro area $30,047 78.3%
144 Punta Gorda, FL metro area $26,516 78.3%
145 Rural Florida $29,488 78.2%
146 Rural Florida $29,488 53.4%
147 Rural Florida $29,488 78.5%
148 Sebastian/Vero Beach, FL metro area $27,383 59.4%
149 Tallahassee, FL metro area $31,524 65.8%
150 Tampa/St. Petersburg/Clearwater, FL metro area $28,316 73.7%
151 Wakulla County, FL metro area $29,524 58.1%
152 West Palm Beach/Boca Raton, FL metro area $31,141 76.8%
153 Albany, GA metro area $29,800 64.2%
154 Athens/Clarke County, GA metro area $27,787 51.9%
155 Atlanta/Sandy Springs/Marietta, GA metro area $31,303 58.5%
156 Atlanta/Sandy Springs/Marietta, GA metro area $31,303 40.5%
157 Augusta/Richmond, GA metro area $28,372 42.9%
158 Augusta/Richmond, GA metro area $28,372 50.5%
159 Brunswick, GA metro area $26,664 22.9%
160 Butts County, GA metro area $31,289 58.4%
161 Catoos, Dade, and Walker Counties $27,027 71.7%
162 Catoos, Dade, and Walker Counties $27,027 39.9%
163 Columbus, GA metro area $27,193 40.2%
164 Dalton, GA metro area $28,528 45.5%
165 Gainesville, GA metro area $30,162 24.5%
166 Haralson County, GA metro area $27,980 47.9%
167 Hinesville/Fort Stewart, GA metro area $28,685 37.7%
168 Lamar County, GA metro area $28,553 50.5%
169 Long County, GA metro area $28,421 36.8%
170 Macon, GA metro area $27,941 61.0%
171 Meriwether County, GA metro area $28,553 50.5%
172 Monroe County, GA metro area $27,751 60.5%
173 Murray County, GA metro area $29,593 48.9%
174 Rome, GA metro area $27,064 62.8%
175 Rural Georgia $29,863 48.7%
176 Rural Georgia $29,863 20.6%
177 Rural Georgia $29,863 36.1%
178 Rural Georgia $29,863 47.2%
179 Savannah, GA metro area $29,368 51.6%
180 Valdosta, GA metro area $30,741 55.5%
181 Warner Robins, GA metro area $29,912 20.7%
182 Warner Robins, GA metro area $29,912 20.8%
183 Honolulu, HI metro area $46,308 more than 90 percent
184 Rural Hawaii $36,288 52.8%
185 Ames, IA metro area $26,574 47.3%
186 Benton County, IA metro area $26,506 61.7%
187 Bremer County, IA metro area $26,841 83.6%
188 Cedar Rapids, IA metro area $24,049 51.9%
189 Davenport/Moline, IA metro area $24,498 55.1%
190 Des Moines/West Des Moines, IA metro area $26,830 61.4%
191 Dubuque, IA metro area $25,628 15.0%
192 Iowa City, IA metro area $28,077 45.3%
193 Jones County, IA metro area $24,709 54.5%
194 Council Bluffs, IA metro area $25,976 32.8%
195 Rural Iowa $26,478 54.6%
196 Rural Iowa $26,478 38.2%
197 Rural Iowa $26,478 61.3%
198 Rural Iowa $26,478 61.5%
199 Sioux City, IA metro area $24,594 26.8%
200 Sioux City, IA metro area $24,594 75.5%
201 Washington County, IA metro area $26,825 38.6%
202 Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA metro area $26,250 81.6%
203 Boise City/Nampa, ID metro area $24,957 52.5%
204 Coeur d’Alene, ID metro area $26,200
205 Gem County, ID metro area $25,220 53.7%
206 Idaho Falls, ID metro area $24,569 55.0%
207 Idaho Falls, ID metro area $24,569 more than 90 percent
208 Lewiston, ID metro area $26,183 67.8%
209 Franklin County $27,704 60.5%
210 Pocatello, ID metro area $23,497
211 Rural Idaho $27,557 61.9%
212 Rural Idaho $27,557 48.7%
213 Rural Idaho $27,557 42.4%
214 Rural Idaho $27,557 87.2%
215 Rural Idaho $27,557
216 Bloomington/Normal, IL metro area $29,540 72.4%
217 Bloomington/Normal, IL metro area $29,540 43.2%
218 Bond County, IL metro area $27,080 65.8%
219 Alexander County $26,874
220 Champaign/Urbana, IL metro area $28,634 66.1%
221 Chicago/Joliet/Naperville, IL metro area $31,334 61.7%
222 Chicago/Joliet/Naperville, IL metro area $31,334 57.9%
223 Danville, IL metro area $27,611 57.8%
224 Rock Island, IL metro area $24,414 54.6%
225 Decatur, IL metro area $25,031 56.1%
226 DeKalb County, IL metro area $27,955 50.5%
227 Grundy County, IL metro area $27,296 47.7%
228 Kankakee/Bradley, IL metro area $25,121 31.8%
229 Kendall County, IL metro area $28,455 52.2%
230 Macoupin County, IL metro area $26,787 64.6%
231 Peoria, IL metro area $25,196 50.4%
232 Rockford, IL metro area $26,608 36.6%
233 Rural Illinois $27,471 65.3%
234 Rural Illinois $27,471 39.4%
235 Rural Illinois $27,471 61.3%
236 Rural Illinois $27,471 37.6%
237 Springfield, IL metro area $26,406 48.2%
238 St. Louis, IL metro area $27,622 68.1%
239 Anderson, IN metro area $24,073 58.8%
240 Bloomington, IN metro area $29,005 70.5%
241 Carroll County, IN metro area $29,133 70.8%
242 Indiana suburbs of Cincinnati $26,179 29.9%
243 Indiana suburbs of Cincinnati $26,179 64.5%
244 Columbus, IN metro area $29,928 86.6%
245 Elkhart/Goshen, IN metro area $26,563 58.3%
246 Evansville, IN metro area $28,631 64.0%
247 Fort Wayne, IN metro area $26,782 36.4%
248 Gary, IN metro area $26,886 67.3%
249 Gibson County, IN metro area $28,175 62.5%
250 Greene County, IN metro area $26,196 48.9%
251 Indianapolis, IN metro area $27,757 72.4%
252 Jasper County, IN metro area $28,878 77.7%
253 Kokomo, IN metro area $26,605 16.0%
254 Lafayette, IN metro area $28,215 67.8%
255 Indiana suburbs of Louisville $26,322 56.7%
256 Indiana suburbs of Louisville $26,322 21.5%
257 Michigan City/La Porte, IN metro area $25,712 38.3%
258 Muncie, IN metro area $25,870 77.9%
259 Owen County, IN metro area $28,049 63.0%
260 Putnam County, IN metro area $29,200 76.9%
261 Rural Indiana $26,906 34.1%
262 Rural Indiana $26,906 67.8%
263 Rural Indiana $26,906 59.5%
264 Rural Indiana $26,906 65.0%
265 South Bend/Mishawaka, IN metro area $26,747 62.3%
266 Sullivan County, IN metro area $29,049 71.7%
267 Terre Haute, IN metro area $25,736 58.6%
268 Washington County, IN metro area $26,766 22.6%
269 Franklin County, KS metro area $26,759 56.5%
270 Kansas City, KS metro area $26,939 56.9%
271 Lawrence, KS metro area $25,214 23.0%
272 Manhattan, KS metro area $28,277 53.4%
273 Rural Kansas $26,279 37.3%
274 St. Joseph, KS metro area $28,029 72.1%
275 Sumner County, KS metro area $27,211 54.7%
276 Topeka, KS metro area $24,052 51.7%
277 Wichita, KS metro area $24,876 32.0%
278 Wichita, KS metro area $24,876 51.0%
279 Bowling Green, KY metro area $25,813 36.3%
280 Bowling Green, KY metro area $25,813 17.8%
281 Kentucky suburbs of Cincinnati $25,547 61.6%
282 Christian and Trigg County $26,700 75.2%
283 Elizabethtown, KY metro area $24,906 14.8%
284 Henderson County $27,089 58.8%
285 Grant County, KY metro area $26,282 64.9%
286 Ashland, KY metro area $23,835 35.9%
287 Lexington/Fayette, KY metro area $25,856 43.7%
288 Louisville, KY metro area $26,280 21.4%
289 Meade County, KY metro area $26,596 22.2%
290 Nelson County, KY metro area $26,168 21.1%
291 Owensboro, KY metro area $25,039 less than 10 percent
292 Rural Kentucky $26,338 39.9%
293 Rural Kentucky $26,338 18.5%
294 Rural Kentucky $26,338 27.7%
295 Rural Kentucky $26,338 less than 10 percent
296 Shelby County, KY metro area $28,198 25.8%
297 Alexandria, LA metro area $27,566 42.8%
298 Baton Rouge, LA metro area $27,931 48.4%
299 Houma/Bayou Cane/Thibodaux, LA metro area $26,519 16.2%
300 Iberville Parish, LA metro area $26,736 45.3%
301 Lafayette, LA metro area $27,110 less than 10 percent
302 Lafayette, LA metro area $27,110 62.6%
303 Lake Charles, LA metro area $27,919
304 Monroe, LA metro area $27,385 25.7%
305 New Orleans/Metairie/Kenner, LA metro area $30,152 13.7%
306 New Orleans/Metairie/Kenner, LA metro area $30,152 41.1%
307 Rural Louisiana $28,558 34.3%
308 Rural Louisiana $28,558 less than 10 percent
309 Rural Louisiana $28,558 11.7%
310 Rural Louisiana $28,558 28.1%
311 Shreveport/Bossier City, LA metro area $27,712 25.1%
312 Shreveport/Bossier City, LA metro area $27,712 64.3%
313 Barnstable Town, MA metro area $33,807 74.4%
314 Barnstable Town, MA metro area $33,807 74.4%
315 Berkshire County, MA metro area $32,087 71.8%
316 Berkshire County, MA metro area $32,087 71.8%
317 Berkshire County, MA metro area $32,087 71.8%
318 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 80.0%
319 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 more than 90 percent
320 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 80.0%
321 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 more than 90 percent
322 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 more than 90 percent
323 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 more than 90 percent
324 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 80.0%
325 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 more than 90 percent
326 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 76.7%
327 Brockton, MA metro area $35,723 76.7%
328 Eastern Worcester County, MA metro area $32,004 60.4%
329 Easton/Raynham, MA metro area $38,261 75.9%
330 Fitchburg/Leominster, MA metro area $27,523 more than 90 percent
331 Franklin County, MA metro area $31,480 60.1%
332 Franklin County, MA metro area $31,480 60.1%
333 Franklin County, MA metro area $31,480 60.1%
334 Lawrence, MA metro area $33,008 more than 90 percent
335 Lowell, MA metro area $33,919 more than 90 percent
336 New Bedford, MA metro area $30,570 75.9%
337 Pittsfield, MA metro area $27,523 71.8%
338 Providence/Fall River, MA metro area $30,797 75.9%
339 Providence/Fall River, MA metro area $30,797 75.9%
340 Rural Massachusetts $37,807 60.9%
341 Springfield, MA metro area $30,397 55.0%
342 Springfield, MA metro area $30,397 53.6%
343 Springfield, MA metro area $30,397 53.6%
344 Taunton/Mansfield/Norton, MA metro area $33,235 80.0%
345 Western Worcester County, MA metro area $28,504 60.4%
346 Worcester, MA metro area $29,922 60.4%
347 Worcester, MA metro area $29,922 60.4%
348 Worcester, MA metro area $29,922 60.4%
349 Worcester, MA metro area $29,922 60.4%
350 Worcester, MA metro area $29,922 60.4%
351 Baltimore/Towson, MD metro area $33,994 68.5%
352 Columbia city, MD metro area $38,288 79.0%
353 Cumberland, MD metro area $24,568 52.3%
354 Hagerstown, MD metro area $28,274 50.1%
355 Cecil County $32,523 83.7%
356 Rural Maryland $32,271 77.9%
357 Rural Maryland $32,271
358 Rural Maryland $32,271 62.7%
359 Salisbury, MD metro area $26,235 52.7%
360 Salisbury, MD metro area $26,235 23.4%
361 Somerset County, MD metro area $25,469 21.3%
362 Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC $41,424 78.0%
363 Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC $41,424 75.9%
364 Bangor, ME metro area $29,840 55.5%
365 Cumberland County, ME metro area $29,369 86.3%
366 Cumberland County, ME metro area $29,369 86.3%
367 Lewiston/Auburn, ME metro area $27,417 48.6%
368 Lewiston/Auburn, ME metro area $27,417 48.6%
369 Penobscot County, ME metro area $26,764 55.5%
370 Penobscot County, ME metro area $26,764 55.5%
371 Portland, ME metro area $31,848 86.3%
372 Rural Maine $30,594 57.5%
373 Rural Maine $30,594 20.6%
374 Rural Maine $30,594 75.9%
375 Rural Maine $30,594 63.3%
376 Rural Maine $30,594 75.9%
377 Sagadahoc County, ME metro area $33,195 75.2%
378 York County, ME metro area $29,354 68.9%
379 York County, ME metro area $29,354 68.9%
380 York County, ME metro area $29,354 68.9%
381 York County, ME metro area $29,354 68.9%
382 York/Kittery/South Berwick, ME metro area $34,219 86.3%
383 Ann Arbor, MI metro area $30,299 57.9%
384 Barry County, MI metro area $25,527 37.9%
385 Battle Creek, MI metro area $24,706 38.5%
386 Bay City, MI metro area $23,914
387 Cass County, MI metro area $26,334 60.8%
388 Detroit/Warren/Livonia, MI metro area $26,072 44.1%
389 Detroit/Warren/Livonia, MI metro area $26,072 46.8%
390 Flint, MI metro area $25,033 33.4%
391 Grand Rapids/Wyoming, MI metro area $26,807 18.3%
392 Grand Rapids/Wyoming, MI metro area $26,807 44.6%
393 Grand Rapids/Wyoming, MI metro area $26,807 more than 90 percent
394 Holland/Grand Haven, MI metro area $29,626 24.8%
395 Ionia County, MI metro area $26,184 41.4%
396 Jackson, MI metro area $26,642 69.8%
397 Kalamazoo/Portage, MI metro area $26,077 61.1%
398 Lansing/East Lansing, MI metro area $26,285 54.4%
399 Livingston County, MI metro area $26,834 50.7%
400 Monroe, MI metro area $26,390
401 Muskegon/Norton Shores, MI metro area $23,206 28.0%
402 Newaygo County, MI metro area $27,637 49.0%
403 Niles/Benton Harbor, MI metro area $26,098 17.9%
404 Rural Michigan $27,949 20.9%
405 Rural Michigan $27,949 23.9%
406 Rural Michigan $27,949 38.9%
407 Rural Michigan $27,949 43.1%
408 Saginaw/Saginaw Township North, MI metro area $24,658 60.9%
409 Duluth, MN metro area $24,143 30.2%
410 Clay County $23,801 29.4%
411 Polk County $27,256 37.5%
412 Houston County $27,542 51.4%
413 Mankato/North Mankato, MN metro area $24,999 51.3%
414 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $27,224 25.0%
415 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $27,224 44.3%
416 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $27,224 26.3%
417 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $27,224 42.8%
418 Rochester, MN metro area $28,857 51.5%
419 Rochester, MN metro area $28,857 28.7%
420 Rural Minnesota $25,872 21.2%
421 Rural Minnesota $25,872 30.2%
422 Rural Minnesota $25,872 38.0%
423 Rural Minnesota $25,872 34.8%
424 St. Cloud, MN metro area $27,278 41.6%
425 Wabasha County, MN metro area $27,144 21.0%
426 Bates County, MO metro area $25,876 54.5%
427 Calloway County, MO metro area $27,750 31.7%
428 Cape Girardeau, MO metro area $24,667
429 Columbia, MO metro area $27,620 89.1%
430 Dallas County, MO metro area $25,712 83.4%
431 Jefferson City, MO metro area $24,330 26.9%
432 Joplin, MO metro area $25,464 24.4%
433 Kansas City, MO metro area $27,373 57.9%
434 McDonald County, MO metro area $26,930 20.3%
435 Moniteau County, MO metro area $26,256 29.6%
436 Polk County, MO metro area $25,781 83.5%
437 Rural Missouri $26,634 61.4%
438 Rural Missouri $26,634 17.8%
439 Rural Missouri $26,634 52.9%
440 Rural Missouri $26,634 46.0%
441 Rural Missouri $26,634 85.7%
442 Springfield, MO metro area $25,141 82.1%
443 St. Joseph, MO metro area $27,572 71.0%
444 St. Louis, MO metro area $27,683 68.4%
445 Washington County, MO metro area $27,979 69.6%
446 Gulfport/Biloxi, MS metro area $32,435 70.2%
447 Gulfport/Biloxi, MS metro area $32,435 65.8%
448 Hattiesburg, MS metro area $29,078 85.5%
449 Jackson, MS metro area $26,877 66.2%
450 Jackson, MS metro area $26,877 55.7%
451 Marshall County, MS metro area $28,245 57.2%
452 Mississippi suburbs of Memphis $29,399 55.1%
453 Mississippi suburbs of Memphis $29,399 59.0%
454 Pascagoula, MS metro area $31,891 82.2%
455 Pascagoula, MS metro area $31,891 63.9%
456 Rural Mississippi $28,181 59.6%
457 Rural Mississippi $28,181 49.2%
458 Rural Mississippi $28,181 78.9%
459 Rural Mississippi $28,181 70.8%
460 Simpson County, MS metro area $26,077 53.9%
461 Tate County, MS metro area $29,850 59.6%
462 Tunica County, MS metro area $29,231 58.7%
463 Billings, MT metro area $25,823 60.4%
464 Billings, MT metro area $25,823 62.5%
465 Billings, MT metro area $25,823 62.5%
466 Great Falls, MT metro area $25,939 54.4%
467 Missoula, MT metro area $29,517 81.1%
468 Rural Montana $27,606 70.7%
469 Rural Montana $27,606 61.5%
470 Rural Montana $27,606 73.0%
471 Rural Montana $27,606 66.0%
472 Anson County, NC metro area $28,842 75.8%
473 Asheville, NC metro area $26,338 50.2%
474 Burlington, NC metro area $27,890 77.7%
475 Charlotte/Gastonia, NC metro area $30,485 79.7%
476 Charlotte/Gastonia, NC metro area $30,485 80.0%
477 Durham/Chapel Hill, NC metro area $29,041 58.3%
478 Fayetteville, NC metro area $31,393 77.5%
479 Goldsboro, NC metro area $27,613 78.3%
480 Greene County, NC metro area $28,829 80.4%
481 Greensboro/High Point, NC metro area $28,083 77.6%
482 Greenville, NC metro area $28,491 79.2%
483 Haywood County, NC metro area $28,052 59.4%
484 Hickory/Lenoir/Morganton, NC metro area $28,357 85.9%
485 Hoke County, NC metro area $30,049 75.7%
486 Jacksonville, NC metro area $30,350
487 Pender County, NC metro area $27,456 77.9%
488 Person County, NC metro area $27,785 53.7%
489 Raleigh/Cary, NC metro area $30,209 67.8%
490 Rockingham County, NC metro area $27,431 76.5%
491 Rocky Mount, NC metro area $28,686 68.7%
492 Rural North Carolina $29,438 53.0%
493 Rural North Carolina $29,438 57.3%
494 Rural North Carolina $29,438 77.2%
495 Rural North Carolina $29,438 69.0%
496 Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Newport News, NC metro area $38,355 77.7%
497 Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Newport News, NC metro area $38,355 78.5%
498 Wilmington, NC metro area $30,785 81.5%
499 Winston/Salem, NC metro area $29,144 76.4%
500 Winston/Salem, NC metro area $29,144 78.6%
501 Bismarck, ND metro area $26,353 58.1%
502 Bismarck, ND metro area $26,353
503 Fargo, ND metro area $24,775 34.2%
504 Grand Forks, ND metro area $25,176 29.8%
505 Rural North Dakota $30,007 31.0%
506 Rural North Dakota $30,007 24.5%
507 Rural North Dakota $30,007
508 Rural North Dakota $30,007
509 Lincoln, NE metro area $24,765 60.2%
510 Omaha, NE metro area $25,988 32.8%
511 Rural Nebraska $25,748 37.6%
512 Rural Nebraska $25,748 57.7%
513 Rural Nebraska $25,748 28.4%
514 Rural Nebraska $25,748 24.4%
515 Saunders County, NE metro area $26,566 34.4%
516 Seward County, NE metro area $24,624 60.0%
517 Sioux City, NE metro area $25,904 78.0%
518 Rockingham and Strafford Counties $39,711 more than 90 percent
519 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $32,439 76.8%
520 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $32,439 76.8%
521 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $32,439 76.8%
522 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $32,439 76.8%
523 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $32,439 76.8%
524 New Hampshire suburbs of Lawrence, MA $31,526 more than 90 percent
525 Manchester, NH metro area $28,961 70.6%
526 Manchester, NH metro area $28,961 70.6%
527 Manchester, NH metro area $28,961 70.6%
528 Nashua, NH metro area $32,974 more than 90 percent
529 Portsmouth/Rochester, NH metro area $30,978 more than 90 percent
530 Rural New Hampshire $31,558 73.8%
531 Rural New Hampshire $31,558 73.8%
532 Rural New Hampshire $31,558 75.9%
533 Rural New Hampshire $31,558 73.8%
534 Rural New Hampshire $31,558 73.8%
535 Western Rockingham County, NH metro area $37,676 more than 90 percent
536 Western Rockingham County, NH metro area $37,676 more than 90 percent
537 Western Rockingham County, NH metro area $37,676 more than 90 percent
538 Atlantic City/Hammonton, NJ metro area $34,022 55.6%
539 Bergen/Passaic, NJ metro area $40,774 45.1%
540 Bergen/Passaic, NJ metro area $40,774 66.5%
541 Jersey City, NJ metro area $38,518 40.9%
542 Middlesex/Somerset/Hunterdon, NJ metro area $37,012 64.4%
543 Monmouth/Ocean, NJ metro area $36,764 63.9%
544 Newark, NJ metro area $39,133 62.7%
545 Ocean City, NJ metro area $29,662 49.7%
546 Camden, NJ metro area $34,109 55.3%
547 Camden, NJ metro area $34,109 87.4%
548 Trenton/Ewing, NJ metro area $36,450 45.1%
549 Vineland/Millville/Bridgeton, NJ metro area $32,847 29.9%
550 Warren County, NJ metro area $32,023 52.7%
551 Albuquerque, NM metro area $26,287 57.7%
552 Farmington, NM metro area $26,387 43.0%
553 Las Cruces, NM metro area $26,061 61.6%
554 Rural New Mexico $27,182 41.6%
555 Rural New Mexico $27,182 44.9%
556 Rural New Mexico $27,182 56.8%
557 Rural New Mexico $27,182 48.1%
558 Santa Fe, NM metro area $31,357 53.8%
559 Carson City, NV metro area $28,521
560 Las Vegas/Paradise, NV metro area $29,546 71.5%
561 Reno/Sparks, NV metro area $28,667 63.4%
562 Rural Nevada $29,034 59.0%
563 Rural Nevada $29,034 77.8%
564 Albany/Schenectady/Troy, NY metro area $31,547 77.8%
565 Binghamton, NY metro area $29,037 79.7%
566 Buffalo/Niagara Falls, NY metro area $28,048 69.5%
567 Elmira, NY metro area $29,013 41.6%
568 Glens Falls, NY metro area $30,767 86.9%
569 Ithaca, NY metro area $34,919 82.6%
570 Kingston, NY metro area $31,375 67.0%
571 Nassau/Suffolk, NY metro area $40,573 78.7%
572 New York, NY metro area $43,519 81.3%
573 New York, NY metro area $43,519 50.1%
574 Poughkeepsie/Newburgh/Middletown, NY metro area $36,952 83.2%
575 Rochester, NY metro area $28,774 54.4%
576 Rochester, NY metro area $28,774 55.5%
577 Rural New York $30,684 40.7%
578 Rural New York $30,684 47.4%
579 Rural New York $30,684 73.5%
580 Rural New York $30,684 58.8%
581 Syracuse, NY metro area $28,994 74.3%
582 Utica/Rome, NY metro area $30,909 59.4%
583 Utica/Rome, NY metro area $30,909 55.3%
584 Westchester County, NY metro area $39,515 42.8%
585 Akron, OH metro area $25,990 70.2%
586 Brown County, OH metro area $25,107 59.6%
587 Canton/Massillon, OH metro area $24,511 54.8%
588 Cincinnati/Middleton, OH metro area $25,403 60.9%
589 Cleveland/Elyria/Mentor, OH metro area $26,106 53.1%
590 Columbus, OH metro area $27,193 71.4%
591 Columbus, OH metro area $27,193 54.6%
592 Columbus, OH metro area $27,193 66.6%
593 Dayton, OH metro area $26,777 78.7%
594 Lawrence County $24,172 37.4%
595 Lima, OH metro area $26,238 53.0%
596 Mansfield, OH metro area $25,657 29.2%
597 Marietta, OH metro area $25,230 27.4%
598 Preble County, OH metro area $26,035 76.8%
599 Rural Ohio $26,608 53.0%
600 Rural Ohio $26,608 48.2%
601 Rural Ohio $26,608 69.8%
602 Rural Ohio $26,608 63.5%
603 Sandusky, OH metro area $25,927 53.9%
604 Springfield, OH metro area $26,495 52.7%
605 Steubenville/Weirton, OH metro area $24,749 30.2%
606 Toledo, OH metro area $24,324 61.6%
607 Union County, OH metro area $26,882 65.1%
608 Wheeling, OH metro area $25,545 38.1%
609 Youngstown/Warren/Boardman, OH metro area $25,567 53.6%
610 Sequoyah County $26,318 50.4%
611 Sequoyah County $26,318 41.7%
612 Sequoyah County $26,318 23.0%
613 Grady County, OK metro area $23,156 48.6%
614 Lawton, OK metro area $25,927 37.0%
615 Lawton, OK metro area $25,927 40.1%
616 Le Flore County, OK metro area $25,013 18.0%
617 Lincoln County, OK metro area $25,048 53.8%
618 Oklahoma City, OK metro area $25,304 54.4%
619 Okmulgee County, OK metro area $24,212 28.4%
620 Pawnee County, OK metro area $24,650 29.7%
621 Rural Oklahoma $25,618 30.8%
622 Rural Oklahoma $25,618 48.3%
623 Rural Oklahoma $25,618 40.2%
624 Rural Oklahoma $25,618 36.4%
625 Tulsa, OK metro area $25,315 31.5%
626 Bend, OR metro area $28,053 40.1%
627 Corvallis, OR metro area $26,498 80.4%
628 Eugene/Springfield, OR metro area $26,958 48.4%
629 Medford, OR metro area $29,284 63.0%
630 Portland/Vancouver/Hillsboro, OR metro area $30,833 61.4%
631 Rural Oregon $27,240 50.0%
632 Rural Oregon $27,240 49.8%
633 Rural Oregon $27,240 65.6%
634 Rural Oregon $27,240 75.9%
635 Salem, OR metro area $28,142 71.0%
636 Allentown/Bethlehem/Easton, PA metro area $30,315 50.0%
637 Altoona, PA metro area $26,709 77.6%
638 Armstrong County, PA metro area $23,005 43.5%
639 Erie, PA metro area $24,535 48.9%
640 Harrisburg/Carlisle, PA metro area $28,511 77.3%
641 Johnstown, PA metro area $24,974 76.9%
642 Lancaster, PA metro area $29,056 66.3%
643 Lebanon, PA metro area $24,334
644 Philadelphia, PA metro area $33,765 85.8%
645 Pike County, PA metro area $36,348 56.3%
646 Pittsburgh, PA metro area $27,124 62.7%
647 Reading, PA metro area $26,925 41.0%
648 Rural Pennsylvania $27,357 34.8%
649 Rural Pennsylvania $27,357 34.3%
650 Rural Pennsylvania $27,357 57.4%
651 Rural Pennsylvania $27,357 25.0%
652 Scranton/Wilkes/Barre, PA metro area $25,761 57.9%
653 Sharon, PA metro area $25,766 54.2%
654 State College, PA metro area $30,015 75.4%
655 Williamsport, PA metro area $25,209 53.5%
656 York/Hanover, PA metro area $26,339 39.0%
657 Newport/Middleton/Portsmouth, RI metro area $35,425 54.1%
658 Providence/Fall River, RI metro area $30,522 53.6%
659 Westerly/Hopkinton/New Shoreham, RI metro area $29,778
660 Anderson, SC metro area $27,497 78.1%
661 Aiken and Edgefield Counties $28,109 49.9%
662 Charleston/North Charleston/Summerville, SC metro area $31,920 76.0%
663 Rock Hill, Chester, Lancaster, and York Counties $30,109 50.9%
664 Rock Hill, Chester, Lancaster, and York Counties $30,109 78.8%
665 Columbia, SC metro area $29,676 60.6%
666 Darlington County, SC metro area $27,308 87.7%
667 Florence, SC metro area $27,190 87.5%
668 Greenville/Mauldin/Easley, SC metro area $27,039 65.0%
669 Kershaw County, SC metro area $26,527 56.6%
670 Laurens County, SC metro area $23,982 59.1%
671 Myrtle Beach/North Myrtle Beach/Conway, SC metro area $30,194 62.1%
672 Rural South Carolina $28,423 65.0%
673 Rural South Carolina $28,423 12.7%
674 Rural South Carolina $28,423 55.9%
675 Rural South Carolina $28,423 47.7%
676 Spartanburg, SC metro area $25,242 40.1%
677 Spartanburg, SC metro area $25,242 43.0%
678 Sumter, SC metro area $28,625 85.1%
679 Meade County, SD metro area $26,142 35.6%
680 Rapid City, SD metro area $26,172 39.1%
681 Rapid City, SD metro area $26,172 35.7%
682 Rural South Dakota $26,554 19.9%
683 Rural South Dakota $26,554 31.8%
684 Rural South Dakota $26,554 42.0%
685 Sioux City, SD metro area $25,429 77.1%
686 Sioux Falls, SD metro area $26,677 29.0%
687 Chattanooga, TN metro area $24,054 60.7%
688 Clarksville, TN metro area $25,258 70.7%
689 Cleveland, TN metro area $23,618 72.8%
690 Hickman County, TN metro area $25,531 52.1%
691 Jackson, TN metro area $23,182 35.4%
692 Jackson, TN metro area $23,182 less than 10 percent
693 Johnson City, TN metro area $23,634 less than 10 percent
694 Kingsport/Bristol, TN metro area $23,612 28.2%
695 Knoxville, TN metro area $24,964 57.9%
696 Knoxville, TN metro area $24,964 65.9%
697 Knoxville, TN metro area $24,964 50.5%
698 Knoxville, TN metro area $24,964 less than 10 percent
699 Macon County, TN metro area $24,432 50.4%
700 Memphis, TN metro area $26,774 54.9%
701 Morristown, TN metro area $23,458 less than 10 percent
702 Nashville/Davidson/Murfreesboro/Franklin, TN metro area $27,597 41.4%
703 Nashville/Davidson/Murfreesboro/Franklin, TN metro area $27,597 55.2%
704 Rural Tennessee $24,444 57.1%
705 Rural Tennessee $24,444 49.2%
706 Rural Tennessee $24,444 35.8%
707 Rural Tennessee $24,444 less than 10 percent
708 Smith County, TN metro area $24,388 50.4%
709 Stewart County, TN metro area $23,887 65.5%
710 Abilene, TX metro area $25,480 less than 10 percent
711 Amarillo, TX metro area $24,475 50.0%
712 Amarillo, TX metro area $24,475 15.3%
713 Aransas County, TX metro area $25,452 22.0%
714 Atascosa County, TX metro area $24,920 33.5%
715 Austin County, TX metro area $26,245 39.2%
716 Austin/Round Rock/San Marcos, TX metro area $29,904 56.1%
717 Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX metro area $26,206 less than 10 percent
718 Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX metro area $26,206 14.3%
719 Brazoria County, TX metro area $28,620 44.5%
720 Brownsville/Harlingen, TX metro area $24,120 less than 10 percent
721 Calhoun County, TX metro area $27,345 19.6%
722 College Station/Bryan, TX metro area $29,553 55.6%
723 Corpus Christi, TX metro area $26,554 24.0%
724 Dallas, TX metro area $27,617 31.7%
725 Dallas, TX metro area $27,617 less than 10 percent
726 El Paso, TX metro area $26,413 19.7%
727 El Paso, TX metro area $26,413 15.7%
728 Fort Worth/Arlington, TX metro area $28,388 66.5%
729 Houston/Baytown/Sugar Land, TX metro area $27,803 42.7%
730 Kendall County, TX metro area $27,622 41.0%
731 Killeen/Temple/Fort Hood, TX metro area $26,136 less than 10 percent
732 Lampasas County, TX metro area $25,913 less than 10 percent
733 Laredo, TX metro area $26,819
734 Longview, TX metro area $28,362 35.0%
735 Lubbock, TX metro area $25,657 16.9%
736 Lubbock, TX metro area $25,657 19.2%
737 McAllen/Edinburg/Mission, TX metro area $23,838 11.5%
738 Medina County, TX metro area $26,019 36.6%
739 Midland, TX metro area $26,339 17.8%
740 Midland, TX metro area $26,339 46.0%
741 Odessa, TX metro area $28,596 61.3%
742 Rural Texas $26,235 less than 10 percent
743 Rural Texas $26,235 less than 10 percent
744 Rural Texas $26,235 33.9%
745 Rural Texas $26,235 less than 10 percent
746 Rural Texas $26,235 17.7%
747 Rural Texas $26,235 14.6%
748 Rusk County, TX metro area $25,222 27.5%
749 San Angelo, TX metro area $24,576
750 San Antonio/New Braunfels, TX metro area $26,416 37.7%
751 Sherman/Denison, TX metro area $25,427 less than 10 percent
752 Texarkana, TX metro area $23,782 less than 10 percent
753 Tyler, TX metro area $27,949 50.9%
754 Victoria, TX metro area $26,145 18.3%
755 Waco, TX metro area $24,683 less than 10 percent
756 Waco, TX metro area $24,683 33.8%
757 Wichita Falls, TX metro area $23,882 56.0%
758 Wise County, TX metro area $24,923 50.7%
759 Logan, UT metro area $27,472 59.9%
760 Ogden/Clearfield, UT metro area $25,986
761 Ogden/Clearfield, UT metro area $25,986 55.5%
762 Provo/Orem, UT metro area $26,215 78.6%
763 Rural Utah $27,816 34.8%
764 Rural Utah $27,816
765 Rural Utah $27,816
766 Rural Utah $27,816
767 Salt Lake City, UT metro area $28,544 64.8%
768 St. George, UT metro area $26,283 more than 90 percent
769 Summit County, UT metro area $30,684 69.6%
770 Tooele County, UT metro area $27,273 61.9%
771 Blacksburg/Christiansburg/Radford, VA metro area $27,437 27.7%
772 Blacksburg/Christiansburg/Radford, VA metro area $27,437 47.1%
773 Charlottesville, VA metro area $29,921 58.1%
774 Charlottesville, VA metro area $29,921 29.8%
775 Danville, VA metro area $24,248 77.3%
776 Franklin County, VA metro area $25,314 23.6%
777 Giles County, VA metro area $28,168 30.3%
778 Harrisonburg, VA metro area $28,353 more than 90 percent
779 Bristol, VA metro area $25,317 31.8%
780 Louisa County, VA metro area $29,833 39.7%
781 Lynchburg, VA metro area $27,056 31.6%
782 Pulaski County, VA metro area $28,849 32.8%
783 Richmond, VA metro area $33,289 44.9%
784 Roanoke, VA metro area $27,273 33.9%
785 Rural Virginia $28,610 49.8%
786 Rural Virginia $28,610 47.6%
787 Rural Virginia $28,610 27.7%
788 Rural Virginia $28,610 50.9%
789 Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Newport News, VA metro area $36,671 77.7%
790 Warren County, VA metro area $32,981 50.9%
791 Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC $42,815 83.9%
792 Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC $42,815 77.0%
793 Winchester, VA metro area $28,478 56.9%
794 Burlington/South Burlington, VT metro area $38,039 82.5%
795 Burlington/South Burlington, VT metro area $38,039 82.5%
796 Rural Vermont $32,574 76.9%
797 Rural Vermont $32,574 52.5%
798 Rural Vermont $32,574 76.9%
799 Bellingham, WA metro area $27,611 38.4%
800 Bremerton/Silverdale, WA metro area $27,782 43.9%
801 Kennewick/Pasco/Richland, WA metro area $26,558 41.0%
802 Asotin County $25,434 63.4%
803 Longview, WA metro area $24,404 34.9%
804 Mount Vernon/Anacortes, WA metro area $28,379 64.0%
805 Olympia, WA metro area $30,854 more than 90 percent
806 Portland/Vancouver/Hillsboro, WA metro area $30,141 59.4%
807 Rural Washington $26,752 56.8%
808 Rural Washington $26,752 44.0%
809 Rural Washington $26,752 45.2%
810 Rural Washington $26,752 56.0%
811 Seattle/Bellevue, WA metro area $32,122 61.5%
812 Spokane, WA metro area $24,913 34.0%
813 Spokane, WA metro area $24,913 64.1%
814 Tacoma, WA metro area $29,224 68.5%
815 Wenatchee/East Wenatchee, WA metro area $25,508 16.4%
816 Yakima, WA metro area $25,178 42.2%
817 Appleton, WI metro area $24,218 57.9%
818 Columbia County, WI metro area $26,006 45.5%
819 Douglas County $27,854 43.5%
820 Eau Claire, WI metro area $27,112 45.5%
821 Fond du Lac, WI metro area $24,425 76.3%
822 Green Bay, WI metro area $25,024 78.9%
823 Iowa County, WI metro area $28,580 62.1%
824 Janesville, WI metro area $25,778 63.1%
825 Kenosha County, WI metro area $30,930 57.0%
826 La Crosse, WI metro area $25,126 44.8%
827 Madison, WI metro area $29,422 67.9%
828 Madison, WI metro area $29,422 88.2%
829 Milwaukee/Waukesha/West Allis, WI metro area $28,099 74.1%
830 Oconto County, WI metro area $27,424 85.3%
831 Oshkosh/Neenah, WI metro area $25,734 more than 90 percent
832 Racine, WI metro area $28,016 50.7%
833 Rural Wisconsin $27,645 53.8%
834 Rural Wisconsin $27,645 29.4%
835 Rural Wisconsin $27,645 83.5%
836 Rural Wisconsin $27,645 77.7%
837 Rural Wisconsin $27,645 37.2%
838 Sheboygan, WI metro area $26,264 79.5%
839 Wausau, WI metro area $26,532 70.7%
840 Boone County, WV metro area $27,073 35.3%
841 Charleston, WV metro area $28,331 37.1%
842 Mineral County $27,209 57.5%
843 Huntington, WV metro area $23,893 30.8%
844 Huntington, WV metro area $23,893 36.2%
845 Jefferson County, WV metro area $29,609 40.5%
846 Martinsburg, WV metro area $26,282 43.5%
847 Morgantown, WV metro area $29,334 59.5%
848 Parkersburg/Vienna, WV metro area $25,436 27.9%
849 Rural West Virginia $27,774 75.5%
850 Rural West Virginia $27,774 27.6%
851 Steubenville/Weirton, WV metro area $25,158 31.5%
852 Wheeling, WV metro area $25,931 38.9%
853 Winchester, WV metro area $29,831 59.1%
854 Casper, WY metro area $27,725 40.3%
855 Cheyenne, WY metro area $27,945 71.3%
856 Rural Wyoming $30,553 33.5%
857 Rural Wyoming $30,553 76.6%
858 Rural Wyoming $30,553 37.0%
859 Rural Wyoming $30,553 44.7%

Note: Budgets are the amount required for one person to secure a modest yet adequate standard of living in his or her community. The OES earnings data provide wages for substate areas at several points in the wage distribution: the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles. To calculate the percent of the worker wage distribution that falls below the local one-person family budget, we linearly interpolate between the two values surrounding the appropriate family budget threshold. For family budget thresholds that lie above the 90th percentile of the wage distribution, we cannot reasonably estimate without stronger distribution assumption. Therefore, we simply characterize those areas as ones where at least 90 percent of workers have earnings below their local family budget threshold, or less than 10 percent are above. Gray areas denote locales for which earnings data are unavailable.

Source: EPI analysis of EPI Family Budget Calculator (Gould, Cooke, and Kimball 2015) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics (OES)

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Figure D

Share of other child care workers who cannot afford their local one-person budget

case_id OES MSA name (with MSA divisions) Local one-person budget Share who cannot afford their local budget
1 Anchorage, AK metro area $33,015 more than 90 percent
2 Fairbanks, AK metro area $33,042 73.58%
3 Matanuska/Susitna Borough, AK metro area $31,222 more than 90 percent
4 Rural Alaska $31,712 76.37%
5 Rural Alaska $31,712 77.56%
6 Anniston/Oxford, AL metro area $26,457 more than 90 percent
7 Auburn/Opelika, AL metro area $27,384 more than 90 percent
8 Birmingham/Hoover, AL metro area $27,574 more than 90 percent
9 Chilton County, AL metro area $26,185 more than 90 percent
10 Russell County $27,046 more than 90 percent
11 Decatur, AL metro area $24,653 more than 90 percent
12 Dothan, AL metro area $24,626 88.92%
13 Florence/Muscle Shoals, AL metro area $26,256 more than 90 percent
14 Gadsden, AL metro area $23,283 more than 90 percent
15 Henry County, AL metro area $26,330 more than 90 percent
16 Huntsville, AL metro area $27,156 more than 90 percent
17 Mobile, AL metro area $29,786 more than 90 percent
18 Montgomery, AL metro area $28,404 more than 90 percent
19 Rural Alabama $26,875 77.69%
20 Rural Alabama $26,875 more than 90 percent
21 Rural Alabama $26,875 more than 90 percent
22 Rural Alabama $26,875 more than 90 percent
23 Rural Alabama $26,875 more than 90 percent
24 Tuscaloosa, AL metro area $26,028 more than 90 percent
25 Tuscaloosa, AL metro area $26,028 more than 90 percent
26 Walker County, AL metro area $25,805 more than 90 percent
27 Fayetteville/Springdale/Rogers, AR metro area $26,216 more than 90 percent
28 Fort Smith, AR metro area $25,613 more than 90 percent
29 Franklin County, AR metro area $26,346 more than 90 percent
30 Grant County, AR metro area $26,540 more than 90 percent
31 Hot Springs, AR metro area $26,015 more than 90 percent
32 Jonesboro, AR metro area $23,835 more than 90 percent
33 Little Rock/North Little Rock/Conway, AR metro area $28,134 more than 90 percent
34 Crittenden County $28,537 more than 90 percent
35 Pine Bluff, AR metro area $25,054 more than 90 percent
36 Poinsett County, AR metro area $25,078 more than 90 percent
37 Rural Arkansas $26,689 more than 90 percent
38 Rural Arkansas $26,689 more than 90 percent
39 Rural Arkansas $26,689 more than 90 percent
40 Rural Arkansas $26,689 more than 90 percent
41 Texarkana, AR metro area $27,397 more than 90 percent
42 Texarkana, AR metro area $27,397 more than 90 percent
43 Flagstaff, AZ metro area $30,906 more than 90 percent
44 Lake Havasu City/Kingman, AZ metro area $25,797 more than 90 percent
45 Phoenix/Mesa/Glendale, AZ metro area $28,187 more than 90 percent
46 Prescott, AZ metro area $27,396 more than 90 percent
47 Rural Arizona $27,604 more than 90 percent
48 Rural Arizona $27,604 84.97%
49 Tucson, AZ metro area $25,899 more than 90 percent
50 Yuma, AZ metro area $28,072 more than 90 percent
51 Bakersfield/Delano, CA metro area $29,265 86.72%
52 Chico, CA metro area $26,887 76.09%
53 El Centro, CA metro area $27,933 more than 90 percent
54 Fresno, CA metro area $29,592 more than 90 percent
55 Hanford/Corcoran, CA metro area $27,531 more than 90 percent
56 Los Angeles/Long Beach, CA metro area $34,886 more than 90 percent
57 Madera/Chowchilla, CA metro area $28,009 86.19%
58 Merced, CA metro area $27,170 83.65%
59 Modesto, CA metro area $28,339 78.84%
60 Napa, CA metro area $34,775 87.66%
61 Oakland/Fremont, CA metro area $39,603 more than 90 percent
62 Orange County, CA metro area $40,684 more than 90 percent
63 Oxnard/Thousand Oaks/Ventura, CA metro area $37,015 more than 90 percent
64 Redding, CA metro area $31,891 more than 90 percent
65 Riverside/San Bernardino/Ontario, CA metro area $32,085 81.02%
66 Rural California $31,199
67 Rural California $31,199 more than 90 percent
68 Rural California $31,199 more than 90 percent
69 Rural California $31,199 87.32%
70 Rural California $31,199 82.33%
71 Sacramento/Arden/Arcade/Roseville, CA metro area $32,023 87.14%
72 Salinas, CA metro area $36,264 more than 90 percent
73 San Benito County, CA metro area $31,942 59.32%
74 San Diego/Carlsbad/San Marcos, CA metro area $36,450 more than 90 percent
75 San Francisco, CA metro area $43,581 more than 90 percent
76 San Jose/Sunnyvale/Santa Clara, CA metro area $41,386 more than 90 percent
77 San Luis Obispo/Paso Robles, CA metro area $34,424 88.26%
78 Santa Barbara/Santa Maria/Goleta, CA metro area $39,180 more than 90 percent
79 Santa Cruz/Watsonville, CA metro area $38,301 more than 90 percent
80 Santa Rosa/Petaluma, CA metro area $35,077 81.97%
81 Stockton, CA metro area $29,563 72.84%
82 Vallejo/Fairfield, CA metro area $32,028 more than 90 percent
83 Visalia/Porterville, CA metro area $28,750 69.76%
84 Yolo, CA metro area $32,148 87.49%
85 Yuba City, CA metro area $26,981 76.28%
86 Boulder, CO metro area $33,912 more than 90 percent
87 Colorado Springs, CO metro area $26,899 80.17%
88 Denver/Aurora/Broomfield, CO metro area $28,829 71.64%
89 Fort Collins/Loveland, CO metro area $28,739 84.12%
90 Grand Junction, CO metro area $26,865 81.16%
91 Greeley, CO metro area $25,766 more than 90 percent
92 Pueblo, CO metro area $25,368 82.59%
93 Rural Colorado $31,576 more than 90 percent
94 Rural Colorado $31,576 84.80%
95 Rural Colorado $31,576 78.49%
96 Rural Colorado $31,576 81.87%
97 Teller County, CO metro area $29,006 86.10%
98 Bridgeport, CT metro area $33,324 more than 90 percent
99 Colchester/Lebanon, CT metro area $34,535 more than 90 percent
100 Danbury, CT metro area $40,035 more than 90 percent
101 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $33,080 84.66%
102 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $33,080 more than 90 percent
103 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $33,080 84.66%
104 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $33,080 more than 90 percent
105 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $33,080 more than 90 percent
106 Hartford/West Hartford/East Hartford, CT metro area $33,080 84.66%
107 Milford/Ansonia/Seymour, CT metro area $37,214 88.85%
108 New Haven/Meriden, CT metro area $34,861 88.85%
109 New Haven/Meriden, CT metro area $34,861 88.85%
110 Norwich/New London, CT metro area $31,751 more than 90 percent
111 Norwich/New London, CT metro area $31,751 more than 90 percent
112 Rural Connecticut $32,612 84.82%
113 Rural Connecticut $32,612 84.82%
114 Rural Connecticut $32,612 84.82%
115 Rural Connecticut $32,612 84.82%
116 Southern Middlesex County, CT metro area $39,601 more than 90 percent
117 Stamford/Norwalk, CT metro area $46,074 more than 90 percent
118 Waterbury, CT metro area $28,926 88.85%
119 Washington, DC $42,119 more than 90 percent
120 Dover, DE metro area $29,519 more than 90 percent
121 Wilmington, DE metro area $34,408 more than 90 percent
122 Rural Delaware $31,374 more than 90 percent
123 Baker County, FL metro area $28,156 88.18%
124 Cape Coral/Fort Myers, FL metro area $31,352 more than 90 percent
125 Crestview/Fort Walton Beach/Destin, FL metro area $29,794 more than 90 percent
126 Crestview/Fort Walton Beach/Destin, FL metro area $29,794 more than 90 percent
127 Deltona/Daytona Beach/Ormond Beach, FL metro area $27,384 88.31%
128 Fort Lauderdale, FL metro area $31,059 more than 90 percent
129 Gainesville, FL metro area $30,154 more than 90 percent
130 Jacksonville, FL metro area $29,781 more than 90 percent
131 Lakeland/Winter Haven, FL metro area $29,180 more than 90 percent
132 Miami/Miami Beach/Kendall, FL metro area $31,354 more than 90 percent
133 Miami/Miami Beach/Kendall, FL metro area $31,354 more than 90 percent
134 Naples/Marco Island, FL metro area $30,925 more than 90 percent
135 North Port/Bradenton/Sarasota, FL metro area $30,901 83.31%
136 Ocala, FL metro area $26,506 78.65%
137 Orlando/Kissimmee/Sanford, FL metro area $29,951 more than 90 percent
138 Palm Bay/Melbourne/Titusville, FL metro area $27,142 84.31%
139 Palm Coast, FL metro area $29,874 more than 90 percent
140 Panama City/Lynn Haven/Panama City Beach, FL metro area $29,754 more than 90 percent
141 Panama City/Lynn Haven/Panama City Beach, FL metro area $29,754 more than 90 percent
142 Pensacola/Ferry Pass/Brent, FL metro area $29,309 more than 90 percent
143 Port St. Lucie, FL metro area $30,047 more than 90 percent
144 Punta Gorda, FL metro area $26,516 76.61%
145 Rural Florida $29,488 more than 90 percent
146 Rural Florida $29,488 more than 90 percent
147 Rural Florida $29,488 more than 90 percent
148 Sebastian/Vero Beach, FL metro area $27,383 more than 90 percent
149 Tallahassee, FL metro area $31,524 more than 90 percent
150 Tampa/St. Petersburg/Clearwater, FL metro area $28,316 more than 90 percent
151 Wakulla County, FL metro area $29,524 more than 90 percent
152 West Palm Beach/Boca Raton, FL metro area $31,141 more than 90 percent
153 Albany, GA metro area $29,800 more than 90 percent
154 Athens/Clarke County, GA metro area $27,787 more than 90 percent
155 Atlanta/Sandy Springs/Marietta, GA metro area $31,303 more than 90 percent
156 Atlanta/Sandy Springs/Marietta, GA metro area $31,303 more than 90 percent
157 Augusta/Richmond, GA metro area $28,372 more than 90 percent
158 Augusta/Richmond, GA metro area $28,372 more than 90 percent
159 Brunswick, GA metro area $26,664 more than 90 percent
160 Butts County, GA metro area $31,289 more than 90 percent
161 Catoos, Dade, and Walker Counties $27,027 more than 90 percent
162 Catoos, Dade, and Walker Counties $27,027 more than 90 percent
163 Columbus, GA metro area $27,193 more than 90 percent
164 Dalton, GA metro area $28,528 86.87%
165 Gainesville, GA metro area $30,162 more than 90 percent
166 Haralson County, GA metro area $27,980 86.56%
167 Hinesville/Fort Stewart, GA metro area $28,685 more than 90 percent
168 Lamar County, GA metro area $28,553 88.15%
169 Long County, GA metro area $28,421 more than 90 percent
170 Macon, GA metro area $27,941 more than 90 percent
171 Meriwether County, GA metro area $28,553 88.15%
172 Monroe County, GA metro area $27,751 more than 90 percent
173 Murray County, GA metro area $29,593 89.39%
174 Rome, GA metro area $27,064 more than 90 percent
175 Rural Georgia $29,863 more than 90 percent
176 Rural Georgia $29,863 more than 90 percent
177 Rural Georgia $29,863 more than 90 percent
178 Rural Georgia $29,863 more than 90 percent
179 Savannah, GA metro area $29,368 more than 90 percent
180 Valdosta, GA metro area $30,741 more than 90 percent
181 Warner Robins, GA metro area $29,912 more than 90 percent
182 Warner Robins, GA metro area $29,912 more than 90 percent
183 Honolulu, HI metro area $46,308 more than 90 percent
184 Rural Hawaii $36,288 more than 90 percent
185 Ames, IA metro area $26,574 more than 90 percent
186 Benton County, IA metro area $26,506 more than 90 percent
187 Bremer County, IA metro area $26,841 more than 90 percent
188 Cedar Rapids, IA metro area $24,049 more than 90 percent
189 Davenport/Moline, IA metro area $24,498 more than 90 percent
190 Des Moines/West Des Moines, IA metro area $26,830 more than 90 percent
191 Dubuque, IA metro area $25,628 more than 90 percent
192 Iowa City, IA metro area $28,077 more than 90 percent
193 Jones County, IA metro area $24,709 more than 90 percent
194 Council Bluffs, IA metro area $25,976 more than 90 percent
195 Rural Iowa $26,478 more than 90 percent
196 Rural Iowa $26,478 more than 90 percent
197 Rural Iowa $26,478 more than 90 percent
198 Rural Iowa $26,478 more than 90 percent
199 Sioux City, IA metro area $24,594 more than 90 percent
200 Sioux City, IA metro area $24,594 more than 90 percent
201 Washington County, IA metro area $26,825 more than 90 percent
202 Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA metro area $26,250 more than 90 percent
203 Boise City/Nampa, ID metro area $24,957 more than 90 percent
204 Coeur d’Alene, ID metro area $26,200 more than 90 percent
205 Gem County, ID metro area $25,220 more than 90 percent
206 Idaho Falls, ID metro area $24,569 more than 90 percent
207 Idaho Falls, ID metro area $24,569 more than 90 percent
208 Lewiston, ID metro area $26,183 more than 90 percent
209 Franklin County $27,704 more than 90 percent
210 Pocatello, ID metro area $23,497 87.65%
211 Rural Idaho $27,557 more than 90 percent
212 Rural Idaho $27,557 75.34%
213 Rural Idaho $27,557 79.27%
214 Rural Idaho $27,557 more than 90 percent
215 Rural Idaho $27,557 more than 90 percent
216 Bloomington/Normal, IL metro area $29,540 more than 90 percent
217 Bloomington/Normal, IL metro area $29,540 89.27%
218 Bond County, IL metro area $27,080 89.57%
219 Alexander County $26,874 more than 90 percent
220 Champaign/Urbana, IL metro area $28,634 more than 90 percent
221 Chicago/Joliet/Naperville, IL metro area $31,334 85.59%
222 Chicago/Joliet/Naperville, IL metro area $31,334 more than 90 percent
223 Danville, IL metro area $27,611 more than 90 percent
224 Rock Island, IL metro area $24,414 more than 90 percent
225 Decatur, IL metro area $25,031 77.11%
226 DeKalb County, IL metro area $27,955 73.03%
227 Grundy County, IL metro area $27,296 69.48%
228 Kankakee/Bradley, IL metro area $25,121 77.61%
229 Kendall County, IL metro area $28,455 75.48%
230 Macoupin County, IL metro area $26,787 88.51%
231 Peoria, IL metro area $25,196 more than 90 percent
232 Rockford, IL metro area $26,608 more than 90 percent
233 Rural Illinois $27,471 89.57%
234 Rural Illinois $27,471 85.93%
235 Rural Illinois $27,471 77.55%
236 Rural Illinois $27,471 84.19%
237 Springfield, IL metro area $26,406 83.76%
238 St. Louis, IL metro area $27,622 more than 90 percent
239 Anderson, IN metro area $24,073 more than 90 percent
240 Bloomington, IN metro area $29,005 more than 90 percent
241 Carroll County, IN metro area $29,133 more than 90 percent
242 Indiana suburbs of Cincinnati $26,179 more than 90 percent
243 Indiana suburbs of Cincinnati $26,179 80.50%
244 Columbus, IN metro area $29,928 86.30%
245 Elkhart/Goshen, IN metro area $26,563 80.21%
246 Evansville, IN metro area $28,631 more than 90 percent
247 Fort Wayne, IN metro area $26,782 more than 90 percent
248 Gary, IN metro area $26,886 more than 90 percent
249 Gibson County, IN metro area $28,175 more than 90 percent
250 Greene County, IN metro area $26,196 more than 90 percent
251 Indianapolis, IN metro area $27,757 more than 90 percent
252 Jasper County, IN metro area $28,878 more than 90 percent
253 Kokomo, IN metro area $26,605 more than 90 percent
254 Lafayette, IN metro area $28,215 86.33%
255 Indiana suburbs of Louisville $26,322 more than 90 percent
256 Indiana suburbs of Louisville $26,322 82.21%
257 Michigan City/La Porte, IN metro area $25,712 more than 90 percent
258 Muncie, IN metro area $25,870 more than 90 percent
259 Owen County, IN metro area $28,049 more than 90 percent
260 Putnam County, IN metro area $29,200 more than 90 percent
261 Rural Indiana $26,906 more than 90 percent
262 Rural Indiana $26,906 82.68%
263 Rural Indiana $26,906 more than 90 percent
264 Rural Indiana $26,906 more than 90 percent
265 South Bend/Mishawaka, IN metro area $26,747 more than 90 percent
266 Sullivan County, IN metro area $29,049 more than 90 percent
267 Terre Haute, IN metro area $25,736 more than 90 percent
268 Washington County, IN metro area $26,766 83.05%
269 Franklin County, KS metro area $26,759 more than 90 percent
270 Kansas City, KS metro area $26,939 more than 90 percent
271 Lawrence, KS metro area $25,214 more than 90 percent
272 Manhattan, KS metro area $28,277 more than 90 percent
273 Rural Kansas $26,279 84.58%
274 St. Joseph, KS metro area $28,029 more than 90 percent
275 Sumner County, KS metro area $27,211 more than 90 percent
276 Topeka, KS metro area $24,052 82.68%
277 Wichita, KS metro area $24,876 82.32%
278 Wichita, KS metro area $24,876 87.36%
279 Bowling Green, KY metro area $25,813 more than 90 percent
280 Bowling Green, KY metro area $25,813 more than 90 percent
281 Kentucky suburbs of Cincinnati $25,547 78.60%
282 Christian and Trigg County $26,700 more than 90 percent
283 Elizabethtown, KY metro area $24,906 more than 90 percent
284 Henderson County $27,089 more than 90 percent
285 Grant County, KY metro area $26,282 80.81%
286 Ashland, KY metro area $23,835 more than 90 percent
287 Lexington/Fayette, KY metro area $25,856 84.01%
288 Louisville, KY metro area $26,280 82.13%
289 Meade County, KY metro area $26,596 82.73%
290 Nelson County, KY metro area $26,168 81.92%
291 Owensboro, KY metro area $25,039 89.45%
292 Rural Kentucky $26,338 more than 90 percent
293 Rural Kentucky $26,338 more than 90 percent
294 Rural Kentucky $26,338 more than 90 percent
295 Rural Kentucky $26,338 more than 90 percent
296 Shelby County, KY metro area $28,198 85.77%
297 Alexandria, LA metro area $27,566 more than 90 percent
298 Baton Rouge, LA metro area $27,931 more than 90 percent
299 Houma/Bayou Cane/Thibodaux, LA metro area $26,519 more than 90 percent
300 Iberville Parish, LA metro area $26,736 more than 90 percent
301 Lafayette, LA metro area $27,110 more than 90 percent
302 Lafayette, LA metro area $27,110 88.27%
303 Lake Charles, LA metro area $27,919 more than 90 percent
304 Monroe, LA metro area $27,385 more than 90 percent
305 New Orleans/Metairie/Kenner, LA metro area $30,152 more than 90 percent
306 New Orleans/Metairie/Kenner, LA metro area $30,152 more than 90 percent
307 Rural Louisiana $28,558 more than 90 percent
308 Rural Louisiana $28,558 more than 90 percent
309 Rural Louisiana $28,558 more than 90 percent
310 Rural Louisiana $28,558 more than 90 percent
311 Shreveport/Bossier City, LA metro area $27,712 more than 90 percent
312 Shreveport/Bossier City, LA metro area $27,712 more than 90 percent
313 Barnstable Town, MA metro area $33,807 70.08%
314 Barnstable Town, MA metro area $33,807 70.08%
315 Berkshire County, MA metro area $32,087 87.49%
316 Berkshire County, MA metro area $32,087 87.49%
317 Berkshire County, MA metro area $32,087 87.49%
318 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 86.46%
319 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 more than 90 percent
320 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 86.46%
321 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 62.22%
322 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 more than 90 percent
323 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 62.22%
324 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 86.46%
325 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 more than 90 percent
326 Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, MA metro area $39,358 more than 90 percent
327 Brockton, MA metro area $35,723 more than 90 percent
328 Eastern Worcester County, MA metro area $32,004 47.34%
329 Easton/Raynham, MA metro area $38,261 88.47%
330 Fitchburg/Leominster, MA metro area $27,523 62.22%
331 Franklin County, MA metro area $31,480 73.33%
332 Franklin County, MA metro area $31,480 73.33%
333 Franklin County, MA metro area $31,480 73.33%
334 Lawrence, MA metro area $33,008 more than 90 percent
335 Lowell, MA metro area $33,919 62.22%
336 New Bedford, MA metro area $30,570 88.47%
337 Pittsfield, MA metro area $27,523 87.49%
338 Providence/Fall River, MA metro area $30,797 88.47%
339 Providence/Fall River, MA metro area $30,797 88.47%
340 Rural Massachusetts $37,807 more than 90 percent
341 Springfield, MA metro area $30,397 68.32%
342 Springfield, MA metro area $30,397 80.49%
343 Springfield, MA metro area $30,397 80.49%
344 Taunton/Mansfield/Norton, MA metro area $33,235 86.46%
345 Western Worcester County, MA metro area $28,504 47.34%
346 Worcester, MA metro area $29,922 47.34%
347 Worcester, MA metro area $29,922 47.34%
348 Worcester, MA metro area $29,922 47.34%
349 Worcester, MA metro area $29,922 47.34%
350 Worcester, MA metro area $29,922 47.34%
351 Baltimore/Towson, MD metro area $33,994 more than 90 percent
352 Columbia city, MD metro area $38,288 more than 90 percent
353 Cumberland, MD metro area $24,568 76.21%
354 Hagerstown, MD metro area $28,274 more than 90 percent
355 Cecil County $32,523 more than 90 percent
356 Rural Maryland $32,271 more than 90 percent
357 Rural Maryland $32,271
358 Rural Maryland $32,271 more than 90 percent
359 Salisbury, MD metro area $26,235 79.41%
360 Salisbury, MD metro area $26,235 more than 90 percent
361 Somerset County, MD metro area $25,469 more than 90 percent
362 Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC $41,424 88.73%
363 Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC $41,424 more than 90 percent
364 Bangor, ME metro area $29,840 72.15%
365 Cumberland County, ME metro area $29,369 more than 90 percent
366 Cumberland County, ME metro area $29,369 more than 90 percent
367 Lewiston/Auburn, ME metro area $27,417 88.62%
368 Lewiston/Auburn, ME metro area $27,417 88.62%
369 Penobscot County, ME metro area $26,764 72.15%
370 Penobscot County, ME metro area $26,764 72.15%
371 Portland, ME metro area $31,848 more than 90 percent
372 Rural Maine $30,594 89.20%
373 Rural Maine $30,594 89.20%
374 Rural Maine $30,594 more than 90 percent
375 Rural Maine $30,594 more than 90 percent
376 Rural Maine $30,594 more than 90 percent
377 Sagadahoc County, ME metro area $33,195 more than 90 percent
378 York County, ME metro area $29,354 more than 90 percent
379 York County, ME metro area $29,354 more than 90 percent
380 York County, ME metro area $29,354 more than 90 percent
381 York County, ME metro area $29,354 more than 90 percent
382 York/Kittery/South Berwick, ME metro area $34,219 more than 90 percent
383 Ann Arbor, MI metro area $30,299 more than 90 percent
384 Barry County, MI metro area $25,527 72.90%
385 Battle Creek, MI metro area $24,706 more than 90 percent
386 Bay City, MI metro area $23,914 more than 90 percent
387 Cass County, MI metro area $26,334 more than 90 percent
388 Detroit/Warren/Livonia, MI metro area $26,072 76.35%
389 Detroit/Warren/Livonia, MI metro area $26,072 78.42%
390 Flint, MI metro area $25,033 more than 90 percent
391 Grand Rapids/Wyoming, MI metro area $26,807
392 Grand Rapids/Wyoming, MI metro area $26,807 76.65%
393 Grand Rapids/Wyoming, MI metro area $26,807 more than 90 percent
394 Holland/Grand Haven, MI metro area $29,626
395 Ionia County, MI metro area $26,184 75.38%
396 Jackson, MI metro area $26,642 more than 90 percent
397 Kalamazoo/Portage, MI metro area $26,077 more than 90 percent
398 Lansing/East Lansing, MI metro area $26,285 78.79%
399 Livingston County, MI metro area $26,834 80.30%
400 Monroe, MI metro area $26,390 84.07%
401 Muskegon/Norton Shores, MI metro area $23,206 78.69%
402 Newaygo County, MI metro area $27,637 78.35%
403 Niles/Benton Harbor, MI metro area $26,098 76.66%
404 Rural Michigan $27,949
405 Rural Michigan $27,949 more than 90 percent
406 Rural Michigan $27,949 more than 90 percent
407 Rural Michigan $27,949 more than 90 percent
408 Saginaw/Saginaw Township North, MI metro area $24,658 more than 90 percent
409 Duluth, MN metro area $24,143 79.56%
410 Clay County $23,801 86.73%
411 Polk County $27,256 more than 90 percent
412 Houston County $27,542 more than 90 percent
413 Mankato/North Mankato, MN metro area $24,999 78.26%
414 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $27,224 more than 90 percent
415 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $27,224 more than 90 percent
416 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $27,224 74.90%
417 Minneapolis/St. Paul/Bloomington, MN metro area $27,224 more than 90 percent
418 Rochester, MN metro area $28,857 more than 90 percent
419 Rochester, MN metro area $28,857 81.65%
420 Rural Minnesota $25,872 more than 90 percent
421 Rural Minnesota $25,872 81.19%
422 Rural Minnesota $25,872 more than 90 percent
423 Rural Minnesota $25,872 82.24%
424 St. Cloud, MN metro area $27,278 88.95%
425 Wabasha County, MN metro area $27,144 75.28%
426 Bates County, MO metro area $25,876 87.98%
427 Calloway County, MO metro area $27,750 89.77%
428 Cape Girardeau, MO metro area $24,667 more than 90 percent
429 Columbia, MO metro area $27,620 more than 90 percent
430 Dallas County, MO metro area $25,712 more than 90 percent
431 Jefferson City, MO metro area $24,330 81.05%
432 Joplin, MO metro area $25,464 more than 90 percent
433 Kansas City, MO metro area $27,373 more than 90 percent
434 McDonald County, MO metro area $26,930 more than 90 percent
435 Moniteau County, MO metro area $26,256 85.96%
436 Polk County, MO metro area $25,781 more than 90 percent
437 Rural Missouri $26,634 86.19%
438 Rural Missouri $26,634 more than 90 percent
439 Rural Missouri $26,634 more than 90 percent
440 Rural Missouri $26,634 more than 90 percent
441 Rural Missouri $26,634 more than 90 percent
442 Springfield, MO metro area $25,141 more than 90 percent
443 St. Joseph, MO metro area $27,572 more than 90 percent
444 St. Louis, MO metro area $27,683 more than 90 percent
445 Washington County, MO metro area $27,979 more than 90 percent
446 Gulfport/Biloxi, MS metro area $32,435 more than 90 percent
447 Gulfport/Biloxi, MS metro area $32,435 more than 90 percent
448 Hattiesburg, MS metro area $29,078 more than 90 percent
449 Jackson, MS metro area $26,877 more than 90 percent
450 Jackson, MS metro area $26,877 more than 90 percent
451 Marshall County, MS metro area $28,245 more than 90 percent
452 Mississippi suburbs of Memphis $29,399 more than 90 percent
453 Mississippi suburbs of Memphis $29,399 more than 90 percent
454 Pascagoula, MS metro area $31,891 more than 90 percent
455 Pascagoula, MS metro area $31,891 more than 90 percent
456 Rural Mississippi $28,181 more than 90 percent
457 Rural Mississippi $28,181 more than 90 percent
458 Rural Mississippi $28,181 more than 90 percent
459 Rural Mississippi $28,181 more than 90 percent
460 Simpson County, MS metro area $26,077 more than 90 percent
461 Tate County, MS metro area $29,850 more than 90 percent
462 Tunica County, MS metro area $29,231 more than 90 percent
463 Billings, MT metro area $25,823 83.57%
464 Billings, MT metro area $25,823 77.76%
465 Billings, MT metro area $25,823 more than 90 percent
466 Great Falls, MT metro area $25,939 more than 90 percent
467 Missoula, MT metro area $29,517 more than 90 percent
468 Rural Montana $27,606 89.06%
469 Rural Montana $27,606 more than 90 percent
470 Rural Montana $27,606 80.20%
471 Rural Montana $27,606 83.31%
472 Anson County, NC metro area $28,842 more than 90 percent
473 Asheville, NC metro area $26,338 65.72%
474 Burlington, NC metro area $27,890 more than 90 percent
475 Charlotte/Gastonia, NC metro area $30,485 more than 90 percent
476 Charlotte/Gastonia, NC metro area $30,485 more than 90 percent
477 Durham/Chapel Hill, NC metro area $29,041 85.96%
478 Fayetteville, NC metro area $31,393 more than 90 percent
479 Goldsboro, NC metro area $27,613 more than 90 percent
480 Greene County, NC metro area $28,829 more than 90 percent
481 Greensboro/High Point, NC metro area $28,083 more than 90 percent
482 Greenville, NC metro area $28,491 more than 90 percent
483 Haywood County, NC metro area $28,052 73.63%
484 Hickory/Lenoir/Morganton, NC metro area $28,357 more than 90 percent
485 Hoke County, NC metro area $30,049 more than 90 percent
486 Jacksonville, NC metro area $30,350 more than 90 percent
487 Pender County, NC metro area $27,456 more than 90 percent
488 Person County, NC metro area $27,785 83.38%
489 Raleigh/Cary, NC metro area $30,209 more than 90 percent
490 Rockingham County, NC metro area $27,431 more than 90 percent
491 Rocky Mount, NC metro area $28,686 more than 90 percent
492 Rural North Carolina $29,438 more than 90 percent
493 Rural North Carolina $29,438 more than 90 percent
494 Rural North Carolina $29,438 more than 90 percent
495 Rural North Carolina $29,438 more than 90 percent
496 Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Newport News, NC metro area $38,355 more than 90 percent
497 Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Newport News, NC metro area $38,355 more than 90 percent
498 Wilmington, NC metro area $30,785 more than 90 percent
499 Winston/Salem, NC metro area $29,144 more than 90 percent
500 Winston/Salem, NC metro area $29,144 82.16%
501 Bismarck, ND metro area $26,353 80.43%
502 Bismarck, ND metro area $26,353 75.33%
503 Fargo, ND metro area $24,775 more than 90 percent
504 Grand Forks, ND metro area $25,176 more than 90 percent
505 Rural North Dakota $30,007 82.63%
506 Rural North Dakota $30,007 more than 90 percent
507 Rural North Dakota $30,007 more than 90 percent
508 Rural North Dakota $30,007 88.19%
509 Lincoln, NE metro area $24,765 more than 90 percent
510 Omaha, NE metro area $25,988 more than 90 percent
511 Rural Nebraska $25,748 more than 90 percent
512 Rural Nebraska $25,748 more than 90 percent
513 Rural Nebraska $25,748 more than 90 percent
514 Rural Nebraska $25,748 more than 90 percent
515 Saunders County, NE metro area $26,566 more than 90 percent
516 Seward County, NE metro area $24,624 more than 90 percent
517 Sioux City, NE metro area $25,904 more than 90 percent
518 Rockingham and Strafford Counties $39,711 more than 90 percent
519 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $32,439 more than 90 percent
520 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $32,439 more than 90 percent
521 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $32,439 more than 90 percent
522 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $32,439 more than 90 percent
523 Hillsborough County, NH metro area $32,439 more than 90 percent
524 New Hampshire suburbs of Lawrence, MA $31,526 more than 90 percent
525 Manchester, NH metro area $28,961 79.97%
526 Manchester, NH metro area $28,961 79.97%
527 Manchester, NH metro area $28,961 79.97%
528 Nashua, NH metro area $32,974 more than 90 percent
529 Portsmouth/Rochester, NH metro area $30,978 more than 90 percent
530 Rural New Hampshire $31,558 more than 90 percent
531 Rural New Hampshire $31,558 87.25%
532 Rural New Hampshire $31,558 more than 90 percent
533 Rural New Hampshire $31,558 87.25%
534 Rural New Hampshire $31,558 more than 90 percent
535 Western Rockingham County, NH metro area $37,676 more than 90 percent
536 Western Rockingham County, NH metro area $37,676 more than 90 percent
537 Western Rockingham County, NH metro area $37,676 more than 90 percent
538 Atlantic City/Hammonton, NJ metro area $34,022 more than 90 percent
539 Bergen/Passaic, NJ metro area $40,774 more than 90 percent
540 Bergen/Passaic, NJ metro area $40,774 more than 90 percent
541 Jersey City, NJ metro area $38,518 more than 90 percent
542 Middlesex/Somerset/Hunterdon, NJ metro area $37,012 more than 90 percent
543 Monmouth/Ocean, NJ metro area $36,764 more than 90 percent
544 Newark, NJ metro area $39,133 more than 90 percent
545 Ocean City, NJ metro area $29,662 more than 90 percent
546 Camden, NJ metro area $34,109 more than 90 percent
547 Camden, NJ metro area $34,109 more than 90 percent
548 Trenton/Ewing, NJ metro area $36,450 more than 90 percent
549 Vineland/Millville/Bridgeton, NJ metro area $32,847 more than 90 percent
550 Warren County, NJ metro area $32,023 more than 90 percent
551 Albuquerque, NM metro area $26,287 more than 90 percent
552 Farmington, NM metro area $26,387 more than 90 percent
553 Las Cruces, NM metro area $26,061 more than 90 percent
554 Rural New Mexico $27,182 more than 90 percent
555 Rural New Mexico $27,182 more than 90 percent
556 Rural New Mexico $27,182 more than 90 percent
557 Rural New Mexico $27,182
558 Santa Fe, NM metro area $31,357 80.30%
559 Carson City, NV metro area $28,521 77.93%
560 Las Vegas/Paradise, NV metro area $29,546 more than 90 percent
561 Reno/Sparks, NV metro area $28,667 79.59%
562 Rural Nevada $29,034 88.80%
563 Rural Nevada $29,034 47.51%
564 Albany/Schenectady/Troy, NY metro area $31,547 87.48%
565 Binghamton, NY metro area $29,037 more than 90 percent
566 Buffalo/Niagara Falls, NY metro area $28,048 87.34%
567 Elmira, NY metro area $29,013 88.62%
568 Glens Falls, NY metro area $30,767 more than 90 percent
569 Ithaca, NY metro area $34,919 more than 90 percent
570 Kingston, NY metro area $31,375 more than 90 percent
571 Nassau/Suffolk, NY metro area $40,573 more than 90 percent
572 New York, NY metro area $43,519 more than 90 percent
573 New York, NY metro area $43,519 more than 90 percent
574 Poughkeepsie/Newburgh/Middletown, NY metro area $36,952 more than 90 percent
575 Rochester, NY metro area $28,774 83.90%
576 Rochester, NY metro area $28,774 more than 90 percent
577 Rural New York $30,684 more than 90 percent
578 Rural New York $30,684 more than 90 percent
579 Rural New York $30,684 55.69%
580 Rural New York $30,684 86.22%
581 Syracuse, NY metro area $28,994 85.49%
582 Utica/Rome, NY metro area $30,909 86.50%
583 Utica/Rome, NY metro area $30,909 more than 90 percent
584 Westchester County, NY metro area $39,515 more than 90 percent
585 Akron, OH metro area $25,990 75.47%
586 Brown County, OH metro area $25,107 77.27%
587 Canton/Massillon, OH metro area $24,511 more than 90 percent
588 Cincinnati/Middleton, OH metro area $25,403 78.17%
589 Cleveland/Elyria/Mentor, OH metro area $26,106 84.77%
590 Columbus, OH metro area $27,193 more than 90 percent
591 Columbus, OH metro area $27,193 more than 90 percent
592 Columbus, OH metro area $27,193 87.24%
593 Dayton, OH metro area $26,777 more than 90 percent
594 Lawrence County $24,172 more than 90 percent
595 Lima, OH metro area $26,238 more than 90 percent
596 Mansfield, OH metro area $25,657 82.37%
597 Marietta, OH metro area $25,230 more than 90 percent
598 Preble County, OH metro area $26,035 more than 90 percent
599 Rural Ohio $26,608 more than 90 percent
600 Rural Ohio $26,608 73.40%
601 Rural Ohio $26,608 more than 90 percent
602 Rural Ohio $26,608 89.82%
603 Sandusky, OH metro area $25,927 more than 90 percent
604 Springfield, OH metro area $26,495 61.38%
605 Steubenville/Weirton, OH metro area $24,749 more than 90 percent
606 Toledo, OH metro area $24,324 75.52%
607 Union County, OH metro area $26,882 86.19%
608 Wheeling, OH metro area $25,545 more than 90 percent
609 Youngstown/Warren/Boardman, OH metro area $25,567 81.77%
610 Sequoyah County $26,318 more than 90 percent
611 Sequoyah County $26,318 84.54%
612 Sequoyah County $26,318 more than 90 percent
613 Grady County, OK metro area $23,156 84.88%
614 Lawton, OK metro area $25,927 more than 90 percent
615 Lawton, OK metro area $25,927 more than 90 percent
616 Le Flore County, OK metro area $25,013 more than 90 percent
617 Lincoln County, OK metro area $25,048 more than 90 percent
618 Oklahoma City, OK metro area $25,304 more than 90 percent
619 Okmulgee County, OK metro area $24,212 84.56%
620 Pawnee County, OK metro area $24,650 89.65%
621 Rural Oklahoma $25,618 more than 90 percent
622 Rural Oklahoma $25,618 more than 90 percent
623 Rural Oklahoma $25,618 82.19%
624 Rural Oklahoma $25,618 more than 90 percent
625 Tulsa, OK metro area $25,315 89.65%
626 Bend, OR metro area $28,053 82.33%
627 Corvallis, OR metro area $26,498 more than 90 percent
628 Eugene/Springfield, OR metro area $26,958 85.95%
629 Medford, OR metro area $29,284 77.10%
630 Portland/Vancouver/Hillsboro, OR metro area $30,833 more than 90 percent
631 Rural Oregon $27,240 84.71%
632 Rural Oregon $27,240 76.72%
633 Rural Oregon $27,240 78.87%
634 Rural Oregon $27,240 more than 90 percent
635 Salem, OR metro area $28,142 more than 90 percent
636 Allentown/Bethlehem/Easton, PA metro area $30,315 more than 90 percent
637 Altoona, PA metro area $26,709 more than 90 percent
638 Armstrong County, PA metro area $23,005 72.37%
639 Erie, PA metro area $24,535 more than 90 percent
640 Harrisburg/Carlisle, PA metro area $28,511 more than 90 percent
641 Johnstown, PA metro area $24,974 more than 90 percent
642 Lancaster, PA metro area $29,056 more than 90 percent
643 Lebanon, PA metro area $24,334 more than 90 percent
644 Philadelphia, PA metro area $33,765 more than 90 percent
645 Pike County, PA metro area $36,348 more than 90 percent
646 Pittsburgh, PA metro area $27,124 85.51%
647 Reading, PA metro area $26,925 87.00%
648 Rural Pennsylvania $27,357 87.88%
649 Rural Pennsylvania $27,357 82.33%
650 Rural Pennsylvania $27,357 more than 90 percent
651 Rural Pennsylvania $27,357 more than 90 percent
652 Scranton/Wilkes/Barre, PA metro area $25,761 more than 90 percent
653 Sharon, PA metro area $25,766 82.29%
654 State College, PA metro area $30,015 more than 90 percent
655 Williamsport, PA metro area $25,209 more than 90 percent
656 York/Hanover, PA metro area $26,339 more than 90 percent
657 Newport/Middleton/Portsmouth, RI metro area $35,425 87.85%
658 Providence/Fall River, RI metro area $30,522 more than 90 percent
659 Westerly/Hopkinton/New Shoreham, RI metro area $29,778
660 Anderson, SC metro area $27,497 more than 90 percent
661 Aiken and Edgefield Counties $28,109 more than 90 percent
662 Charleston/North Charleston/Summerville, SC metro area $31,920 more than 90 percent
663 Rock Hill, Chester, Lancaster, and York Counties $30,109 more than 90 percent
664 Rock Hill, Chester, Lancaster, and York Counties $30,109 more than 90 percent
665 Columbia, SC metro area $29,676 more than 90 percent
666 Darlington County, SC metro area $27,308 more than 90 percent
667 Florence, SC metro area $27,190 more than 90 percent
668 Greenville/Mauldin/Easley, SC metro area $27,039 more than 90 percent
669 Kershaw County, SC metro area $26,527 more than 90 percent
670 Laurens County, SC metro area $23,982 more than 90 percent
671 Myrtle Beach/North Myrtle Beach/Conway, SC metro area $30,194 more than 90 percent
672 Rural South Carolina $28,423 more than 90 percent
673 Rural South Carolina $28,423 more than 90 percent
674 Rural South Carolina $28,423 85.43%
675 Rural South Carolina $28,423 more than 90 percent
676 Spartanburg, SC metro area $25,242 85.90%
677 Spartanburg, SC metro area $25,242 more than 90 percent
678 Sumter, SC metro area $28,625 more than 90 percent
679 Meade County, SD metro area $26,142 more than 90 percent
680 Rapid City, SD metro area $26,172 more than 90 percent
681 Rapid City, SD metro area $26,172 more than 90 percent
682 Rural South Dakota $26,554 more than 90 percent
683 Rural South Dakota $26,554 more than 90 percent
684 Rural South Dakota $26,554 more than 90 percent
685 Sioux City, SD metro area $25,429 more than 90 percent
686 Sioux Falls, SD metro area $26,677 more than 90 percent
687 Chattanooga, TN metro area $24,054 89.14%
688 Clarksville, TN metro area $25,258 more than 90 percent
689 Cleveland, TN metro area $23,618 more than 90 percent
690 Hickman County, TN metro area $25,531 77.93%
691 Jackson, TN metro area $23,182 82.68%
692 Jackson, TN metro area $23,182 more than 90 percent
693 Johnson City, TN metro area $23,634 more than 90 percent
694 Kingsport/Bristol, TN metro area $23,612 more than 90 percent
695 Knoxville, TN metro area $24,964 more than 90 percent
696 Knoxville, TN metro area $24,964 more than 90 percent
697 Knoxville, TN metro area $24,964 more than 90 percent
698 Knoxville, TN metro area $24,964 82.16%
699 Macon County, TN metro area $24,432 75.78%
700 Memphis, TN metro area $26,774 89.44%
701 Morristown, TN metro area $23,458 79.75%
702 Nashville/Davidson/Murfreesboro/Franklin, TN metro area $27,597 86.58%
703 Nashville/Davidson/Murfreesboro/Franklin, TN metro area $27,597 81.97%
704 Rural Tennessee $24,444 more than 90 percent
705 Rural Tennessee $24,444 more than 90 percent
706 Rural Tennessee $24,444 82.05%
707 Rural Tennessee $24,444 more than 90 percent
708 Smith County, TN metro area $24,388 75.70%
709 Stewart County, TN metro area $23,887 more than 90 percent
710 Abilene, TX metro area $25,480 more than 90 percent
711 Amarillo, TX metro area $24,475 more than 90 percent
712 Amarillo, TX metro area $24,475 more than 90 percent
713 Aransas County, TX metro area $25,452 88.42%
714 Atascosa County, TX metro area $24,920 85.80%
715 Austin County, TX metro area $26,245 more than 90 percent
716 Austin/Round Rock/San Marcos, TX metro area $29,904 89.82%
717 Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX metro area $26,206 more than 90 percent
718 Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX metro area $26,206 more than 90 percent
719 Brazoria County, TX metro area $28,620 more than 90 percent
720 Brownsville/Harlingen, TX metro area $24,120 more than 90 percent
721 Calhoun County, TX metro area $27,345 more than 90 percent
722 College Station/Bryan, TX metro area $29,553 more than 90 percent
723 Corpus Christi, TX metro area $26,554 more than 90 percent
724 Dallas, TX metro area $27,617 87.46%
725 Dallas, TX metro area $27,617 more than 90 percent
726 El Paso, TX metro area $26,413 more than 90 percent
727 El Paso, TX metro area $26,413 76.52%
728 Fort Worth/Arlington, TX metro area $28,388 more than 90 percent
729 Houston/Baytown/Sugar Land, TX metro area $27,803 more than 90 percent
730 Kendall County, TX metro area $27,622 more than 90 percent
731 Killeen/Temple/Fort Hood, TX metro area $26,136 more than 90 percent
732 Lampasas County, TX metro area $25,913 more than 90 percent
733 Laredo, TX metro area $26,819 more than 90 percent
734 Longview, TX metro area $28,362 more than 90 percent
735 Lubbock, TX metro area $25,657 more than 90 percent
736 Lubbock, TX metro area $25,657 more than 90 percent
737 McAllen/Edinburg/Mission, TX metro area $23,838 more than 90 percent
738 Medina County, TX metro area $26,019 89.78%
739 Midland, TX metro area $26,339 more than 90 percent
740 Midland, TX metro area $26,339 89.17%
741 Odessa, TX metro area $28,596 more than 90 percent
742 Rural Texas $26,235 more than 90 percent
743 Rural Texas $26,235 more than 90 percent
744 Rural Texas $26,235 more than 90 percent
745 Rural Texas $26,235 more than 90 percent
746 Rural Texas $26,235 more than 90 percent
747 Rural Texas $26,235 76.20%
748 Rusk County, TX metro area $25,222 more than 90 percent
749 San Angelo, TX metro area $24,576 more than 90 percent
750 San Antonio/New Braunfels, TX metro area $26,416 more than 90 percent
751 Sherman/Denison, TX metro area $25,427 more than 90 percent
752 Texarkana, TX metro area $23,782 more than 90 percent
753 Tyler, TX metro area $27,949 more than 90 percent
754 Victoria, TX metro area $26,145 more than 90 percent
755 Waco, TX metro area $24,683 more than 90 percent
756 Waco, TX metro area $24,683 more than 90 percent
757 Wichita Falls, TX metro area $23,882 more than 90 percent
758 Wise County, TX metro area $24,923 more than 90 percent
759 Logan, UT metro area $27,472 more than 90 percent
760 Ogden/Clearfield, UT metro area $25,986 more than 90 percent
761 Ogden/Clearfield, UT metro area $25,986 more than 90 percent
762 Provo/Orem, UT metro area $26,215 more than 90 percent
763 Rural Utah $27,816 more than 90 percent
764 Rural Utah $27,816 more than 90 percent
765 Rural Utah $27,816 more than 90 percent
766 Rural Utah $27,816 85.91%
767 Salt Lake City, UT metro area $28,544 80.57%
768 St. George, UT metro area $26,283 more than 90 percent
769 Summit County, UT metro area $30,684 85.90%
770 Tooele County, UT metro area $27,273 77.40%
771 Blacksburg/Christiansburg/Radford, VA metro area $27,437 87.45%
772 Blacksburg/Christiansburg/Radford, VA metro area $27,437 more than 90 percent
773 Charlottesville, VA metro area $29,921 88.39%
774 Charlottesville, VA metro area $29,921 more than 90 percent
775 Danville, VA metro area $24,248 more than 90 percent
776 Franklin County, VA metro area $25,314 86.35%
777 Giles County, VA metro area $28,168 89.80%
778 Harrisonburg, VA metro area $28,353 more than 90 percent
779 Bristol, VA metro area $25,317 more than 90 percent
780 Louisa County, VA metro area $29,833 more than 90 percent
781 Lynchburg, VA metro area $27,056 more than 90 percent
782 Pulaski County, VA metro area $28,849 more than 90 percent
783 Richmond, VA metro area $33,289 more than 90 percent
784 Roanoke, VA metro area $27,273 more than 90 percent
785 Rural Virginia $28,610 more than 90 percent
786 Rural Virginia $28,610 85.36%
787 Rural Virginia $28,610 more than 90 percent
788 Rural Virginia $28,610 more than 90 percent
789 Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Newport News, VA metro area $36,671 more than 90 percent
790 Warren County, VA metro area $32,981 85.67%
791 Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC $42,815 more than 90 percent
792 Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC $42,815 more than 90 percent
793 Winchester, VA metro area $28,478 more than 90 percent
794 Burlington/South Burlington, VT metro area $38,039 more than 90 percent
795 Burlington/South Burlington, VT metro area $38,039 more than 90 percent
796 Rural Vermont $32,574 more than 90 percent
797 Rural Vermont $32,574 86.68%
798 Rural Vermont $32,574 more than 90 percent
799 Bellingham, WA metro area $27,611 more than 90 percent
800 Bremerton/Silverdale, WA metro area $27,782 85.58%
801 Kennewick/Pasco/Richland, WA metro area $26,558 82.68%
802 Asotin County $25,434 more than 90 percent
803 Longview, WA metro area $24,404 73.68%
804 Mount Vernon/Anacortes, WA metro area $28,379 more than 90 percent
805 Olympia, WA metro area $30,854 more than 90 percent
806 Portland/Vancouver/Hillsboro, WA metro area $30,141 88.69%
807 Rural Washington $26,752
808 Rural Washington $26,752
809 Rural Washington $26,752 88.67%
810 Rural Washington $26,752 more than 90 percent
811 Seattle/Bellevue, WA metro area $32,122 85.13%
812 Spokane, WA metro area $24,913
813 Spokane, WA metro area $24,913 87.42%
814 Tacoma, WA metro area $29,224 86.58%
815 Wenatchee/East Wenatchee, WA metro area $25,508 61.57%
816 Yakima, WA metro area $25,178
817 Appleton, WI metro area $24,218 77.46%
818 Columbia County, WI metro area $26,006 71.52%
819 Douglas County $27,854 more than 90 percent
820 Eau Claire, WI metro area $27,112 more than 90 percent
821 Fond du Lac, WI metro area $24,425 83.92%
822 Green Bay, WI metro area $25,024 75.41%
823 Iowa County, WI metro area $28,580 78.99%
824 Janesville, WI metro area $25,778 87.14%
825 Kenosha County, WI metro area $30,930 more than 90 percent
826 La Crosse, WI metro area $25,126 more than 90 percent
827 Madison, WI metro area $29,422 80.73%
828 Madison, WI metro area $29,422 more than 90 percent
829 Milwaukee/Waukesha/West Allis, WI metro area $28,099 87.68%
830 Oconto County, WI metro area $27,424 83.32%
831 Oshkosh/Neenah, WI metro area $25,734 more than 90 percent
832 Racine, WI metro area $28,016 82.10%
833 Rural Wisconsin $27,645 more than 90 percent
834 Rural Wisconsin $27,645 82.72%
835 Rural Wisconsin $27,645 88.39%
836 Rural Wisconsin $27,645 88.31%
837 Rural Wisconsin $27,645 more than 90 percent
838 Sheboygan, WI metro area $26,264 more than 90 percent
839 Wausau, WI metro area $26,532 more than 90 percent
840 Boone County, WV metro area $27,073 more than 90 percent
841 Charleston, WV metro area $28,331 more than 90 percent
842 Mineral County $27,209 78.46%
843 Huntington, WV metro area $23,893 more than 90 percent
844 Huntington, WV metro area $23,893 more than 90 percent
845 Jefferson County, WV metro area $29,609 77.93%
846 Martinsburg, WV metro area $26,282 86.76%
847 Morgantown, WV metro area $29,334 more than 90 percent
848 Parkersburg/Vienna, WV metro area $25,436 more than 90 percent
849 Rural West Virginia $27,774 more than 90 percent
850 Rural West Virginia $27,774 more than 90 percent
851 Steubenville/Weirton, WV metro area $25,158 more than 90 percent
852 Wheeling, WV metro area $25,931 more than 90 percent
853 Winchester, WV metro area $29,831 more than 90 percent
854 Casper, WY metro area $27,725 87.38%
855 Cheyenne, WY metro area $27,945 more than 90 percent
856 Rural Wyoming $30,553 88.69%
857 Rural Wyoming $30,553 more than 90 percent
858 Rural Wyoming $30,553 more than 90 percent
859 Rural Wyoming $30,553 73.69%

Note: Budgets are the amount required for one person to secure a modest yet adequate standard of living in his or her community. The OES earnings data provide wages for substate areas at several points in the wage distribution: the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles. To calculate the percent of the worker wage distribution that falls below the local one-person family budget, we linearly interpolate between the two values surrounding the appropriate family budget threshold. For family budget thresholds that lie above the 90th percentile of the wage distribution, we cannot reasonably estimate without stronger distribution assumption. Therefore, we simply characterize those areas as ones where at least 90 percent of workers have earnings below their local family budget threshold, or less than 10 percent are above. Gray areas denote locales for which earnings data are unavailable.

Source: EPI analysis of EPI Family Budget Calculator (Gould, Cooke, and Kimball 2015) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics (OES)

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The extent to which preschool workers can meet their local one-person budget threshold varies greatly across the country, as depicted in Figure C. The share of these workers who cannot afford a modest yet adequate living standard ranges from less than 10 percent in places such as parts of rural Kentucky, Tennessee, or Texas to more than 90 percent in places such as Boston; Olympia, Washington; and Idaho Falls, Idaho.

Figure D illustrates that other child care workers have a much harder time making ends meet. Only in Worcester, Massachusetts, and parts of rural Nevada can more than half of these workers afford a modest yet adequate standard of living.5 In the majority of metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas across the country, more than 90 percent of non-preschool child care workers cannot meet their local one-person budget threshold. Clearly, preschool and other child care workers would have even greater difficulty making ends meet if they were responsible for supporting others in addition to themselves.

Can child care workers afford child care?

Among families with children, child care costs account for a significant portion of family budgets. This burden is especially heavy for child care workers, who earn considerably less than workers in other occupations. This section examines the share of preschool and other child care workers’ median earnings that would be needed to pay for center-based infant and 4-year-old care for their own children. Figures E and F compare preschool worker wages to infant and 4-year-old care costs, respectively, on a statewide basis. Figures G and H do the same for other child care workers’ typical wages.6

Figures E and F

Share of median preschool worker earnings required to pay for center-based child care

State Annual median wage Annual infant care cost Infant care as a share of annual median wage Annual 4-year-old care cost 4-year-old care as a share of annual median wage
Alabama $25,700 $5,664 22.0% $5,993 23.3%
Alaska $35,260 $10,497 29.8% $8,458 24.0%
Arizona $22,570 $9,359 41.5% $7,489 33.2%
Arkansas $26,440 $6,058 22.9% $5,048 19.1%
California $31,190 $11,873 38.1% $8,270 26.5%
Colorado $28,740 $13,420 46.7% $10,079 35.1%
Connecticut $30,500 $13,520 44.3% $11,238 36.8%
Delaware $23,280 $9,249 39.7% $7,360 31.6%
Washington D.C. $34,070 $22,411 65.8% $17,669 51.9%
Florida $23,580 $8,553 36.3% $6,787 28.8%
Georgia $28,920 $7,173 24.8% $6,072 21.0%
Hawaii $30,920 $11,996 38.8% $9,003 29.1%
Idaho $22,590 $6,620 29.3% $6,514 28.8%
Illinois $27,380 $12,833 46.9% $9,496 34.7%
Indiana $24,030 $8,456 35.2% $6,584 27.4%
Iowa $24,100 $9,379 38.9% $8,071 33.5%
Kansas $26,590 $11,014 41.4% $7,776 29.2%
Kentucky $36,960 $6,325 17.1% $6,097 16.5%
Louisiana $34,390 $5,774 16.8% $4,985 14.5%
Maine $27,750 $9,557 34.4% $8,495 30.6%
Maryland $28,330 $14,190 50.1% $9,690 34.2%
Massachusetts $32,430 $16,898 52.1% $12,580 38.8%
Michigan $27,520 $9,929 36.1% $8,124 29.5%
Minnesota $32,770 $14,288 43.6% $11,040 33.7%
Mississippi $23,400 $5,612 24.0% $4,901 20.9%
Missouri $23,640 $8,920 37.7% $6,202 26.2%
Montana $24,640 $9,045 36.7% $7,970 32.3%
Nebraska $28,330 $9,292 32.8% $7,964 28.1%
Nevada $22,850 $10,308 45.1% $8,381 36.7%
New Hampshire $26,980 $12,152 45.0% $9,826 36.4%
New Jersey $32,400 $11,777 36.3% $9,747 30.1%
New Mexico $26,070 $7,682 29.5% $7,013 26.9%
New York $34,000 $14,814 43.6% $12,539 36.9%
North Carolina $24,160 $9,299 38.5% $7,628 31.6%
North Dakota $29,930 $8,037 26.9% $7,298 24.4%
Ohio $23,420 $7,935 33.9% $6,624 28.3%
Oklahoma $29,400 $7,904 26.9% $5,882 20.0%
Oregon $26,370 $11,312 42.9% $8,797 33.4%
Pennsylvania $24,810 $10,691 43.1% $8,911 35.9%
Rhode Island $29,980 $12,929 43.1% $10,619 35.4%
South Carolina $21,910 $6,506 29.7% $5,499 25.1%
South Dakota $28,680 $5,688 19.8% $5,431 18.9%
Tennessee $23,770 $5,980 25.2% $4,610 19.4%
Texas $31,800 $8,801 27.7% $6,783 21.3%
Utah $22,300 $8,222 36.9% $6,237 28.0%
Vermont $28,670 $10,316 36.0% $10,280 35.9%
Virginia $31,780 $10,239 32.2% $7,858 24.7%
Washington $27,420 $12,592 45.9% $9,502 34.7%
West Virginia $26,950 $7,964 29.6% $6,902 25.6%
Wisconsin $23,530 $11,581 49.2% $9,498 40.4%
Wyoming $26,200 $9,428 36.0% $8,081 30.8%

Source: EPI analysis of EPI Family Budget Calculator (Gould, Cooke, and Kimball 2015) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics (OES)

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The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ official affordability threshold for child care costs is 10 percent or less of a family’s income (Office of the President 2014). Typical preschool workers’ wages are not sufficient to meet that affordability standard anywhere. The share of their earnings going to center-based infant care ranges from 17 percent in Louisiana to 66 percent in D.C., as shown in Figure E. In 32 states and D.C., it takes more than one-third of total earnings to cover infant care costs. That means that a preschool worker’s entire pay in those states from January through at least April would be consumed by infant care costs.

Four-year-old care is slightly less expensive than infant care, primarily because of the lower teacher-to-child ratios. The National Association for the Education of Young Children recommends a 1:4 staffing ratio for infants, compared with a 1:10 ratio for 4-year-olds (CCAA 2013). Even so, when it comes to 4-year-old care, in no state are typical preschool or other child care workers’ earnings sufficient to meet the HHS 10 percent affordability standard. Child care costs range from 14 percent of total earnings in Louisiana to 52 percent of earnings in D.C., as shown in Figure F. A preschool teacher in D.C. would have to devote half her annual earnings to 4-year-old care.

Figures G and H

Share of median earnings of other child care workers required to pay for center-based child care

State Annual median wage Annual infant care cost Infant care as a share of annual median wage Annual 4-year-old care cost 4-year-old care as a share of annual median wage
Alabama $17,990 $5,663.92 31.5% $5,992.71 33.3%
Alaska $24,090 $10,496.69 43.6% $8,457.60 35.1%
Arizona $19,020 $9,359.21 49.2% $7,488.59 39.4%
Arkansas $17,940 $6,058.06 33.8% $5,048.21 28.1%
California $23,090 $11,873.11 51.4% $8,269.72 35.8%
Colorado $22,970 $13,420.04 58.4% $10,079.07 43.9%
Connecticut $21,840 $13,520.11 61.9% $11,237.99 51.5%
Delaware $20,210 $9,248.93 45.8% $7,359.94 36.4%
Washington D.C. $24,990 $22,410.64 89.7% $17,668.75 70.7%
Florida $19,230 $8,552.56 44.5% $6,787.11 35.3%
Georgia $18,910 $7,173.08 37.9% $6,072.36 32.1%
Hawaii $18,230 $11,995.64 65.8% $9,002.85 49.4%
Idaho $17,950 $6,619.65 36.9% $6,514.48 36.3%
Illinois $21,820 $12,832.92 58.8% $9,496.03 43.5%
Indiana $19,040 $8,455.55 44.4% $6,583.92 34.6%
Iowa $18,260 $9,378.61 51.4% $8,070.61 44.2%
Kansas $18,860 $11,014.38 58.4% $7,775.52 41.2%
Kentucky $18,660 $6,324.56 33.9% $6,096.86 32.7%
Louisiana $18,190 $5,774.20 31.7% $4,984.91 27.4%
Maine $20,660 $9,557.30 46.3% $8,495.38 41.1%
Maryland $20,500 $14,189.93 69.2% $9,690.04 47.3%
Massachusetts $25,050 $16,897.84 67.5% $12,579.69 50.2%
Michigan $19,640 $9,928.97 50.6% $8,123.70 41.4%
Minnesota $22,200 $14,287.96 64.4% $11,039.91 49.7%
Mississippi $17,970 $5,611.85 31.2% $4,901.18 27.3%
Missouri $18,580 $8,920.15 48.0% $6,202.03 33.4%
Montana $19,070 $9,044.72 47.4% $7,969.52 41.8%
Nebraska $18,790 $9,291.82 49.5% $7,964.42 42.4%
Nevada $19,670 $10,307.79 52.4% $8,381.02 42.6%
New Hampshire $21,310 $12,151.86 57.0% $9,825.84 46.1%
New Jersey $21,510 $11,777.12 54.8% $9,747.22 45.3%
New Mexico $18,330 $7,681.58 41.9% $7,012.77 38.3%
New York $25,100 $14,813.81 59.0% $12,538.85 50.0%
North Carolina $19,430 $9,298.97 47.9% $7,628.48 39.3%
North Dakota $18,780 $8,036.91 42.8% $7,297.65 38.9%
Ohio $19,500 $7,934.80 40.7% $6,623.74 34.0%
Oklahoma $18,580 $7,904.17 42.5% $5,882.44 31.7%
Oregon $20,850 $11,311.51 54.3% $8,796.59 42.2%
Pennsylvania $19,220 $10,690.70 55.6% $8,910.96 46.4%
Rhode Island $20,300 $12,928.90 63.7% $10,619.22 52.3%
South Carolina $17,950 $6,506.31 36.2% $5,498.51 30.6%
South Dakota $18,580 $5,688.43 30.6% $5,431.12 29.2%
Tennessee $18,530 $5,980.46 32.3% $4,610.17 24.9%
Texas $18,730 $8,800.68 47.0% $6,783.03 36.2%
Utah $19,540 $8,221.73 42.1% $6,236.75 31.9%
Vermont $23,050 $10,315.96 44.8% $10,280.22 44.6%
Virginia $19,030 $10,239.38 53.8% $7,858.22 41.3%
Washington $22,130 $12,591.95 56.9% $9,502.16 42.9%
West Virginia $18,180 $7,964.42 43.8% $6,902.49 38.0%
Wisconsin $20,100 $11,581.08 57.6% $9,498.08 47.3%
Wyoming $20,690 $9,427.62 45.6% $8,080.82 39.1%

Source: EPI analysis of EPI Family Budget Calculator (Gould, Cooke, and Kimball 2015) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics (OES)

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Child care is even more out of reach for other child care workers. To pay for center-based infant care, these workers in 21 states and the District of Columbia would have to set aside over half of their annual earnings, as illustrated in Figure G. In all but five states, these workers need to spend more than one-third of their earnings on infant care. Four-year-old care is slightly more affordable, but in every state the cost of this care is equal to or exceeds one-fourth of these workers’ typical earnings, as depicted in Figure H.

Of course, many preschool and other child care workers cannot afford to spend a quarter or a third of their earnings on child care when they also have to put a roof over their head and feed their families. Many rely on informal or family care to meet their child care needs. And some rely on resources other than wages to make ends meet. Nearly half (46 percent) of child care workers are in families that rely on one or more public support program each year, compared with 25 percent of the overall workforce (Whitebook, Phillips, and Howes 2014).7 However, only one-quarter of child care workers with hourly wages of at least $15.00 participated in a public support program.


This paper has detailed that child care workers receive compensation so low that many are unable to make ends meet. At the same time, it has been well documented that the cost of high-quality child care puts it out of reach of many workers and their families (Gould and Cooke 2015). It is abundantly clear that the unaffordability of child care is not driven by excessively lavish pay in the sector.

As society looks for ways to make child care more affordable for American families, it is crucial to keep in mind that in the child care sector—unlike in other sectors—it is impossible to improve productivity (and hence decrease costs) without lowering quality. For example, increasing the ratio of children to the workers who care for them would register as a productivity improvement in a narrow-minded accounting framework, but boosting this ratio would conflict with the desire to provide high-quality care. Simply put, high-quality, dependable child care is not an inexpensive proposition, and this is especially true if we care about the quality of the child care workforce and their economic security. Yet this high-quality care is something every child and family in the United States deserves.

Policies to solve the dual problem of low child care worker pay and issues of access and affordability, while ensuring high-quality care, should be considered at all levels of government. Possible solutions should be at the scale of the problem, and can include strategies such as more-widely-available income-based subsidies or the public provision of high-quality child care. Such solutions would ensure that high-quality child care is widely accessible, and would provide the resources to raise wages and improve job quality for the nation’s child care workers.

— This paper would not be possible without the outstanding research assistance in a multitude of areas provided by Tanyell Cooke and Will Kimball. The author also thanks EPI editor Michael McCarthy for his tireless quality control efforts and Chris Frazier for his map creation skills. The author would also like to acknowledge Dan Essrow for his acute skill at encouraging the display of understandable facts and Heidi Shierholz for the example set by her paper on in-home workers.

About the author

Elise Gould, senior economist, joined EPI in 2003 and is the institute’s director of health policy research. Her research areas include wages, poverty, economic mobility, and health care. She is a co-author of The State of Working America, 12th Edition. In the past, she has authored a chapter on health in The State of Working America 2008/09; co-authored a book on health insurance coverage in retirement; published in venues such as The Chronicle of Higher EducationChallenge Magazine, and Tax Notes; and written for academic journals including Health EconomicsHealth Affairs, Journal of Aging and Social Policy, Risk Management & Insurance Review, Environmental Health Perspectives, and International Journal of Health Services. She holds a master’s in public affairs from the University of Texas at Austin and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.


1. Child care workers in the Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group (CPS ORG) and CPS Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC) are defined using occupation and industry classification systems. Child care workers include two major occupations: “child care workers” and “preschool and kindergarten teachers.” In an attempt to retain only preschool workers from the latter occupational category, we eliminate those in the “preschool and kindergarten teachers” occupation who are also in the “elementary and secondary schools” industry. Admittedly, this is an imperfect match, as some preschool workers are found in that industry and some kindergarten teachers are found in other industries that we retain. The distinction between preschool workers and child care workers is often without merit, and the goal of this paper is to characterize and assess the adequacy of earnings among the broad category of workers who care for young children.

To ensure adequate sample sizes for demographic characterization and wage analysis, we combine three years of data in the CPS ORG, merging 2012 through 2014 data years. In the resulting sample of 4,740 workers, every demographic subgroup retains at least 150 workers. The weighted sample contains 73 percent of workers from the “child care workers” occupation with the remaining 27 percent from the “preschool and kindergarten teacher” occupations outside of the elementary and secondary schools industry.

2. Shierholz (2013) uses the Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement.

3. Using data merged from 2011 through 2014 to achieve reliable sample sizes, hourly wages are reported at the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles of the wage distribution. We match our 618 family budget areas with the 625 OES data areas using county-level coding. In some cases—for instance, the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area—EPI has three distinct family budgets for the D.C., Maryland, and Virginia components of the metro area, while the OES data has one. Conversely, for example, there are four distinct rural area wage measures for rural Ohio, whereas EPI has only one family budget for rural Ohio. We keep as much disaggregated data for either the wage or budget side as possible, which add to 859 areas of comparison. There are a few instances of missing wage data: 10 local areas are without corresponding data for child care workers, and 25 local areas are without corresponding data for preschool workers (these areas are shown in light grey on the maps).

4. The OES data provided wages for substate areas at several points in the wage distribution: the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles. To calculate the percent of the worker wage distribution that falls below the local one-person family budget, we linearly interpolate between the two values surrounding the appropriate family budget threshold. For example, in the Anchorage, Alaska, metro area, the one-person family budget threshold of $33,015 lies between the 25th and 50th percentile of the wage distribution, which are represented by $30,070 and $35,260, respectively. Our linear interpolation between these points suggests an estimate of 39 percent of workers fall below. That is, 61 percent of workers have wages above the family budget threshold. For family budget thresholds that lie above the 90th percentile of the wage distribution, we cannot reasonably estimate without stronger distribution assumption. Therefore, we simply characterize those areas as ones where at least 90 percent of workers have earnings below their local family budget threshold or less than 10 percent are above.

5. In Worcester, Massachusetts, 47 percent cannot afford their one-person family budget; in rural Nevada, 48 percent cannot.

6. In EPI’s family budgets, child care costs are statewide averages (CCAA 2014). To compare at a similar level of aggregation, we use OES state-level occupational wage data.

7. These programs include the federal Earned Income Tax Credit, Medicaid, SNAP (food stamps), and TANF.


Brandon, Richard, Margaret Burchinal, Fran Kipnis, Robert Weber, Marcy Whitebrook, and Martha Zaslow. 2014. Proposed Revisions to the Definitions for Early Childhood Workforce in the Standard Occupational Classification. White paper commissioned by the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Bureau of Labor Statistics (U.S. Department of Labor). Various years. Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) tables.

Child Care Aware of America (CCAA). 2013. We Can Do Better: Child Care Aware of America’s Ranking of State Child Care Center Regulations and Oversight, 2013 Update.

Child Care Aware of America (CCAA). 2014. Parents and the High Cost of Child Care: 2014 Report.

Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement microdata. Various years. Survey conducted by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics [machine-readable microdata file]. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Census Bureau.

Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata. Various years. Survey con­ducted by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics [machine-readable microdata file]. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Census Bureau.

Gould, Elise, and Tanyell Cooke. 2015. High Quality Child Care Is Out of Reach for Working Families. Economic Policy Institute, Issue Brief #404.

Gould, Elise, Tanyell Cooke, and Will Kimball. 2015. “Family Budget Calculator.” Economic Policy Institute.

Gould, Elise, Tanyell Cooke, Alyssa Davis, and Will Kimball. 2015. Economic Policy Institute 2015 Family Budget Calculator: Technical Documentation. Economic Policy Institute, Working Paper No. 299.

Mishel, Lawrence, Josh Bivens, Elise Gould, and Heidi Shierholz. 2012. The State of Working America, 12th Edition. An Economic Policy Institute book. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.

National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE). 2013. Number and Characteristics of Early Care and Education (ECE) Teachers and Caregivers: Initial Findings from the National Survey of Early Care and Education.

Office of the President. 2014. The Economics of Early Childhood Investments.

Shierholz, Heidi. 2013. Low Wages and Scant Benefits Leave Many In-Home Workers Unable to Make Ends Meet. Economic Policy Institute, Briefing Paper No. 369.

Whitebook, Marcy, Deborah Phillips, and Carollee Howes. 2014. Worthy Work, STILL Unlivable Wages: The Early Childhood Workforce 25Years after the National Child Care Staffing Study. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, University of California, Berkeley.


See related work on Wages, Incomes, and Wealth

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